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  1. fruitpunchlips liked a post in a topic by IamThatGirlLily in Lana submitted for 4 grammy awards!   
    NOTHING for Lana, I hope it's because there were too many good artists and not because they snubbed her on purpose.. Who am I kidding. Honneslty Taylor Swift got a nomination whereas her album came out 1 month ago with We are never... as a lead single. Carly Rae Jepsen? She's like the girl version of Psy, a one hit maker. America likes perfectly formated, clean, happy, energic, normal, positive star. Lana with her flaws, her past and her art are too much for them to handle I guess.. :badbitch:
  2. fruitpunchlips liked a post in a topic by DaytonaMeth in Lana submitted for 4 grammy awards!   
    just awful. How the fuck did carly get a nom for song of the year? ssasfhsdjhjdgssd. The grammys are a joke.
  3. fruitpunchlips liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Lana submitted for 4 grammy awards!   
    she got 0 nominations
  4. fruitpunchlips liked a post in a topic by foxgrl in Taylor Swift copies Ride?   
    one of the most known names around the world is copying out Lana Del Rey
    i'm upset at the fact of you need to be more creative dumb slut
    but like, wow at the same time
    that monologue so does not fit the song btw its all 'deep' and everything and then it goes into a catchy pop song that you've head too many times you're trying too hard taylor
  5. fruitpunchlips liked a post in a topic by DaytonaMeth in Taylor Swift copies Ride?   
    I actually like this song. Its really catchy. But yeah, the video reminded me too much of ride. I wonder if Anthony just assumed that since the ride video was such a hit for Lana. that he would do the same thing for Taylor. But I mean its so silly to me that taylor was so...idk, oblivious to it all? Because I doubt she's dumb enough to actually go along with such a blatant rip off. (The monologue is so cringe worthy omg I had to skip through all of it)
    Its even worse that Reeve is in it. I wonder how annoyed lana is w/ this. Or if she even cares.
  6. SoftcoreBabyface liked a post in a topic by fruitpunchlips in Paradise and Born to Die Sister Songs   
    I think she intended that since she's said that Paradise would be like an afterword.
    Here's how I looked at it:
    Ride - Born to Die
    "Don't break me down... etc" and "Don't make me sad...." She's singing about roads and journeys in both.
    American - Off to the races, Blue jeans, Video Games
    Both describe a casual but slightly disfunctional (drugs etc) relationship. In VG she sings "Swinging in the backyard", in A "play house", evoking images of youth/childhood.
    Cola - Diet Mtn Dew
    I always thought this was really obvious because they're both named after sodas? I think she's comparing Barry to her ex. In a demo version of Diet Mtn Dew she sings "beat me and tell me you're mine..." and in Cola she sings "Don't treat me rough...". Again she talks about taking a ride.
    Body Electric - Summertime Sadness
    In both of them she sings about feeling electric, pale moonlight and ~droppin it like it's hot~
    Blue Velvet - ?
    It might have something to do with Blue Jeans, they have similar titles and in BV she sings "and I still can see the velvet through my tears", in BJ "baby can you see through the tears". I always saw BV as a filler since it's a cover so I haven't paid attention to it.
    Gods & Monsters - Carmen
    I think she's giving a different perspective of her life before she went sober.
    Yayo - ?
    I have no idea..
    Bel Air - Dark Paradise
    I think she sees L.A. as a paradise and she's just describing what she sees when she "closes her eyes"
  7. Christian liked a post in a topic by fruitpunchlips in Paradise and Born to Die Sister Songs   
    I think she intended that since she's said that Paradise would be like an afterword.
    Here's how I looked at it:
    Ride - Born to Die
    "Don't break me down... etc" and "Don't make me sad...." She's singing about roads and journeys in both.
    American - Off to the races, Blue jeans, Video Games
    Both describe a casual but slightly disfunctional (drugs etc) relationship. In VG she sings "Swinging in the backyard", in A "play house", evoking images of youth/childhood.
    Cola - Diet Mtn Dew
    I always thought this was really obvious because they're both named after sodas? I think she's comparing Barry to her ex. In a demo version of Diet Mtn Dew she sings "beat me and tell me you're mine..." and in Cola she sings "Don't treat me rough...". Again she talks about taking a ride.
    Body Electric - Summertime Sadness
    In both of them she sings about feeling electric, pale moonlight and ~droppin it like it's hot~
    Blue Velvet - ?
    It might have something to do with Blue Jeans, they have similar titles and in BV she sings "and I still can see the velvet through my tears", in BJ "baby can you see through the tears". I always saw BV as a filler since it's a cover so I haven't paid attention to it.
    Gods & Monsters - Carmen
    I think she's giving a different perspective of her life before she went sober.
    Yayo - ?
    I have no idea..
    Bel Air - Dark Paradise
    I think she sees L.A. as a paradise and she's just describing what she sees when she "closes her eyes"
  8. HunterAshlyn liked a post in a topic by fruitpunchlips in Paradise and Born to Die Sister Songs   
    I think she intended that since she's said that Paradise would be like an afterword.
    Here's how I looked at it:
    Ride - Born to Die
    "Don't break me down... etc" and "Don't make me sad...." She's singing about roads and journeys in both.
    American - Off to the races, Blue jeans, Video Games
    Both describe a casual but slightly disfunctional (drugs etc) relationship. In VG she sings "Swinging in the backyard", in A "play house", evoking images of youth/childhood.
    Cola - Diet Mtn Dew
    I always thought this was really obvious because they're both named after sodas? I think she's comparing Barry to her ex. In a demo version of Diet Mtn Dew she sings "beat me and tell me you're mine..." and in Cola she sings "Don't treat me rough...". Again she talks about taking a ride.
    Body Electric - Summertime Sadness
    In both of them she sings about feeling electric, pale moonlight and ~droppin it like it's hot~
    Blue Velvet - ?
    It might have something to do with Blue Jeans, they have similar titles and in BV she sings "and I still can see the velvet through my tears", in BJ "baby can you see through the tears". I always saw BV as a filler since it's a cover so I haven't paid attention to it.
    Gods & Monsters - Carmen
    I think she's giving a different perspective of her life before she went sober.
    Yayo - ?
    I have no idea..
    Bel Air - Dark Paradise
    I think she sees L.A. as a paradise and she's just describing what she sees when she "closes her eyes"
  9. fruitpunchlips liked a post in a topic by YUNGATA in Lana Confessions   
    omg that's like omg. Okay it's like this:
    You go out for dinner and you've heard the black forest cake is incredible and you have every intention of trying it. However, you know you need to have entre and mains. Everything will be delicious, you will order an authentic Italian pasta, it'll be familiar but great. But deep down you know you're waiting for dessert but you also know dessert will be even better because you've waited for it. IT'S LIKE DELAYED GRATIFICAKETION.
  10. fruitpunchlips liked a post in a topic by Harlem in Lana Confessions   
  11. fruitpunchlips liked a post in a topic by NEAL in Paradise - Pre-Release Thread   
    Yayo~.. GO!
    Yayu~.. SHAW!
    Yayo~.. YEA YEAH!
    How now~... HOW NOW!
  12. fruitpunchlips liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in Paradise - Pre-Release Thread   
    'Dat photoshop tho
  13. fruitpunchlips liked a post in a topic by Monicker in Possible Albums Before Sirens   
    I feel groggy and i'm in a weird mood and i'm just going to ramble and spout out thoughts related to the direction that this discussion has taken. I should probably drink tea and move my body around, but oh well.
    The subject of leaks is quite complex. There are so many variables and considerations to take into account. I've yet to form a definitive opinion on the matter, and that bothers me because i'd like to neatly wrap my stance on the matter in a pretty little bow, feel certain about it, be done with it and move on to something else. That said, what Baby V Alex said earlier today in another thread is one of the few things i can say i really feel certain about:
    I don't think this point can be overstated. In general, a lot of leaked music isn't really "commercially viable" and we'd be unlikely to hear it otherwise. It's unfortunate how often a popular artist isn't fully represented because of what the label deems marketable. So, why not subvert capitalism, right? Sounds good to me.
    However, that, of course, is not the only thing to consider here. There's the artist's thoughts and feelings about their unreleased material circulating; their financial standing can be a factor (though that can introduce a moral slippery slope); the moral issues of piracy; is intellectual property not property?; should music be free?; a real, tangible, full quality product vs. an inferior copy, and the relative monetary value of each. The list goes on and on, hence why it's so complex.
    The thing is, the subject seems to be pretty elastic, varying from case to case, depending on an artist's own views and their situation. In Lana's case, leaks have certainly helped her develop a greater fan base. But as evilentity reminded us, we don't know her stance on leaks. It would be a different scenario if there was word from her saying that she's actively opposed to leaks (for whatever reason, be it she is embarrassed by her older stuff and doesn't want it circulating; she doesn't consider it finished and doesn't like the idea of people hearing works in progress, etc.) As i said before though, what we do know is that she hasn't exactly shied away from sharing her music throughout the years. Once an artist becomes a public figure though their back catalog, how it gets handled, and who has and should/shouldn't have access to it becomes a pretty hairy situation. But the control is pretty much out of her hands now. You'll recall that there have been times where even her posting a video to her own YouTube channel lead to WMG pulling it.
    Being a professional musician/performer is a weird concept. What a luxury to get paid to make music! And how remarkable that we live in a world where it's even an option. I've never fully known what to make of this, and i say this as someone whose entire life revolves around music, whether it's creating it or appreciating it. Now, would i want my demos to slip out of my fingers and get into the public's hands? Ignoring the fact that most people probably wouldn't give a shit about my music, no, probably not. That's because i am very controlling about how i want myself and my work to be represented and heard. There are others, of course, who have a completely different view of the situation. Should the way that we approach leaks vary from artist to artist? Is that realistic or even possible? Really, at the end of the day, someone's demos and unreleased work is none of our fucking business. It's their or some company's property. But that's also not realistic, it's not the world in which we live. The proverbial can of worms or pandora's box has been opened long ago, and as things stand now, there doesn't really seem to be any going back, no? This is the culture now, it has been for a while, and is only moving more and more in a certain direction. I think the game just needs to be reinvented, and i am curious to see where things go in the next decade or so, because something fundamental in the system has to change. Maybe in the future we'll find ourselves purchasing vials of Lana's sweat in an attempt to have something tangible and personal amidst a cultural sea of sameness, all those 1s and 0s. Of course, that'll only be after some company has convinced us with their advertisements that we want and maybe even need Lana's sweat...
    EDIT: I forgot to mention one very important thing--the one undoubtedly positive thing that has resulted from leaking in the internet age: third parties (bootleggers) hardly, if ever, get to profit from other people's music anymore. And that's a really great thing. Why should anyone profit from something they don't own, had no hand in creating, didn't fund, AND obtained illegally?
  14. fruitpunchlips liked a post in a topic by evilentity in Possible Albums Before Sirens   
    Wow. Monicker just expressed my own reaction to some of the responses this information has received when posted here and elsewhere. And he expressed it even better than I probably could have:
    Exactly. The idea being discussed in this thread wouldn't even cause material to leak. But on the subject of leaks...
    I've always detected a fair amount of disingenuousness in the anti-leak dogmatism adopted lately by much of the fanbase. And I think recent events have demonstrated that. Frankly, I'm tired of hearing people spout as fact what Lana supposedly thinks or feels, especially when it comes second or third hand from sources that are questionable to begin with. As far as I know, Lana hasn't said anything on the record regarding leaks except to say that AKA is widely available online and that she is proud of it. Absent a public statement from Lana regarding leaks, I'm not going to feel bad or conflicted about listening to leaks or wanting things to leak. I'm not sure I would even with a statement. Personally, I don't feel that being a fan ever obligates one to not want to hear new music. (Posting a leak is a separate issue, however, ethically and legally.) As I've said before on another forum, the interests or artists, record companies, and fans are not the same and are often in tension and at cross-purposes with each other, and I don't think there's anything wrong with that.
    Yes, this is why I said it was "pretty expensive" and that "I don't think Kickstarter is viable for this" and threw out the still somewhat fantastical idea that maybe a music publication would find it a worthwhile expense for an article because it was the only idea I could think of with even a modicum of practicality. At any rate, I was just surprised to find that listening to the recordings via the Copyright Office is even possible.
    I plead the fifth.
  15. fruitpunchlips liked a post in a topic by Monicker in Possible Albums Before Sirens   
    Imma kick back and watch this train run out of steam while people project their guilt onto others, assume Lana's motives and intentions, and pretend to know how the music industry works. All, of course, over a tall glass of maple syrup lemonade, a mountain of spaghetti, and a slice of lemon pie cake.
    NO, but 4 seriously guyz, this is, uh, insane. Pooling money together so that one person can make a trip to DC to hear some old recordings and then report back with a verbal description of them? There's liking an artist's music and then there's being pathologically obsessive. That said, i'm not trying to stop anyone here. Be merry and carry on.
    To those who moralistically recoil at the mere thought of tracking down these songs, and cite the "personal" nature of her unreleased music as evidence for leaving it be: these songs are registered at the LOC, not sitting on an old hard drive of hers in oblivion. Throughout the years leading up to getting signed to a major, she has distributed her music, whether at shows, giving physical copies to acquaintances and colleagues, or putting them up online. And now she's a major artist. You think a signed artist has the agency to just release whatever music whenever they desire? What do you think record labels, label executives, and distributors are for? She's under contract, of which we don't know the terms--she can't just "release" her music as she pleases, so the argument that because she hasn't done so yet she must not want to, is meaningless. That is flawed logic and a gross oversimplification.
    Maybe she doesn't care for that old stuff. Maybe she doesn't even think about it anymore. Maybe she's embarrassed by it given the age at which it was recorded. But again, Sirens was given out to people, and these other unknown songs are registered with the LOC. The fact of the matter is that she is now a public recording artist with a back catalogue of registered music. This business about her old songs being "too personal" is hogwash. The idea being discussed in this thread wouldn't even cause material to leak. Now that is another topic altogether--the moral implications of pirating intellectual property. Why don't we discuss THAT rather than making shit up?
  16. fruitpunchlips liked a post in a topic by Matt in Lana's Self-Help Books   
    A research in the field of sonics or: Sonically Speaking - narrated by Lana Del Rey
    How to Turn your Life into a Work of Art
    How to look and sing beautifully
    What not to do on SNL
    How to be Hipster
  17. fruitpunchlips liked a post in a topic by Myriam in Memorable Quotes, By: Lana Del Rey   
    I really loved when she did that too! So cute
    "I just thought it was so sad, that God had found someone so perfect for me and that then we really couldn't be together" - It broke my heart when she said that I'll never forget it
    And I really love the line "Fooling everyone, telling them she's having fun", probably just because I can relate to it so much,
  18. fruitpunchlips liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Do you think Lana still does drugs?   
    Wow, looks like I have a lot more faith than a lot of you!
    She did say she got "clean" in a comment on the "Carmen" video, remember? A lot of people cite her stage presence as evidence for drug and alcohol use, but to be honest I think she's just weird. I'm usually not the optimist when it comes to her personal life, but I think even if she has slip-ups (been trying hard not to get into trouble), it's not something that she isn't working on.
  19. fruitpunchlips liked a post in a topic by Sam Gho in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships   
    I have written this before, but I think Jimmy G was a minor character in her life, as far as a real relationship was concerned. I think she developed a crush on him after meeting him at clubs etc., and as she said in some interview, she was impressed by his rock-star credentials, but realized later that he was only modestly famous. I think the more substantial relationships were with K, and MM. As far as songs are concerned, many of the early songs are about K, while the majority of the later ones are about MM (obviously she refers to both of them in some songs). Jimmy is the inspiration of only a few songs but she intentionally confuses matters by choosing BS for two of the videos, even though the character in Blue Jeans or VG or BTD has nothing to do with what we know of JG. Instead all the three songs of the trilogy seem most closely based on MM's character, with aspects of K's criminality thrown in, but mixed in with JG's looks (tattoos).
  20. blackenedrussianpoetry liked a post in a topic by fruitpunchlips in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships   
    I just realised... when she sings Bill, maybe she means bill as in money? Hundred Dollar Bill, for example. It's a bit of a stretch but it might be worth sharing.
    Edit: Read through this comment again and I think I've worded myself in a weird way. I mean that for example in Trash Magic when she sings "Yes Bill, I will", Bill is not a person, it's money, so she's really saying "Yes, for money, I will".
  21. Valentino liked a post in a topic by fruitpunchlips in Most Played LDR Songs   
    Born to Die: National Anthem
    AKA: Pawn Shop Blues
    Sirens: For K (Part 1). Provocative: I don't really like Sirens at all. For K has only been played 7 times.
    Unreleased: American Dream / Damn You (I don't know what it's actually called) I'm surprised I've played this so many times (103...) 'cause it's not that good but I think it's because I really like the way she sings "I pray your life is sweet, you fucker, damn you" and you cannot skip to your favorite part of a song. You have to earn it.
    Demos: Without You (Demo), National Anthem (Demo 1) and Carmen (Demo) were all close ties
    Collabs: -
  22. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by fruitpunchlips in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships   
    I just realised... when she sings Bill, maybe she means bill as in money? Hundred Dollar Bill, for example. It's a bit of a stretch but it might be worth sharing.
    Edit: Read through this comment again and I think I've worded myself in a weird way. I mean that for example in Trash Magic when she sings "Yes Bill, I will", Bill is not a person, it's money, so she's really saying "Yes, for money, I will".
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