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About LanaTheRay

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  • Birthday October 16

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  1. Did she get her paradise tattoo like touched up? looks much less faded! Stunning as always ugh
  2. Y’all this is the same woman who kisses fans on their bare fucking lips and screams at body guards in their faces if they’re too aggressive w fans, she’s anything but inconsiderate or rude lmao
  3. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMdoSEHrd/ Absolutely hate anytime politicians and old people try to get in on meme culture or when administrations try to insert themselves into internet jokes, but exposure is exposure and this new video by the White House and BennyDrama has Lana’s national anthem playing in the background
  4. Tidal shows me my top 30 listened songs at the end of every month and last month was the first month ever that not a single Lana song made it into my top 30, release something girl
  5. Want Lana to surprise drop BB on Lorde’s release day to block her from number one so Lana can solidify her place as the Queen of Alternative and shut all the dirty Lorde stans up who have to audacity to give that devil witch from Snow White looking hoe the title
  6. How do you make a post in a thread with gifs?
  7. I’m talking mainly chemtrails also this place is turning into shit, like y’all are just being rude and taking anyone who expects more from Lana after these recent singles and grouping them into the “fake fans who want Lana to be a depressed coke whore who makes music for bottoms to bop their non existent twink asses to” bullshit Y’all are just as toxic as the kids on Lana Twitter who have this weird holier than thou complex that talk shit on tiktok stans for being locals I’ve been a fan since 2012 and for the last time do NOT want Lana to go back to her old sound singing about sugar daddies and whatever I want her to EVOLVE and continue exploring new sounds like she used to, I know she’s not a basic pop girl and don’t expect that from her, Jesus, coming back to this thread when there’s actual news cause what the fuck
  8. If you look at the rest of the personnel on that records there are hoards of other instruments on top of these tracks that feature piano, on these last two records especially Cocc there’s only a handful of instruments besides piano.
  9. Okay like we’re arguing over semantics at this point, fact is Lana has been making mellow and instrumentally stripped songs the last 3 records that heavily feature a piano, if this wasn’t true there wouldn’t be such discourse on it that consumed like the last 15 pages of this pre release thread
  10. songs that feature piano and instrumentally mainly based around a piano* And the title song Norman Rockwell video literally has Lana sat fake playing on a piano.
  11. According to Tidal the personnel for keyboard and piano appear on the following Norman Fucking Rockwell Jack Antonoff – keyboards ( tracks 1–4, 6–8, 11, 13), piano (tracks 1–4, 6–8, 11, 13, 14), Chemtrails Over The Country Club Jack Antonoff – piano (tracks 1, 2, 4, 5, 9–11)
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