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About lizyyygrant

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  • Birthday 07/03/2001

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  • Location
    New York
  • Interests
    creating music and writing

    artists: lana, charlie, caroline, and marina
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  1. lizyyygrant

    Charli XCX

    Does anyone have the link to delicious with Caroline outro?
  2. lizyyygrant

    Charli XCX

    Does anyone got the middle and rare leaks?
  3. lizyyygrant

    Charli XCX

    I’m still confused. Then why did pose with and post a tombstone with her name on it?
  4. lizyyygrant

    Charli XCX

    Literally thought it represented “the death of twinks” for a minute
  5. lizyyygrant

    Charli XCX

    Can someone tell me who the guy is suppose to represent bcus I’m so lost.
  6. lizyyygrant


    Secrets from a girl is probably my fave song
  7. lizyyygrant


    Yeah but Billie last album was actually interesting. and that’s the thing. she didn’t have to recreate another “wwfawdwg”. the album wasn’t “fantastic” like melodrama, but it was great.
  8. lizyyygrant


    Ok but did I say it was “that bad”? I just said it was boring. and she only half understood the assignment. and it’s barely getting backlash, it’s just getting “meh” reviews. Even if this was released by another artist, it would be just “ok”.
  9. lizyyygrant


    eh...nah. this albums just boring. I hate to see the comments like “oh of course she’ll never live up to melodrama” like...no? I just expected a cool and interesting album.
  10. lizyyygrant


    i can’t get into Fiona sadly. I like her lyricism and her music isn’t bad but...I just can’t
  11. .....but she does sound like Billie on a good amount of her songs. I’ve seen people literally say the thought traitor was by Billie as soon as they heard it. The comparisons do make complete sense. also for Lorde as well. i would’nt be as harsh and say she’s a “ripoff” but she has no distinctive musical identity yet. and it doesn’t even have to be that big or be that different, just something that has a tinge of her own flavor. she wears her influences too much on her sleeves. we’re not at all at a stage where people can hear a song and say “hey, that sounds like an Olivia Rodrigo song”. her voice has no distinction. her songwriting has no distinction. and neither does her sound. and before you do, I really don’t want to hear the “she’s 18 years old” argument again. I’ve seen it too many times. This is me, a 19 year old saying this. like dua lipa doesn’t at all come to mind when I think of “different” but hell even her voice is easily recognizable (and yes I know she’s 26 or smth but her voice being that way literally has nothing to do with age). people were hooked on drivers license bcus it sounded like Lorde, and you couldn’t go to a single place where people didn’t point out that connection. nevertheless, I’m sorta excited to see what the next album will be like. I know it will probably be 10 times better. I remember someone saying all the song on sour sound like lesser version of better songs and...yeah. that doesn’t mean the album isn’t decent, but that comment was accurate.
  12. I’m not seeing what y’all seeing with dark but just a game but alright like what do you like about it? I’m lost over here. Is it the lyrics or smth?
  13. If I download it onto my phone, it will be in a way where the songs are completely seperate from each other, but are in the same file. I’d have to click on the next song myself instead of just allowing it to play.
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