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About Vincent

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  • Birthday 02/15/1992

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    most sci-fi city in Australia
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  1. Let’s start complimenting her album cover; Reverse Psychology should work.
  2. Good for them. Honestly, I like that I can go back and pick an album depending on my mood because they are all different; and if this new country album doesn’t strike my fancy after a few listens, then so be it. But I am not gonna sit here and be butthurt because it isn’t a genre I don’t particularly enjoy a lot (if at all). I don’t get the controversy.
  3. Oh, no, Clay. We were rooting for you.
  4. Anyone who bought the thing and shared the information, or lack thereof, is a hero. “I bought this, so you don’t have to!”
  5. Breaking Up Slowly, Dark But Just A Game, and Tulsa Jesus Freak. Edit: Accidental emoji.
  6. Honestly, I just bought this magazine for the cover. Don’t have a lot of desire to read it, lol.
  7. She’s trying, though. But it’s just soooooo boring.
  8. Whenever I see an uncropped picture on her social media accounts, I just take a deep breath and remember that she is a three-hundred-and-sixty-years-old time-misplaced witch who still has so much to catch up on in regards to technology, and laws, and politics.
  9. “And I want revenge.” — Me, probably, when I fail my finals for being online on Lanaboards instead of studying on a Saturday, but only blaming all my professors and, I don’t know, maybe society.
  10. I have been repeating Breaking Up Slowly; probably because it is the one I relate to the most ATM. Dark But Just A Game is still a favorite, along with Chemtrails Over the Country Club, which is a song that I loved from the get-go (didn’t need a second listen to enjoy). I’m still happy about getting a studio version of For Free, although it is a weird way to end the album. Edit: It’s been so long and I still cannot get into LMLYLAW.
  11. Thank you; I’m glad my 4th Tropical Red Bull speaks to you.
  12. God, she sounds just like me when I haven’t any coffee. I get maniacal. Fight the wall. Fight my cat. But it ends with coffee, so at least I have that going for me, I guess.
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