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About AnarKissed

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    Art, Music, Literature, Religion, Mythology, Chess.
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  1. In Greil Marcus' book Lipstick Traces: A Secret History of the Twentieth Century, he traces a fascinating history of modern art, mentioning notable art movements including dadaism, situationism, lettrism, and futurism. The first time I saw L.D.R. in concert, I was in such a state of ecstatic intoxication that I sensed that what I was seeing on stage was a visionary culmination of the all the historical stages of art from ancient times up till now. And now, with the advent of the new Amerika-USSA, I am reminded that the futurists became fascists when Benito Mussolini came to power.
  2. Originally released: 1985 "Lipstick traces on a cigarette"
  3. I'll say what everyone already knows, we are on the cusp of a new war, and it....L.D.R. said as much when she was interviewed by the British Broadcasting Corporation, and she pondered whether the US had entered a new era of revolution. I've said enough. Nuff Said.
  4. I know I keep harping on the same subjects, but you must keep in mind, this is only one aspect of L.D.R.'s artistic expression which my eyes have perceived. In Let the Light in, there is a reference to the Beatles, just as there is in Lust for Life, and Honeymoon. L.D.R. could be a reverse, inverse, of the legacy of the Beatles from 1967-1968 and beyond, and she's referenced this aspect in interviews and the like, as when she mentions the horrific murders that came to be associated with the name Charles Manson -- these references can be found in the song Heroin, Lust for Life (2017), and in L.D.R.'s poetry book published by Simon and Schuster. Also, a reference to the practices of a group that came to be known as the Surrealists, in a magazine interview a few years ago. In one purported report, Robert Desnos, who was instrumental in freeing Artaud from a hospital in Occupied France, was put into a trance and uncontrollably attacked the others of his fraternity.
  5. ^ Another masterpiece from the beautiful and lovely L.D.R.
  6. Now that you mention it, during the beginning of Money Power Glory there's a sound that, when I first heard it, sounds kinda like somebody flipping through or shuffling a deck of playing cards. On second thought, taking into account the title of the song, it could be the sound of a stack of money being flipped through or shuffled. Incidentally, I noticed a couple of interesting things in the Candy Necklace music video. At about 2:37 L.D.R. makes a curious gesture with her left hand which, ostensibly, appears to merely be her adjusting her necklace -- she adjusts the necklace moving it from left to right. Now, this would be nothing if not for the fact that we have a precedent for this type of gesture in the Born to Die music video at about 3:02 where she uses her right hand, this time, to make a "throat-slit" gesture across her neck from ear to ear, left to right. Returning to the Candy Necklace music video, at about 3:38 we are shown the outside of a certain building which appears to be a hotel, or perhaps an apartment building. Strangely, the word "Heater" is displayed along the side of the building. At first I thought that, perhaps, the word was really "Theater" and the letter "T" was just out of frame, but, the building does not appear to be a theater. And I recalled that in old black and white Hollywood noir movies of the mid-20th century, "Heater" is a slang term for a pistol. I make no claim to have any kind of definitive interpretation of L.D.R.'s art, other than a perception in her art, at times, of a sense of gloom and preoccupation with death, and its this spooky side to L.D.R. that is one of the things that draws me to her art. [358]
  7. "Its never too late baby so don't give up" ---L.D.R., Chemtrails Over the Country Club [2021] "So if you don't know, don't give up/ Because you never know what the new day might bring..." ---L.D.R., Margaret [2023]
  8. Artist: Death Cab for Cutie Song: Black Sun Album: Kintsugi [2015]
  9. What I'm suggesting is that L.D.R. is a victim of electronic harrassment. At the very least she is under surveillance. This can only account for the rapid action taken to acquire her belongings from the vehicle parked, as it was, on Melrose in Lost Angeles. 777
  10. Well, of course, the definitive box set would be one that contains everything Elizabeth Woolridge Grant ever recorded....so something of this nature is very unlikely to be released in my lifetime.......especially since....L.D.R., with her scarlet roses, steel cylinders, and unknown pleasures....visions in her eyes..."into Your hands I commit my spirit".......a final glimpse into eternity
  11. L.D.R.'s Tunnel single, is her best work since Honeymoon, I.M.O. The seven deadly sins, Ten Commandments, thelema, could L.D.R. be privy to OTO or mafia underpinnings.....
  12. There is a wanton scream from the wellspring of L.D.R.'s soul, and this could mean the end of our civilization, save us Uncreated Light
  13. L.D.R. backing band, the Rich Whores may , perhaps, maybe could have been involved with the A.K.A. album. Who has more information? The remnant myspace of the effort indicate Lana Del Rey had full control of the band, as in: she was the front woman and the manager of the band. Only the former members of the Rich Whores can provide more Info. https://web.archive.org/web/20071117101452/myspace.com/therichwhores
  14. The inane contention that .L.D.R. is part of a program so compartmentalized and 13 levels above top secret.....so secret even She doesnt know she's part of it, cf. The Boys from Brazil, and secret eugenics experiments......but then again, after revelations re: CIA's domestic operation CHAOS, and FBI's operation mocking Bird....could the Laurel Canyon Psy-Op really be so far-fetched?
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