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  1. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by lola in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    In my honest opinion:
    I think Sirens is her most personal "album." It wasn't recorded with some famous producer she was also sleeping with and it wasn't recorded for the entire world to hear. It's raw Lizzy/May. AKA is good, but there are quite a few songs I can gladly skip and I also prefer the demos of those songs. Born to Die is too...I'm not sure how to phrase it. There's too much production in it or something. I mean, there's Lana, more singers, fucking orchestras etc. etc. It's a little too much for me and it's also too Pop for me. I love Lana's voice and I actually want to hear that not some autotune-shit.
    Carmen>Video Games>Born to Die>Blue Jeans>Summertime Sadness>Ride>National Anthem
    I have no fucking clue why everybody love the National Anthem video so much. I hate it.
  2. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by lola in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships   
    I’ve seen the world done it all, Had my cake, now. Diamonds, brilliant, And Bel Air, now.   she's toured the world, she's made money, can afford diamonds and live in l.a.. bel air is either what she calls hollywood or she's talking about heaven, maybe she's dying/dead while she's singing this? like right before she's supposed to go to heaven?   Hot summer nights, mid-July, When you and I were forever wild. The crazy days, city lights, The way you’d play with me like a child.   from american which is about barrie too imo   Will you still love me, When I’m no longer, Young and beautiful? Will you still love me. When I’ve got nothing, But my achin’ soul? I know you will, I know you will, I know that you will. Will you still love me, When I’m no longer beautiful?   lana being vain as fuck   I’ve seen the world, lit it up, As my stage, now. Channeling angels in, The new age, now.   touring, it sounds like she's closing a chapter, like all of that is in the past (again, is this future-her singing? since she isn't giving up music)   Hot summer days, rock and roll, The way you’d play for me at your show. And all the ways I got to know, Your pretty face and electric soul.   barrie's a musician, his band kassidy is opening for her, she called the guy from video games (mike) electric but she's also said that when she looks for a partner she looks for someone who makes her feel electric so this could also be barrie   Dear Lord, when I get to heaven, Please let me bring my man. When he comes, tell me that you’ll let him in, Father, tell me if you can.   this isn't anything deep imo, she's not talking about how he may not be able to get in, she's just making sure
  3. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by lola in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships   
    I'm pretty sure LYE is about Jimmy. Because of the alcoholism and the "I can never be what you wanted". Jimmy's girlfirned committed suicide in 2002 which really sent him into a depression, he didn't even make music anymore, maybe Lana was his rebound.
    I'm not sure about Velvet Crowbar, it does reference alcoholism but also "golden grill[z]" which doesn't fit Jimmy at all (maybe K?).
    I think BTTB is about Mike, we know she was with him during her trailer park era and the "wearing them ASICS and gold" line fits her style from some of the photos of the two. I think the "I can speak Spanish, you can sing for the neighbours, you've been pretty stupid ever since you got famous" line is from Mike's perspective. She is obviously a singer and she's famous now. She answers him with: "Uh-oh, uh-oh, wrong side of the tracks, boy. Uh-oh, uh-oh, if only we'd go back, boy"
  4. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by lola in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships   
    Million Dollar Man
    I think Pretty Baby is about Jimmy. I feel like she's mostly sung about ~violent love~ in songs about Jimmy.
    Moije Joue is just about seducing some guy imo.
    She's fucking delicious.
    Big Bad Wolf
  5. lili liked a post in a topic by lola in Minor General Questions that Don't Deserve Their Own Thread   
    oh ok
    "LANA DEL REY: "When I was young, I had a tree house and in order to get to the top of it, me and my sister had to climb up a satin Christmas ribbon. One day, on my way up the ribbon snapped and I fell 15 feet on to a fire pit. I broke my ribs and never told anyone except my mother. Last year I stopped into a Unitarian church and and a man came up to me out of the blue and told me he was a clairvoyant and that the reason why I had a shallow, breathy voice was because I had fallen out of a tree house 15 years ago. I still can't get over how strange it is that he knew that."" Source: http://style.mtv.com/2012/02/09/lana-del-rey-lovecat/
  6. Taco Truck x VB liked a post in a topic by lola in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships   
    haven't had a drink in seven years my ass
  7. mssainttropez liked a post in a topic by lola in Taylor Swift   
    is tswift a /b/tard? #conspiracytheory http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/08/05/taylor-swift-4chan-conspiracy_n_3709118.html

  8. bluejeanbaby liked a post in a topic by lola in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships   
    Pac fucked Lana? Pac didn't fuck Lana. He fucked Lana? Pac fucked Lana? He fucked Lana?

  9. sprkljumpropegangsta liked a post in a topic by lola in Misheard Lana Lyrics   
    i thought that's what she said 
  10. WhiteHydrangea liked a post in a topic by lola in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships   
    wow, have you seen this before? it' not fake, i made the screenshot just now.

  11. sprkljumpropegangsta liked a post in a topic by lola in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships   
    haven't had a drink in seven years my ass
  12. HawaiianTropic liked a post in a topic by lola in Oscar Saboteur Targets Lana Del Rey Song "Young and Beautiful"   
    it has already qualified, it's nominated for a nomination, you really don't have to worry about it being eligible
  13. colacoven liked a post in a topic by lola in LANA SLEUTHING   
    Yeah, I never understood that either. I've thought that they maybe wanted to keep her away from friends who may have had a bad influence on her (like in TIWMUG) but boarding school children aren't exactly known for their sobriety. And they probably wanted to keep other people from finding out. I think every child that's sent away by their parents will resent them for at least a while, I mean it's kind of like getting rid of them but they probably figured things out when she was older. Lana also doesn't seem to have the best relationship with her mother so maybe Pat suggested Lana go to boarding school?
  14. fl0r1dakil0s liked a post in a topic by lola in LANA SLEUTHING   
    "I also believe the reason she went away to school was for music" - the lie her parents told everyone or maybe she really didn't start drinking at 14?
  15. kitschesque liked a post in a topic by lola in LANA SLEUTHING   
    oh my, somebody should contact him in a rly non-creepy way. you know, tell him you heard the may jailer record and maybe ask him for the real tracklist and maybe ask about the recording process, lana/may herself or something. omgomg
  16. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by lola in LANA SLEUTHING   
    she chose the name because it "reminded her of the glamour of the seaside. it sounded gorgeous coming off the tip of the tongue" 
  17. HawaiianTropic liked a post in a topic by lola in LANA SLEUTHING   
    "Thata girl, Lizzy. "If He is sought.."
    Source: Alcoholics Anonymous Big Book Online, Chapter 5 (http://www.aa.org/bigbookonline/en_bigbook_chapt5.pdf)
    "He who wants a meeting of life and power should remember that there is no substitute for the Holy Ghost. He is life. He is power. And if He is sought in earnest, faithful prayer, He will come, and when He comes the little meeting will be mighty in its results." Source: http://www.worldinvisible.com/library/brengle/5f00.0056/5f00.0056.09.htm
    that phrase is definitely about seeking god through prayer to be helped. i think ag definitely has something to do with god even if it's not alcoholics anonymous. maybe it's about finding god
    "u are a gift! What a nice surprise to see you walk up tonight. You seem like you are in a good space these days."
    sounds like a self-help group to me
    sounds like ag is a group from nyc. maybe it's a sub group of aa that originated in nyc? she went to an aa meeting and met ag girls?
    this probably has no meaning but
    "In the traditional culture of the people of Edo of ' West Africa , the ' oba is both a king and a religious leader." (Source: http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oba_(cultura_edo))
    oba di translates to king/religious leader of
    this doesn't sound like a self-help group to me
    this is frustrating, all kinds of shit comes up when googling ag
  18. BeautifulAnywhere liked a post in a topic by lola in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships   
    Pac fucked Lana? Pac didn't fuck Lana. He fucked Lana? Pac fucked Lana? He fucked Lana?

  19. Ultra Violet liked a post in a topic by lola in Misheard Lana Lyrics   
    i thought that's what she said 
  20. worf1ess liked a post in a topic by lola in Misheard Lana Lyrics   
    "if i can't have your baby..." in jealous girl
    lana's a psycho in my mind
  21. AngelHeadedHipster liked a post in a topic by lola in Bob Leone talks about Lana, Gaga & "So Legit"   
    "He helped transform her from a painfully shy teenager to a world superstar – and as Lady Gaga prepares to launch new album Artpop, he should be basking in glory.
    But instead, music manager Bob Leone, who also set Lana Del Rey on her path to fame, is broke and homeless, forced to move back in with his frail 88-year-old mother.
    He claims that Gaga, 27, whose real name is Stefani Germanotta, left him ruined – failing to reward him after he helped land her first major record deal.
    And he says his grievances against the flamboyant New York-born singer has been taken up by Del Rey, who has blasted Gaga in a string of sharp-tongued lyrics.
    The jibes, which appear in the  lyrics of her new song So Legit, include: ‘Stefani, you suck, I know you’re selling 20 million. Wish they could have seen you when we booed you off in Williamsburg.’
    Leone says the lyrics reflect Lana’s fury at the way Gaga and her father Joe failed to reward him. 
    ‘She was very upset at the way I had been treated,’ he said. ‘We’ve spoken about it. She feels it wasn’t right.’
    Leone, 64, discovered Gaga at the Triad Theatre, Manhattan, in 2000, when he was National Project Director at the Songwriters Hall of Fame.
    The young Stefani, then just 14, attended several of his songwriting workshops.
    He said: ‘She was painfully shy back then. When she came to one of my open mic sessions with her mother, she’d just look at the floor and her feet.
    ‘I went over to her and said, “Stefani, I know why you feel intimidated, as everyone is older in here, but promise me when you come back next week, I want you to get up on stage and hear what you got.”
    ‘And she did. That’s when I knew that she was going to be a superstar. Although I never knew she would be this popular and more recognisable than Obama and Oprah.
    ‘I asked when she was only 17, “What do you want as a creative  person, to be known for great songwriting?” She looked me in the eye and without hesitation said, “I want world domination.’”
    At the time, Leone held showcases at a Manhattan venue, inviting acts from across the US to perform in front of top record company bosses. He put his young starlet Stefani on the bill in front of record executive Wendy Starland.
    Impressed, Starland was keen to pair Stefani with Rob Fusari, who went on to co-produce Gaga’s debut album The Fame. The pair recorded a demo and Stefani signed a record deal just months later in September 2006. It was at this point that Leone stopped playing an active role in  her career.
    But he claims promises made just before this major breakthrough, in the six months when he was officially working as Gaga’s manager, were never kept, mainly due to the involvement of her father, Joe.
    Leone said: ‘She [Gaga] said to  her dad he could be her business manager, but she wanted me as her manager as she wanted to sign with a major label.
    ‘I was happy to then stand aside, glad I could help, but Joe never forgave me for being her manager.
    ‘He despised me for accepting the offer to manage her. When I asked for a contract, he constantly came up with excuses why not, which went on for a couple of months, but he said, “I give you my word, you’ve been into my house, when you get her the major record deal, you will be fairly compensated.”
    ‘That never happened... I was just tossed aside. 
    ‘I love Stefani, I miss Stefani. I grieved for her when she became Lady Gaga. She literally transformed into a different human being. I grieved for years.’
      Leone’s row with Gaga’s father reignited in 2010 when, struggling for cash, he decided to auction off a collection of unreleased CDs and recordings that the pair had made when she was a teenager. Within hours her legal team had quashed the release and threatened Leone. ‘Some of this music dated back to when she was 15. I thought it was maybe worth a lot. But as soon as it was made public, their lawyer called me.
    ‘He called me four times with ridiculous threats about copyright infringement and violating propriety rights of her name.
    ‘It was David versus Goliath and I accepted a settlement of $10,000 dollars. $1,000 of that went to my lawyer, $3,000 to the auction house, so I was left with $6,000.’
    Now broke, Leone reveals he may one day be forced to sell the only letter he has from Gaga in a bid to raise more cash after leaving his Manhattan home.
      ‘I lived there for 31 years, but it got to point where I couldn’t afford it, my savings had disappeared  and I had no choice but to move back to be with my mother. I live on a  disability cheque and that’s it. I found Gaga but I haven’t got a penny from her.’ Despite his predicament and his grievances with Lady Gaga, Leone holds no grudges against Lana Del Rey, despite not receiving any financial reward for her success.
    He says this is because he was only Del Rey’s mentor and never acted as her manager,
    Leone believes her father’s personality had a marked impact on Lady Gaga.
    He said: ‘She says she did it [seek fame] for world domination and to be more famous than anyone else, but I think the reason she wanted that was to get her father’s approval.’
    A spokesman for Lady Gaga declined to comment."
  22. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by lola in Official "I had the song before it leaked" thread   
    I have a Lana song called "I Used To Have A Dick"
  23. Intriguing Penguin liked a post in a topic by lola in Kanye West   
    Kanye West Is the Best Interview Subject of All Time — A Quote Compilation By Lauren Duca and Jeanette D. Moses    Kanye West conducted a pretty amazing/ridiculous interview with the Timesyesterday, but this isn't his first rodeo . The Yeezus singer has been "forgettingbetter shit than you ever thought of" since at least 2004. Here are nearly ten years worth of absurd quotes and fantastic insights from Kanye West’s favorite rapper, Kanye West.
    On his public persona:
    "I get to represent somebody I don’t think is getting represented right now. The regular dude: the guy who believes in God but still likes pussy. You know what I mean? The person that would spend his last [dollar] to try to get a hot car, not the person who says ‘Oh, we don’t buy, we just lease’ or the person who’s like ‘Oh, I have so many cars I could crash a car every day’ and shit." — The Fader,December, 2003
    "I'm the rap version of Dave Chappelle. I'm not sayin' I'm nearly as talented as Chappelle when it comes to political and social commentary, but like him, I'm laughing to keep from crying." — Rolling Stone, April, 2004
    "I'm a pop enigma. I live and breathe every element in life. I rock a bespoke suitand I go to Harold's for fried chicken. It's all these things at once, because, as a taste maker, I find the best of everything. There's certain things that black people are the best at and certain things that white people are the best at. Whatever we as black people are the best at, I'ma go get that. Like, on Christmas I don't want any food that tastes white. And when I go to purchase a house, I don't want my credit to look black." — Spin, December, 2007
    "I’m like a vessel, and God has chosen me to be the voice and the connector." —The Fader, December, 2008
    "Someone could be a better rapper, dance better. But culturally impacting? When you look back at these four and a half years, who's the icon at the end of the day? Who broke down color barriers? What other black guy would a white person use as a fashion reference?" — Details, February, 2009 
    On his musical legacy:
    "Dog, VIBE only gave my album a 4! I know my shit is better than a 4. A horrible album with just ‘Jesus Walks’ on it is a 4! C’mon dog, the demo version was a 5! You need to rate it again, but you’ll have to create a new rating system." — Vibe,April, 2004
    "It’s like this, by not giving my album a classic rating, you diminish your magazine’s credibility. And that’s real." — Vibe, April, 2004
    "Anyone who doesn't give [The College Dropout] a perfect score is lowering the integrity of the magazine." —  Guardian, August, 2005
    "To go gold or platinum to have songs that are respected across the board, to have some sort of influence on the culture and to change the sound of music and inspire up-and-coming artists to go against the grain." — Rolling Stone,February, 2006
    "Don't ask me what I think the best song of last year was, because my opinion is the same as most of America's. It was 'Gold Digger.'" — Rolling Stone,February, 2006
    [On a line from "Slow Jamz"] "That line made me a star. Before that record came out, I used to go to Virgin Megastore and thank God for those last moments of solitude, because I knew I'd be famous after people heard the Michael Jackson line." — Rolling Stone, September, 2007
    "Aw, yeah. I thought that that song could relate to a girl in high school, dealing with people coming down on her. [Sings] 'Everything I'm not made me everything I am.' In my humble opinion, that's a prophetic statement. Gandhi would have said something like that." — Rolling Stone, September, 2007
    "There's nothing more to be said about music. I'm the fucking end-all, be-all of music. I know what I'm doing. I did 808s in three weeks. I got it. It's on cruise control ... Man, we talked about music for God knows how long! Now let's talk about how my fucking sweater didn't come back right from Korea. That's what's interesting me." — Details, February, 2009 
    On confidence:
    "I just think that when my confidence meets other people’s insecurity, that equals ‘Kanye’s arrogant."— Vibe, April, 2004
    "Come on now! How could you be me and want to be someone else?" —Guardian, August, 2005
    "Earlier today I said a lot of things but those cocky-sounding statements just look better in black and white. That's why they always use them. And I always give it to them. That's why my interviews are so valued. That's why I should get paid." —Guardian, August, 2005
    "If I was to say that I hadn't already done all of that, then I'd be on some fake Hollywood bullshit modesty, and that's just plain stupid." — Rolling Stone,February, 2006
    On self-doubt:
    "Really good people like me are scared of falling off. I'm totally scared of falling off. Just imagine it. Just imagine if I woke up one day and I was wack. What would I do then?" — Guardian, August, 2005
    "And what if I didn't back it up? How exciting would that be, also? It's like I'm walking on this tightrope. It's like the reason why you go to a circus - it's more entertaining. It's like, damn, what if he falls? And if I do make it, it's like, damn, he made it! But either way you're saying 'damn'. Everybody else is just walking on the ground." — Guardian, August, 2005
    "There can be a point where your records don't sell as much, or you're not as popular as you used to be. The best thing that any of the Backstreet Boys could have had was a really good woman in their life. I'm sure they had a lot of good pussy, but good pussy is fleeting. What's another word for 'good pussy' that's less vulgar?" — Rolling Stone, September, 2007
    On celebrity:
    "This is my problem with interviews, you know? What if you did music, and someone else could come in and change your words around and then release it to the radio? And you ain't even get a chance to listen to it before they dropped it to radio? That's how interviews are! You say what you say and then you get paraphrased." — Slate, August, 2010
    "As a celebrity, as soon as you become a star, as soon as it pops off for you? At that point, you stop growing. As soon as you don't have to wash your own dishes any more. I was like trying to get somebody to jog for me the other day." — Hot 97, November 2010  
    On the Taylor Swift VMAs incident:
    "She just talked about how, you know, people would come up to her in the grocery store and really just bring it up, and she would defend me at the grocery store — I'm sorry, defend me in an interview, she said at her grocery store, she was actually defending me. It's an amazing, compelling situation. The situation is bigger to me than the Bush moment." — Hot 97, November 2010  
    On relationships:
    "I will tell you mad shit about porn, I don't go into depth about me and my fiancée's relationship. 'Fuck you, this is my life.' I dedicate a lot of my time to make music and provide something for the fans that they'll enjoy, but my relationship isn't for the fans to like and enjoy. It's for me to like and enjoy." —Rolling Stone, September, 2007
    "What I feel like — 'cause I wanna be married, of course — I feel like the type of girl I would be with is a fellow superhero. So we get that 'already flying and now we're just flying together' thing." — Details, February, 2009 
    [On whether he was dating Kim] "Pardon me, I'm coughing on the chardonnay I'm drinking out of a plastic cup right now. For those that don't have visuals."Hot 97, November 2010  
    On learning:
    "There's nothing I really wanted to do in life that I wasn't able to get good at. That's my skill. I'm not really specifically talented at anything except for the ability to learn. That's what I do. That's what I'm here for." — Guardian,August, 2005
    "If you read books — which I don't, none at all — about how to become a billionaire, they always say, 'You learn more from your mistakes.' So if you learn from your mistakes, then I'm a fucking genius." — Rolling Stone, September, 2007
    On the competition:
    "When I think of competition it's like I try to create against the past. I think about Michelangelo and Picasso, you know, the pyramids." — Slate, August, 2010
    [On being insulted by Cam'ron and Jim Jones] "People are not going to agree with everything I do. I look back and look at stuff I do and don't agree with it. Man, if I made a dis record of myself, I would kill me. I would be extremely good at it." — Hot 97, November 2010  
    On fashion:
    "[On his Jesus ring] I love the way it looks with the blue eyes, but I'll get too much flak for it. I can't explain that blue-eyed shit. I need to do another one. A black one. Because I have socially conscious lyrics and I'm-a get flak." — Rolling Stone, April, 2004
    On porn:
    [On telling Radio 1's Tim Westwood the three words that sum up his life were "Louis [Vuitton], porn, and church"] "Well, I spend more time watching porn and praying about it afterwards. Then I'll put on some Louis Vuitton and leave." — Guardian, August, 2005
    On the Grammys:
    "Kanye is always opinionated and outspoken, and now that it's Grammy time he turns into a house :)? Come on. That's not even realistic." — Rolling Stone,February, 2006
    On aging:
    "Fuck the thirties! I hate my thirties. It's going to take me a while to get used to it. I envy people who like getting older, because I don't." — Rolling Stone,September, 2007
    On AIDS:
    "My parents taught me that AIDS was a man-made disease designed to get rid of the undesirable people." — Rolling Stone, February, 2006
    On his sex drive:
    "I got into doing beats for the video games I used to try to make. My game was very sexual. The main character was, like, a giant penis. It was like Mario Brothers, but the ghosts were, like, vaginas. Mind you, I'm 12 years old, and this is stuff 30-year-olds are programming. You'd have to draw in and program every little step — it literally took me all night to do a step, 'cause the penis, y'know, had little feet and eyes." — Details, February, 2009 
    "People ask me a lot about my drive. I think it comes from, like, having a sexual addiction at a really young age. Look at the drive that people have to get sex — to dress like this and get a haircut and be in the club in the freezing cold at 3 A.M., the places they go to pick up a girl. If you can focus the energy into something valuable, put that into work ethic ... " — Details, February, 2009 
     On home décor:
    [In regard to a life-size poster of himself] "I put me on the wall because I was the only person that had me on the wall at that time. And now that a lot of people have me on their wall, I don't really need to do that anymore." — Rolling Stone, April, 2004
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