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Candy Necklace

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  1. Candy Necklace liked a post in a topic by Sportscruiser in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Gorgeous post.
    Lust For Life is aging like fine wine. The trap beats never feel dated and the journey from the first half bleeding into the second half (with its sadder but still hopeful tone) perfectly captures the transitions Lana probably lived and felt. Is it cohesive? Well maybe not specially when compared to the masterpiece in cohesion that was Honeymoon; does it matter that much to me? Not at all. Lana managed to bottle up the state of the world during that era and deliver her ruminations about it in a way that felt both nostalgic for previous moments in history where social and cultural change were busting at the seams (late 60s for instance) AND ominous for what was about to come - listening to Change now, knowing what was going to happen from 2019 forward, is absolutely haunting. 
    LFL will never top NFR, Chemtrails, HM and UV for me but it’s a goddamn great album that is much richer and more textured than what I initially thought upon its release. Its vision, for someone like me - about to turn 30 years old in a couple months - is now crystal clear.
    Get Free EATS.
  2. Candy Necklace liked a post in a topic by Manson in Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Merch & Media Drop   
    Omg that would be my dream. I'd even sell one of the ones I bought already. It's the best cover picture for sure!
  3. Candy Necklace liked a post in a topic by hotshot2am in LDR9 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    it was fake, no GTA 6 code ever leaked (only GTA 5) and the code shared by honeymouns was total nonsense.
  4. Candy Necklace liked a post in a topic by Dark Angel in LDR9 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    honestly i lowkey agree, like, she should release music when she wants to, not just because she's popular on spotify/tiktok, i don't think she cares about that and neither do i
  5. Candy Necklace liked a post in a topic by Dyl in Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Last year I was planning on getting a cabin for NFR release weekend so I could just experience it in a hot tub for the first time watching the sunset or something. I had my air bnb booked but had to cancel it because of course. This year I finally got to book my cabin, and I got back from hiking just in time to pour a bottle of wine and pack my bong to watch the sunset. I made a fire in the fire pit and then eventually the stars came out and Not All Who Wander was playing and I ugly cried. This is the view from my hot tub and the stars are stunning, I wish I had a fancy camera to capture them for you guys because this is too beautiful for words and this album is too tbh. That’s all 
  6. Candy Necklace liked a post in a topic by Party Favor in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    i dont rank them because my favorite album depends entirely on the personality im projecting that week to cope with my mental state
  7. Candy Necklace liked a post in a topic by Vanilla Icy in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    if you dont like tulsa or yosemite dont even bother speaking  
  8. Candy Necklace liked a post in a topic by KingsMotelPart2 in Instagram Updates   
    Hey, I'm Mexican and I'm not white so therefore you offend me with your generalization and your wrong idea of us! 
  9. Candy Necklace liked a post in a topic by paradisetropico in "American Standards & Classics" Cover Album - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    for me, the mystery is what makes lana different. and appealing. it leaves me wanting her art more.
    she did the same with tropico. yeah it sucks but if it’s that offensive then go stan someone who tweets nonstop all day 
  10. Candy Necklace liked a post in a topic by Mer in 2020 USA Democratic Presidential General Election   
    I respectfully disagree with many of your points. While I think our current political climate has lead to the formation of mob mentality, it is only evident on the internet. You mention that your friend will “unfriend/unfollow” people who don’t vote for Biden—this means nothing in the real world. To be a fully functioning member of society, she will still need to collaborate with Trump-voters in her everyday personal and professional life; she simply has no choice. The illusion of control over our social circles garnered by the internet is just that, an illusion. The cases of actual full-fledged “boycotting” (both personally and professionally) due to voting preferences is remarkably low, especially in as divisive times as these. 
    I’m curious what you define as “oppression”. The crime rate has steadily declined since 1990, the 3rd US has the highest quality of education in the world, lowest infant mortality rate, and 5th highest literacy rate (99% of people over the age of 15). More so, Biden’s plans will not depress these facts (he will not oppress the growth we have been seeing for the past 30 years). He plans on making community college debt-free—a crucial step towards equal access to education—the staggered introduction of medicare for all, and a 2 trillion dollar climate change proposal. I fail to see how any of these things are oppressive. 
    On the issue of criminal justice, Biden/Harris plan to ban for-profit-prison, and an independent Task Force on Prosecutorial Discretion, expanding the power of the Justice Department to investigate police behavior, decriminalizing marijuana, investing in the offices of public defenders, offering alternatives to detention, and more. He also supports the elimination of mandatory minimum sentencing. 
    I concede, their records may not be stellar, but, if we were to go by what politicians said and did in the past; Trump would be pro-choice, Graham would’ve voted against Barrett, and Clinton would be behind bars. I believe people can change, for both good and bad. I think we owe to an individual to trust in their personal growth. 
    As for Simone Weil’s, her writings almost exclusively apply to 1930s-40s France, as she concedes early in her essay that political parties work well (or, at least, better) in the UK. Also, parties provide something like a legitimate opposition. Without this “regulated rivalry” there can be no democratic accountability. Parties structure political choices for an electorate in a way that Weil’s intellectual magazines never could—and in a way that the internet cannot today. Weil’s died at 34, mainly because she failed to see what was going on in the real world: Despite being physically frail she toiled at a Renault assembly line in order to share the fate of the workers (although she was eventually fired, as she could not keep up); she lived in unheated flats and gave her money to the poor; and she volunteered on the side of the soldiers fighting Franco’s fascists in Spain (but had to be evacuated after stepping in a pot of boiling oil). During the second World War she worked for Gen de Gaulle’s Free French in London. But she also starved herself, refusing to eat more than what she (wrongly) thought to be the ration of her compatriots in Nazi-occupied France (per the Irish Times). 
    Political parties are not perfect, but without them, there would be no accountability within democracy. I won’t tell someone which way to vote—though, should the person be willing, I would love to hear why they chose to vote a certain way. Our civic duty is simply to vote. Our duty as citizens is not, and never has been, to “undermine” the systems that largely keep us safe, no matter wether you believe they do their job properly. Anarchy is not a civic duty. 
  11. Candy Necklace liked a post in a topic by fvck in Ariana Grande   
    you’re all wrong, issa bop.  
  12. Make me your Dream Life liked a post in a topic by Candy Necklace in "Violet Bent Backwards Over the Grass" Spoken Word Poetry Album - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    I got my blue UO variant today. I really like the color. Looks great, don’t know how it sounds yet.
  13. Candy Necklace liked a post in a topic by TheBoss in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    this is the same team that published the BTD booklet with the wrong lyrics lmao
  14. Candy Necklace liked a post in a topic by Wolf T Shirt in “Violet Bent Backwards over the Grass” hardcover Poetry Book Pre-Release Thread   
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