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  1. sansafuckingstark liked a post in a topic by domandapiano in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    I wonder if Wednesday is the day she’ll reveal more than just Blue Bannisters the single album. Like when Ben and Ed insinuated there was more going on than one album did they mean there were gonna be multiple things coming at once, or like she released BB and then a month later in November another thing comes out .
  2. sansafuckingstark liked a post in a topic by lustforlife in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    Tea: Text book open the album 
    Living legend track 14

  3. sansafuckingstark liked a post in a topic by DeluluKing in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
  4. sansafuckingstark liked a post in a topic by American Whore in Wheel of Time   
    Hmm.... I'll let you know once I finish the third because at this point, I'm already partial to book 3, but definitely liked 2 better than 1, even though the ending to 1 was absolutely epic. The second one is my favorite of the two i've finished for sure!
  5. sansafuckingstark liked a post in a topic by CinnamonGay in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    That means...all their info is right.
    Good god.
    Under my skin
    Live or die.
    omg. Omg of omg. Omgie of omg. 
  6. sansafuckingstark liked a post in a topic by CinnamonGay in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    Girl. Love song is the purest softest amazing most beautiful song ever.
    Dont close ur door on it
  7. sansafuckingstark liked a post in a topic by Evergreen in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    "comes out at 6pm BST time on the 8th
    4:23 , cover is the pic from the instagram post , produced by drew erickson (?)

    From insider on ATRL.
  8. sansafuckingstark liked a post in a topic by menslayer in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    Ladies and gents:
    go wild 

  9. sansafuckingstark liked a post in a topic by Lustformoney in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    bitches its working, the preorder coming https://lana.lnk.to/bluebanistersalbum
  10. sansafuckingstark liked a post in a topic by Venice Peach in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    GUYYYYS (and girlies) the lana.lnk.to/arcadia is working now, it takes you to Spotify (not that it means a lot cause we already know it's coming in 2 days but it's still exciting   
  11. American Whore liked a post in a topic by sansafuckingstark in Wheel of Time   
    I’m glad to hear it! It’s kind of cool to start a massive 15 book series and know our opinion of the characters is going to evolve as they grow older. Makes it feel like we’re part of the journey ourselves! 

    How would you rank the books so far?
  12. Solar Fields liked a post in a topic by sansafuckingstark in Wheel of Time   
    I did! Took a little break after book 1 but I’m about a third into the Great Hunt right now and I’m really digging this one so far! I liked the first one but it felt like an introduction to me and now the story is starting to be more fleshed out. I’m loving the political intrigue in Fal Dara with the Aes Sedai and I like how the characters are starting to split up. Makes me really interested in where each of their individual journey is going to take them. I would agree that the characters are the highlight so far, they already feel like dear friends. I love them all but so far I think my favorite is Nynaeve, I love how protective she is towards the original crew. 
    I can’t wait to see where it goes from here! I know there are so much more characters and worldbuilding still left for me to learn about, I’m excited to see how my opinion of the characters change in the future books. Also the tv show looks AMAZING, I’ve been trying to read 50 pages a day since the trailer came out!
  13. sansafuckingstark liked a post in a topic by American Whore in Wheel of Time   
    if you don't have money for the books you can also download using a place called libgen as ebooks on your phone or tablet
    i feel that lol i finally bought them all recently and honestly it's such a fun series. some people take issue with it because if it being written by a man and the female characters "all acting the same way" but i don't see it that way at all, they're all vastly different imo. it's a lot of fun!!
    yes yes yes!!!!! you're going to love the third one ahhhh i can't wait for you to be in the area of the book i'm at but i won't say anything at all bc of spoilers. the second one had me on the edge of my seat during the second half and i couldn't put it down. my opinions have definitely changed, i hated egwene's personality at the beginning but she's already evolved and the same with a few other people too. i can't wait for the show, the book had me so hyped and then seeing the trailer BITCHHHHHHH i can't wait. the cast looks great, although not exactly how I pictured them but they really fit in their roles in the trailer
  14. American Whore liked a post in a topic by sansafuckingstark in Wheel of Time   
    I did! Took a little break after book 1 but I’m about a third into the Great Hunt right now and I’m really digging this one so far! I liked the first one but it felt like an introduction to me and now the story is starting to be more fleshed out. I’m loving the political intrigue in Fal Dara with the Aes Sedai and I like how the characters are starting to split up. Makes me really interested in where each of their individual journey is going to take them. I would agree that the characters are the highlight so far, they already feel like dear friends. I love them all but so far I think my favorite is Nynaeve, I love how protective she is towards the original crew. 
    I can’t wait to see where it goes from here! I know there are so much more characters and worldbuilding still left for me to learn about, I’m excited to see how my opinion of the characters change in the future books. Also the tv show looks AMAZING, I’ve been trying to read 50 pages a day since the trailer came out!
  15. sansafuckingstark liked a post in a topic by American Whore in Wheel of Time   
    did you end up finishing the first book? i'm about halfway book 3; haven't been reading so much lately but i'm so glad to see other people reading this series. So far my favorites are Egwene, Mat, and Verin. I love those three characters, so anytime i get to read more about them I'm happy lol
    Please try out the second one! the further you get into it, it gets better at least for me. like there's so much story development and world building that happens between the second and third book, you'll be absolutely shook
  16. American Whore liked a post in a topic by sansafuckingstark in Wheel of Time   
    I'm almost done with book 1! I have no idea how long it'll take me to get through all of them but I'm hooked.
  17. sansafuckingstark liked a post in a topic by 13beachess in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    all those NEWS and UPDATES from Lana & her team is making me appreciate the triple singles on a whole new level 
  18. sansafuckingstark liked a post in a topic by menslayer in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    So, BB will have 15 tracks which is perfect.
    Let me manifest the unreleased album to have 40 tracks 

  19. sansafuckingstark liked a post in a topic by Jaeden xx in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    I hope preorders go up when Arcadia is released
  20. sansafuckingstark liked a post in a topic by Dark Angel in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    anthony fantano when he realizes he'll have to review 30 tracks, including the qftc monologue 
  21. sansafuckingstark liked a post in a topic by The Siren in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    Can we all just have a moment to just aknowledge how hardworking Lana is this year ?
  22. sansafuckingstark liked a post in a topic by Dark Angel in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    check his profile, it's him @111
  23. sansafuckingstark liked a post in a topic by Super Movie in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    This era went from 0 to 100 in three days, I love it 
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