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About NikoGo

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    La who am I
  • Birthday October 27

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    Sunshine State of Mind
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  1. I get that it has to be frustrating to log onto social media and see shit like that, but the fact that she gives it enough energy to comment is just giving fuel to the fire like just don’t comment
  2. Henry release at all please idk eclipse said the album was mastered in like september and now we're being told henry soonish by floridakilos this could be all one big psyops but I feel like we're getting close
  3. because why go to twitter when you can come straight to the hive fake insiders love to come here and directly troll because sadly people fall for it time and time again
  4. wait you're right he did it originally said Del Norte County
  5. wait you're right, because the very first snippet of tough on Instagram was on May 9th
  6. NikoGo

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    I really really really love Cupid’s girl vocal production and production in general are top notch!! Some of the lyrics are very Marina, but the song is so good I’ll give it a pass!
  7. unless a tour or shows are announced by Lana herself, it’s never set in stone and just hearsay
  8. that was literally never confirmed to be true so it’s not postponed, it just never existed
  9. pls don't let it give you hope. Interview magazine (Who did a whole interview with her!!!) had chemtrails coming out in september
  10. NikoGo

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    Are you really asking and alluding to where to listen to upcoming music??
  11. she’s been saying since LFL era she just wants to release music as she makes it, but she can’t because of her label. I think we’d have a Lana that’s 100 times more interested in her own music if she could release it when it was fresh in her mind, instead of over a year after the songs been made.
  12. I mean I think so! Granted the rules are a little different when you’re a brand new artist and dipping your toes in the water. But I mean it is, by my definition, a buzz single.
  13. I mean I’ve always felt like it is more a promo single. Like you’re right that it got more things than some singles, but I always consider COTCC the ‘lead’ single since it came with a high budget video and the album preorder it reminds me of Honeymoon, MAC, and the triple singles. They’re more a “here ya go” than anything. Released with absolutely no indication of things to come
  14. NikoGo

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    agreed tbh! She is chronically trying to show off her high resister to prove she has a pretty voice, and while I absolutely agree that she does, it’s a bit old I do like that she’s really playing with her voice in butterfly and seemingly this song again tho. Step in the right direction
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