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Blue Ink

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  1. Blue Ink liked a post in a topic by BoardingSchool in Instagram Updates   
    The "catching frogs in Tulsa OK" photos from Zella Day's IG are just like, what?? 
    Lana looks like she's trying to kiss one. Maybe to find a prince and replace Sean? 
  2. Hallo Heaven liked a post in a topic by Blue Ink in Instagram Updates   
    There's a really old interview with her on tumblr (i think her then-bf interviewed her) and she made a playlist of her favourite songs https://lizzygrant4ever.tumblr.com/post/58371003104/lizzy-grantlana-del-rey-myspace-screenshots

  3. CHANEL #1 liked a post in a topic by Blue Ink in Life is Beautiful (Reworked)   
    omg i was thinking of trying that myself, so grateful somebody else already did the work haha. it turned out great x
  4. Blue Ink liked a post in a topic by CHANEL #1 in Life is Beautiful (Reworked)   
    Hey everyone! The recent leaking of LIB really made my week, as I'm sure it did for many of you as well. It was so great to finally hear it in its entirety and for me it definitely didn't disappoint. That being said, I have listened to the fanmade version I've had in my iTunes so many times now that the song's structure felt off to me. Essentially the version I was using had, what we now know as the bridge as the chorus. I don't really like how the chorus is just one line repeated twice. So I decided to try my hand at splicing together a version with the bridge used twice as a chorus and then the song ending as it does. I also wanted to utilize both versions that leaked. So essentially my "rework" goes like this:
    Verse 1 (2015 ver.) --> Prechorus (Alt ver.) --> Bridge --> Verse 2 (2015 ver.) --> Prechorus (Alt ver.) --> Bridge + Outro (2015 ver.)
    I'm not great at audio editing. I don't do it often and all I had to do this was garageband. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out though and don't think any of the transitions are too jarring. So, I figured I'd share it with the community. Go easy on me haha! 
    New Link: https://dbree.org/v/41620e
  5. PaintTheSkyBlack liked a post in a topic by Blue Ink in Instagram Updates   
    There's a really old interview with her on tumblr (i think her then-bf interviewed her) and she made a playlist of her favourite songs https://lizzygrant4ever.tumblr.com/post/58371003104/lizzy-grantlana-del-rey-myspace-screenshots

  6. Blue Ink liked a post in a topic by Elle in IMPORTANT Site Update   
    Okay everyone, unfortunately, the rest of the updates will have to continue tomorrow.
    We’ve done all we can do for now with what’s available to us currently, and we’ve been in a bit of a waiting game to be cleared before beginning the rest of the update phases. I am prioritizing safety over time in this situation, as it is of my upmost importance that nothing goes wrong during these updates. We need to wait a bit longer for every single bump to be completely smoothed out to prepare to begin the software script update. We did make some great behind-the-scenes headway today during Phase 1, so please don’t be too discouraged, there’s just a few more things we need to get settled before beginning the big software script update, and Melly & I have sort of no choice but to wait out the time until everything is set for takeoff. It doesn’t seem that we’ll be ready to start the main update any time tonight, so we will resume updates tomorrow. The site will remain online until then, and I will update you all tomorrow for when we will be offline.
    My sincerest apologies for this delay, and thank you guys so much for being patient and hanging in there during this complicated process x
  7. Blue Ink liked a post in a topic by lamms in IMPORTANT Site Update   
    Can't wait to enter the new era for this place with everyone else. Pretty exciting as a new user, can't imagine how it must be for everyone else who's been here for years
  8. Blue Ink liked a post in a topic by DeleteForever in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    - What I for this album. An Idea.
    * 10 - 12 tracks.
    * An even mix of real instruments and electronic instruments.
    * An least a handful of professional photoshoots.
    * An even amount of DIY music videos and professional music videos.
    * National Anthem, Summertime Sadness, and Video Games aesthetics.
    * An 1960s inspired album cover 
    What I'm going to get:
    - Very long song titles.
    - GarageBand instrumentals
    - only 1 photoshoot
  9. Blue Ink liked a post in a topic by pin up galore in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    tomorrow at noon when the title track lyric video gets posted and lana doesn’t acknowledge it for 6+ hours >>>
  10. Blue Ink liked a post in a topic by Pico Ocean Boulevard in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    According to an insider, Lana read the COCC pre release thread on Lanaboards and couldn't stop laughing. "These little fuckers really think I'm making an announcement today. What a bunch of clowns," were Lana's words before she fell off her chair and gasped. Meanwhile, the "Born to Fool" singer is doing better again. Her fans are still hopeful that something is coming today or tomorrow but it's a dangerous thing...
    I really should go to bed now...maybe I wake up to some news...
  11. Blue Ink liked a post in a topic by ChaoticLipster in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    Preparing to manifest album details for tomorrow ...I have my pentagram drawn on the floor, a goat ready to sacrifice (sorry vegan friends) a hundred candles lit, photos of chemtrails and country clubs all over my walls. It’s going to happen!!!
  12. Blue Ink liked a post in a topic by Elle in IMPORTANT Site Update   
    Hey all, just another update - you guys will have a bit more time online today before we go off as we're going to have to start the process later than expected. Melly & I are already having a few bumps in the road with beginning the process, so we're just waiting for a few tech people to respond to us before we fully dive into the update process and take the site offline.
    In the meantime, Chunky is very excited to see the new LanaBoards!

  13. Blue Ink liked a post in a topic by Platinum Greenwich in IMPORTANT Site Update   
    it's only the beginning
    if we hold on to hope
    we'll have a happy ending

  14. Blue Ink liked a post in a topic by Elle in IMPORTANT Site Update   
    Thank you all for the supportive messages! I’m nervous, but excited too. It’s bittersweet saying goodbye to the classic layout that we’ve had for so long... This truly is the end of an era. But as the great Del Rey once said, Change is a powerful thing!
    This is the heads up that in about 2-3 hours, Melly and I are going to begin the update process. I’ll post another message here a few minutes before we take the site offline, and will be posting updates on the twitter page as mentioned in the OP as we’re updating the site.

  15. Blue Ink liked a post in a topic by sempervirens in IMPORTANT Site Update   
    i screamed
    i actually can access lanaboards on my windows 98 virtualbox lol
  16. Blue Ink liked a post in a topic by May in IMPORTANT Site Update   
    why were so many people previously voting against updating the forum? :awkney:
  17. Blue Ink liked a post in a topic by HEARTCORE in IMPORTANT Site Update   
    thank you for maintaining and updating this hellhole
  18. Blue Ink liked a post in a topic by Just Cherry in IMPORTANT Site Update   
    Thank you! Always glad to see improvements!
  19. Blue Ink liked a post in a topic by Beautiful Loser in IMPORTANT Site Update   
    The last hours of the classic LB site aaaahhhh...! Exciting! I’ll see you on the other side!
  20. Blue Ink liked a post in a topic by takeitdoen in IMPORTANT Site Update   
    omg new themes  
  21. Blue Ink liked a post in a topic by Pico Ocean Boulevard in IMPORTANT Site Update   
    Watch Lana making an announcement while the site is offline and we all have mental
    breakdowns bc we can't post on here for several hours
    On a serious note :Thank you so much for all the work you put into this website!!! Looking forward to the new design!!
  22. Blue Ink liked a post in a topic by kitschesque in IMPORTANT Site Update   
    Do what's necessary queen!
    Thank you for all the time and work you're putting into Lanaboards' entire existence
  23. Blue Ink liked a post in a topic by Elle in IMPORTANT Site Update   
    Hi all, 
    I just wanted to let you know of some changes that are going to take place later today (about 12 or so hours from now.)
    Some of you may remember I posted this message before a couple of weeks ago after a previous site crash, but it was removed within a half hour along with any other posts that had been posted in that time frame. Basically, I tried to upgrade the server without updating the site first and it didn't work, so I had to revert it. Let me delve more into that - 
    Essentially, LanaBoards's current server isn't stable enough to continue using. We just had another crash Saturday night following #AugustLeakFest due to traffic, and those sort of crashes are going to continue to happen during high traffic times on our current server. Obviously, we can't have that happen especially with COTCC coming up; however, in order to upgrade to a larger server, the forum script software has to be updated. Otherwise, it will not work properly as I discovered a couple of weeks ago.
    A few times in the past, I've asked users and set up a poll to see if you all wanted me to update the forum script. Each time, the result was pretty split or with a slight majority in favour of keeping the current forum script that LanaBoards has had since its start in 2012. Now, I have no choice but to update it anyway.
    Later today, in about 12 hours or so, Melly and I will be updating the site and then upgrading the server.
    Here's pretty much what you need to know:
    - The site will be offline for a few hours while this updating and upgrading occurs. I don't imagine it will take too terribly long (and I sure hope it doesn't), but it could be a few hours. I'll be posting a notice on the site hopefully around an hour or so before it goes offline, but I would highly recommend you all to follow the @/LanaBoards Twitter if you're not already, as I'll be posting updates there while everything is taking place to keep you all up to date on what's happening.
    - Things are going to look a little different. LanaBoards has not changed much aesthetically aside from era theme changes over the past 8 years. This is because the same forum software script has not ever changed, but it's so outdated and now causing some problems. I'm still going to be using the same forum company's template, it's just going to be their newest updated script. So it won't be too drastic of a change, but there may be some minor aesthetic & functionality changes here and there. 
    - The theme will have to change (yay, finally, I know.) Now, the problem is I have no idea what the site layout is going to look like after the update. I have a brief idea of what it may look like, but I cannot start designing a theme until the update is complete so I'll know how to design it to match the new layout of the site. So, for a few days after the update, we may have to have a simple temporary theme until an actual one is completely designed. I'm working with some other talented users to hopefully design themes for both NFR & VBBOTG, and I'm also going to try to redesign the current LFL theme to fit the new layout as well. I may also go back and redesign some of the themes for other eras (if/when I have time) and feature a list of themes where users can decide which one they would like.
    - You really have nothing to worry about! (hopefully, if nothing goes terribly wrong!) All accounts, posts, threads, etc. will remain in tact. Again, the only thing different will be minor aesthetic & functionality changes in the site's layout as I mentioned above. It will pretty much stay the same LanaBoards that you all know and love (& hate sometimes) since we'll still be using the same forum template, but with a sleeker, more updated layout and design.
    Please let me know if you all have any questions or concerns. I'll post a message to this thread as well as in the Status Updates letting you all know before we go offline, but again I would strongly recommend following our Twitter page for updates while we're offline. 
    Thank you all so much for your support and cooperation in this!
    All my love,
    Elle xx
  24. Blue Ink liked a post in a topic by MargaretThatcher in Instagram Updates   
    Yeah those were the tumblr days!!!
  25. Blue Ink liked a post in a topic by Doin Time in Instagram Updates   
    Let me give this a listen
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