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  1. ivory almond liked a post in a topic by sympathyisaknife in Instagram Updates   
    Petition for Lana to do voice overs omggg
  2. Hannus liked a post in a topic by sympathyisaknife in Instagram Updates   
    Petition for Lana to do voice overs omggg
  3. I Come In Peace liked a post in a topic by sympathyisaknife in Instagram Updates   
    Petition for Lana to do voice overs omggg
  4. Make me your Dream Life liked a post in a topic by sympathyisaknife in Instagram Updates   
    Petition for Lana to do voice overs omggg
  5. sympathyisaknife liked a post in a topic by American Whore in Instagram Updates   
    um can she actually play animal crossing or mario kart and live stream it? i would enjoy this a lot tbh (even as unlikely as it is)
  6. alayna liked a post in a topic by sympathyisaknife in Instagram Updates   
    Petition for Lana to do voice overs omggg
  7. sympathyisaknife liked a post in a topic by peach perfume in Instagram Updates   
    i want her to narrate every single thing in my life omg
  8. sympathyisaknife liked a post in a topic by selly in Instagram Updates   
    Whilst I still do stand with Lana and adore her, as an artist, and as a human being, I think that, that “controversial” post, was really tone-deaf, and unnecessary, at my first read, I was completely blown away, and I thought that she was not only bold, but also smart making a good move to promote her next album coming out this year.
     But upon my rereading, and her later posts, explaining what she truly meant, and pretending that she doesn’t give a shit, I realized that, she was just speaking her mind, because she couldn’t buy this industry bullshit anymore. which came out bitter, first things first, dropping the names was super stupid, because not everybody know her, and nobody’s willing to listen to her, or even try to understand the meanings behind her words, some people will just hear about what she’s said in the news, and the news have never been on her side from the beginning, as an early fan of her, all I remember is that everything she’s said and done, was taken negatively, the news have always been harsh to her, and so are the critics, all they do is twist her words and turn them into controversial headlines.
    Second thing, the way she added those singer into the narrative, she totally looked as if she was jealous of them, and this is somehow true, because Lana really cares about the charts, and success, even if she denies it. Her unreleased songs, the way she kept changing stage names, she was aiming for a huge success (didn’t she make a diss track about Lady Gaga, because she got famous before her?), anyways, she’s got her share with her debut album, with her almost poppy album Born To Die, and her glamorous 60ish Priscilla Presley look, and her depressed queen themed songs, people really were into her not because of her art, but because they thought she was cool, she was basically the Billie Eilish of that era, she was also promoting a little bit, this was a big reason why her first album was hugely successful and sold millions, she was iconic and the teenagers really loved her when adults, other artists and tabloids made fun of her, and criticized her , and by the time Ultraviolence came, she changed that persona completely, and came back with her bad girl, red nails, black hair and black leather look, which for me was more iconic, but the problem was that the music she made itself, it wasn’t really friendly, and to be honest, when I first listened to the album I was kind of disappointed, Ultraviolence is now one of my favorite records of hers, but it took so much time, because most of the songs in it, are not everyone’s cup of tea, and the lyrics were just so problematic. With the little to no promotion she did, many people that were into her just faded away, because she was no longer cool for them, then Honeymoon came out in 2015, her masterpiece, and she literally threw away the glamorous bad girl, both the look and the lyrics, she still looked and sounded elegant and vintage, but so many fans or locals considered her and the record boring and dull, then two years later, she released Lust For Life with a more happy and sophisticated style, and more poppy songs, she was trying to play the game, throwing collaborations with known singers, who don’t really match her style, but she didn’t gain any notable success, she waited another two years and released her most acclaimed record, with so much bad promoting ( the delays, and long periods between each single, the low quality of music videos, and most importantly not releasing Cinnamon girl as a single because that song despite not being my favorite had the highest potential to turn into a number one song or at least a hit song), she tried to play the game again, being a part of Don’t Call Me Angel, and campaigning for the Grammys, she really did her best, and she still lost to Billie, someone who has walked in the way Lana paved, and Billie didn’t even mention her (and it’s not a problem, she can mention whatever she wants), she just ignored her the way the industry has been doing from 10 years. And I really felt hurt, and I think that has been the case for her as well, Because I think that Lana was really canceled from the beginning, the first picture she drew, is how people think of her now, she has become a true creative artist, but when people hear her name, all they remember is (the summertime sadness girl, the depression girl, the my pussy tastes like pussy cola girl, the he hit me and it felt like a kiss girl, and the Harvey Weinstein mess too), I think she grew up so much, and she is not in the same place she was in before, and unfortunately it doesn’t matter how much she tries now, it would go forever unnoticed for people who are choosing to close their eyes.
    Getting back the post, she was angry, that’s it, and she sees the whole thing from a prospective, the others see it from another, she thinks that when she sings about being sexy, strong, being naked… etc, she gets dragged, but when others do it, they get praised but from my own prospective, I see that the singers she mentioned, they make the cheap cringey songs from the same theme she mentioned, but in a strong fierce way, unlike Lana, who make great artistic songs, but in a way that makes her look as if she’s encouraging toxic relationships, abuse and so many unhealthy stuff, I mean what did she even think when she put that I wear my diamonds on skeed row line (the whole lyricism of the song turns me off), or he hit me and it felt like a kiss, or the Lolita and daddy stuff.., those lyrics and bad moments she had literally shaped her career, and she will probably never have that number one, and huge success, or top her Born To Die era again, but she still can stop this, and continue with more records and works that will show her value as a true artist, well- acclaimed ones, and she will eventually have that Grammy and leave a big mark in the industry (and she already did, so many singer are influenced by her even though they deny it).
    I’m not saying what happened recently will ruin her career, she has a huge fan base despite not being a mainstream artist, but it will definitely leave a stain, the way the post was poorly written, the way she articulated it despite being a poet, and a singer mostly known for her great writing skills, it all irritates me, because the way she keeps clarifying the post, make me think that she didn’t intend to make it look that bad, but perhaps she just doesn’t know how to speak her mind when it comes to real life. And the worst of it is the names dropping, she probably thought that because she likes those singers they would stick up with her, but most of them ignored her, and the other two give her a bad feedback. Now the whole world sees her as “the white privileged racist jealous chick”, and I would have thought the exact same thing if I didn’t know her, and it doesn’t matter how much I read the post, those words only seem to make her look like if she’s dragging them. Not to mention that some of the singers she mentioned has been through what is worst. Also she didn’t need to snap on that fan, I hate it too when I see people talking about her mental health because she was depressed before, she is completely fine now, and it is annoying how so many people keep on pushing that depressed Lana narrative, but she didn’t have to respond, because it just added another mess to the whole thing.
  9. sympathyisaknife liked a post in a topic by FredRed in Instagram Updates   
    Since we have some calm here is little interlude.

  10. sympathyisaknife liked a post in a topic by maxthehitman in Instagram Updates   
    First it was that James Bond (Sean Connery) picture and now the "From Here to Eternity" film snippet. 
    I bet Lana Del Rey is feeling nostalgic and retro-like. 
    Probably a "hint" as to her next album musical-themes will be like ----> BACK TO THE 1960s
    I love that retro-vintage stuff  ---- Music was Hip and Swing was the Thing !     
  11. sympathyisaknife liked a post in a topic by xlanax in Instagram Updates   
    Yas queen, give us those glamourous 40's/50s aesthetics again and slay us with HM 2.0
  12. sympathyisaknife liked a post in a topic by WilshireBoulevard in Instagram Updates   
    The way this era will give me stomach ulcers
  13. sympathyisaknife liked a post in a topic by Macintosh Manhattan in Instagram Updates   
    I mean she called someone the hard c-word on YouTube way back so it could've been a lot worse.
  14. sympathyisaknife liked a post in a topic by ArtDecoDelRey in Instagram Updates   
    the "real video" of them clicking on her profile shows the person's phone going from 10% to 60%
  15. sympathyisaknife liked a post in a topic by mkultraviolence in Instagram Updates   
    methinks the chiken lovely
  16. ivory almond liked a post in a topic by sympathyisaknife in Instagram Updates   
    ugh american is my favorite from her.. it makes me tear up
  17. sympathyisaknife liked a post in a topic by Mer in Instagram Updates   
    mini rant: 
    she's just standing up for herself and speaking her mind. why does someone have to be "in a dark place" to be unabashed. are we so conditioned to censoring ourselves, only the incapacitated can speak their minds? 
  18. sympathyisaknife liked a post in a topic by Gone user in Instagram Updates   
    gisopfas`lgofp PLS
  19. sympathyisaknife liked a post in a topic by FredRed in Instagram Updates   
    If you need a drama break just listen to her voice. One of my favorites.

  20. sympathyisaknife liked a post in a topic by urgirl in Instagram Updates   
    ikr, weadorelana was like I don't want to share it because its so hurtful and so I don't want my friends to share it either. but then she ONLY shared the hurtful comment wtf lollllllll
  21. sympathyisaknife liked a post in a topic by West Coast in Instagram Updates   
    Funny how they only show us certain parts of that DM. 
    Like don't they know not to rock the boat with someone clearly mentally unstable/fragile?
    Her reaction to this ENTIRE situation, while self-destructive, is totally normal/valid given the circumstances.
  22. sympathyisaknife liked a post in a topic by Dark Angel in Instagram Updates   
    this is random and honestly not really needed but whenever i get 10+ notifications from this thread in under a minute i have a mini heart attack thinking that something happened
  23. ivory almond liked a post in a topic by sympathyisaknife in Instagram Updates   
    this doesnt prove anything KKHBDJ can they PLEASE post the FULL thing omgggg
  24. mkultraviolence liked a post in a topic by sympathyisaknife in Instagram Updates   
    this doesnt prove anything KKHBDJ can they PLEASE post the FULL thing omgggg
  25. sympathyisaknife liked a post in a topic by velvetcrowbcr in Instagram Updates   
    girl these stans r so weird, they see that the general public is trashing lana yet they decide to fake dm’s, and for what? a few twitter replies?
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