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boom like that

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  1. boom like that liked a post in a topic by OverYourHead in Instagram Updates   
    Fucking hell are people really rallying on about her being a racist? Fuck, she said the women she mentioned haven’t been scrutinised for making songs about sex and she gets it in the ear every time she mentions it, no one said anything about race, stop clutching at straws that aren’t there, it’s so fucking damaging putting that shit out there when it’s not there to begin with and it takes away from the severity of real racist acts
  2. boom like that liked a post in a topic by Divisive Princess in Instagram Updates   
    The more I read on Twitter, the more it seems like most of the hate is coming from people that already hated her and are using this as in excuse to go all in. She'll be fine. 
  3. boom like that liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in Instagram Updates   
    We all know she doesn't mean what the gp thinks she means
    Queen of Good Intentions and Poor Execution
  4. boom like that liked a post in a topic by Dominikx4 in Instagram Updates   
    why is everyone mad at the namedropping when it is so very obvious lana loves these gals and their music and shes only dropping the names to point out the hypocrisy
    nowhere in her post does she say they shouldnt go #1 or whatever, yall are doing the most
  5. boom like that liked a post in a topic by Thunder Revenant in Instagram Updates   
    So why eggcactly are we offended about her statement this time around?
    I think she has a point or two, no matter if one sees things the way she does. Critics praise female artists with the most braindead self-objectifying lyrics as strong and feminist while Lana had to take shit every time she sang a classic Hollywood-esque damsel-in-distress song. Billie, Adele & co are celebrated for sad emotional dongs while Lanz gets debunked as a pretentious emo.
    Lana often does not think when she speaks up and lately her white-rich-priviledge showed mire often than not but this statement is actually pretty on point, whether you fully agree with her or not.
    The only thing that upsets me is that the release date is most likely as fake as the poetry book release
  6. boom like that liked a post in a topic by hornymoon in Instagram Updates   
    I do agree she shouldn't have named women like Nicki (who received/receives intense hate and scrutiny for being sexually unapologetic and much like a pararell to lana was not taken seriously in music and the rap world for having theatric persona and having to dial it back to be taken seriously despite being one of the most talented female mcs in the game)
    but she said what she said.. lana is just telling her story with no filter no carefully thought out words no pr machine behind her... i dont believe there was any malicious intent to be racist and bring down women of colour i think she admires these women and use them as references because she probably personally knows them but this is just my two cents as a poc
  7. boom like that liked a post in a topic by AKASAKA SAWAYAMA in Instagram Updates   
    omg people are SO stupid and have no comprehension skills, like did not your teachers teach you in the 5th grade? like?? HELLO??
  8. boom like that liked a post in a topic by Dark Angel in Instagram Updates   
    if you think anything she said was racist, you totally missed the point. i do agree that namedropping them was not the smartest move, but she didn't mean in a negative or critical way, she named a few female artists who have been successful in their musical careers, and why she should be able to sing about whatever she wants to sing about without scrutiny, nothing more, nothing less. 
    wait about a week or two and mostly everyone will forget about this and move onto the next controversy, cancel culture is so toxic and majority of the time it never does anything. 
    anyways i'm so happy that lana is taking her power back. she should be able to sing about whatever she wants, it's her art, and she shouldn't have to feel afraid to do so. 
  9. boom like that liked a post in a topic by Mind Melt in Instagram Updates   
    this situation is low key funny to me
    the letter definitely has a couple of issues that have been outlined in here already but seeing people fly off the handle at her because they misunderstood the opening line is just...
  10. boom like that liked a post in a topic by Divisive Princess in Instagram Updates   
    Also, I hate that everyone is trying to undermine Lana's experience. Maybe they weren't around for the early days, but everything she said is so true. The amount of criticism she got for having lip fillers and singing about her pussy.. If all of that had happened in recent years, it would be a much different story and people would probably be eating it up. And I think that's her entire point.
  11. boom like that liked a post in a topic by hornymoon in Instagram Updates   
    The fact that NFR got so much high praise and nods to by critics and the media while being one of her most removed from 'ldr persona' where she put her femininity on the back burner tells you enough and shows the double standard she gets judged by, for example people like Anthony fantono not taking works like UV seriously (which has some of most gorgeous production and wordplay imo) because of the way she's presented herself back then
  12. boom like that liked a post in a topic by hornymoon in Instagram Updates   
    yall she said what she fucking said... criticize her for not being elegant and careful with what she wrote but everything she said is absolutely valid!
    Y'all can police her words but this is the raw unfiltered lana yall been begging for, she said alot of ppl will be scared and she'll NAME them too hssdjdj but seriously all these alt/pop girls came from her fucking artistic womb..like the cultural impact and reset this woman caused with the amount of hate and gate keeping she got from those first 2 records from music critics and feminists and even other artists like Lorde
    with all these other women in music who haved benefitted and used lana as a source of inspiration (camilla, hasley, billie, Kali etc) who can express their sexuality and femininity or angst while getting accolades and praise from the media while she was shunned for it..shit im fucking mad for her too y'all srry im heated
  13. boom like that liked a post in a topic by TrashMagiq in Instagram Updates   
    if history repeats itself she should be dropping 2 songs soon to distract from the drama
  14. boom like that liked a post in a topic by Elle in Instagram Updates   
    I really should be going back into hiding now, but I wanted to note on this real quick bc I've been wanting to make a big post about this for awhile, but didn't know if it would be too personal/intrusive to do so.
    I think Lana started attending AA again in 2018/2019 and I think that's where she actually met her new group of girl friends.
    I first started thinking this because many of her new girl friends in her little squad have made posts on their instagrams regarding their "sober birthdays" and congratulating their friends for their sober milestones as well. I have a few screenshots of these instances, but again, held off on posting anything because I wasn't sure if it was something that should be talked about on here.
    Anyway, I think she met these girls from her meetings, and that Candace is probably her sponsor. (The older woman who Lana has posted having phone conversations with.)
    Furthermore, in her leaked Pitchfork 2017 interview, the interviewer made a reference to Alcoholics Anonymous in which Lana said she had "no comment." Lana also said she had "no comment" when the interviewer asked if she still drank.
    Also, a friend had told me that one of her friend's uber drivers mentioned meeting Lana in an AA. There's also a few tweets on twitter that talk about meeting Lana at AA. Of course that's all just hearsay.. and all of this is just my pure personal speculation, but it sort of adds up, especially with this book post.
    I know people have some negative opinions of her new lil girl gang, but I think they've been a positive influence on her, especially if she met them where I'm thinking she did. Good for Lana for continuing to always better herself and surrounding herself with people who have her best interest at heart. Always proud of her.
    Anyway, ttfn x
  15. boom like that liked a post in a topic by TrashMagiq in Instagram Updates   
    she made some points
  16. boom like that liked a post in a topic by WilshireBoulevard in Instagram Updates   
    So Stan twitter don't have any nuance. Who knew lol. There's no point in trying to defend her imo, people don't actually care about whether she meant it the way they say she did. They're just looking for a pile-on.
  17. boom like that liked a post in a topic by bummersummer in Instagram Updates   
    she said what she said. tbh if i were her i would just log tf out of social media for a whole week and let everyone battle it out among themselves while i kept picking flowers & eating ripe fruit & sunbathing.
    while there's def some ignorance re: the struggles of poc musicians throughout the decades in her casual naming dropping of some of those artists, it's disingenuous to read her first paragraph as racist; she basically just picked the most famous/successful female artists rn, most if not all also artists she's friendly with and/or a fan of. the entire point of her post is that women should be able to write & sing about whatever the fuck they want without being shamed for doing so, so turning that single paragraph into world wide stan wars™️ is pretty damn sad.
  18. boom like that liked a post in a topic by Vanilla Icy in Instagram Updates   
    people always side with azealia when lana says something controversial like azealia isn't a raging transphobe that also tears down literally every single woman in the music industry 
  19. boom like that liked a post in a topic by OverYourHead in Instagram Updates   
    If you think she was bashing the other female artists she listed then you need to learn the difference between judging and using someone else’s behaviour as an example, if you drag her for this post then you’re part of the problem with stifling female voices, she’s saying “look you hold these other artists up for singing lyrics I want to sing, but when I do I get judged and that’s not okay” you can tell she’s fed up of the scrutiny, give her a fucking break
  20. boom like that liked a post in a topic by nope in Instagram Updates   
    being misunderstood is so her brand.
  21. boom like that liked a post in a topic by WilshireBoulevard in Instagram Updates   
    I Def feel her and her frustration but namedropping mostly women of color wasn't a way to go about it. Twitter stans will get bored soon enough but no one's going to want to give her the benefit of the doubt after she dated a cop who's racially profiled black people on TV and called him "one of the good ones" lol. I'm just glad she probably won't see that and it'll fade into the background soon enough. I'm here for this Lana, the Lana that tells critics they crossed a line when they go too far (like w Ann Powers), the Lana who posted so openly on mother's day about how the day is difficult for her in so many ways. She's taking no prisoners.
  22. boom like that liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in Instagram Updates   
    Oh yeah, she's definitely going to take issue with Lanz name dropping Black women.
    Just add in some comments about Lana's appearance and Harvey Weinstein, and we might get Pull Up Anytime 2.0
  23. boom like that liked a post in a topic by drugsdesire in Instagram Updates   
    the post itself wasn’t meant to drag anyone BUT the critics. I must admit I do feel uncomfortable with the name dropping in the beginning but she does have a point (although she could’ve just not named anyone and still made the same point). I’m proud of her for sticking up for herself and I think that she deserves to write about what she wants. us as fans are always gonna support her and listen to what she has to say whether it’d be good or bad. she has helped so many people around the world with her music; the music that she herself made and wrote, unfiltered. yes, maybe it was uncalled for, the name dropping, but she did get her point across; if they can write about being sexy, wearing no clothes, fucking, cheating etc. she believes that she can do that too without having to put up with the critics that have been so harsh on her for the past 10 years. I completely support this statement and I am so so so excited for whats to come for her. she deserves the best
  24. boom like that liked a post in a topic by paradisetropico in Instagram Updates   
    of course people will continue to find a way to pick apart each word and sentence she used to justify that she is "anti feminist" and that she doesn't understand the "struggle"
    im done with the commenters who cannot decipher what she was evoking with her piece... she's never not been criticized for singing HER dang truth (whether it is SAD or HAPPY) 
    lana obviously loves those other female artists... stop trying to start shiz
  25. boom like that liked a post in a topic by WilshireBoulevard in LDR7 / White Hot Forever - Pre-Pre-Release Thread - OUT SEPTEMBER 5TH, 2020   
    I'm so so glad that this is basically a hit at the critics who started adoring her once she stopped singing about specific things and changed the narrative from "Lana gives another sad, pathetic album" to "Lana gives another masterpiece ". Come for their throats honestly
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