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The Stargirl Pinky

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  1. TRENCH liked a post in a topic by The Stargirl Pinky in 2020 USA Democratic Presidential General Election   
    the “well hello” part of that is giving me LDR PTSD ?

  2. The Stargirl Pinky liked a post in a topic by Ryusei in 2020 USA Democratic Presidential General Election   
    suck it all you "tRumP wIlL wiN jUsT bEinG rEaliStiC" people!!!
  3. The Stargirl Pinky liked a post in a topic by Elle in 2020 USA Democratic Presidential General Election   
    what a beautiful BLUE-skied morning
  4. The Stargirl Pinky liked a post in a topic by past the bushes in 2020 USA Democratic Presidential General Election   
    I'm really happy for all of you  I hope that this can be the beginning of something better 
  5. The Stargirl Pinky liked a post in a topic by partymonster in 2020 USA Democratic Presidential General Election   
    just popping in for a quick laugh 
  6. Nobody liked a post in a topic by The Stargirl Pinky in 2020 USA Democratic Presidential General Election   
    the “well hello” part of that is giving me LDR PTSD ?

  7. The Stargirl Pinky liked a post in a topic by Mash Tragic in 2020 USA Democratic Presidential General Election   
    Now I hope everything will get better for you, American friends! 
  8. The Stargirl Pinky liked a post in a topic by drugsdesire in 2020 USA Democratic Presidential General Election   
    congratulations guys  let's celebrate trump losing 
  9. The Stargirl Pinky liked a post in a topic by Vanilla Icy in 2020 USA Democratic Presidential General Election   
    stop i’m literally crying we did it 
  10. The Stargirl Pinky liked a post in a topic by Mer in 2020 USA Democratic Presidential General Election   
    maybe i'm just cynical, but i honestly think ratings are playing a big role. the amount of advertising dollars any website/tv show displaying a map has made is ludicrous. why not milk this cash cow for every penny they can. 
  11. The Stargirl Pinky liked a post in a topic by Mer in 2020 USA Democratic Presidential General Election   
    Explaining what's actually happened:
    Sec of State issued an order those ballots received after Nov. 3rd have to be counted separately
    GOP CLAIMED not all counties confirmed to have been following the Sec of State order.
    Alito is just saying all counties should follow the Sec of State orders.
    This is just for show, so the GOP can claim "this will go to SCOTUS".
    All ballots received after Nov. 3rd will be temporarily segregated but still counted. It will then mostly likely be up to the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania to decide if those votes are to be added to the final count or not. 
    Important: Joe Biden's current lead of 21,000 votes is not dependent on these segregated ballots. There are a tiny fraction of ballots that came in after election day (reportedly under 2,000; but that number is not definitive). This ruling does nothing except to keep these going exactly as they have been thus far. 
  12. The Stargirl Pinky liked a post in a topic by Venice in 2020 USA Democratic Presidential General Election   
    Whatever those peeps wanna argue about now, it's too late to stop the wave. Out of the black and into the blue 
  13. The Stargirl Pinky liked a post in a topic by Mer in 2020 USA Democratic Presidential General Election   
    Supreme Court Justice Alito has written an order refusing the request by the GOP to stop counting votes received after election day in PA. He was appointed by George W. Bush. 
  14. The Stargirl Pinky liked a post in a topic by Party Favor in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    this most likely
  15. Venice liked a post in a topic by The Stargirl Pinky in 2020 USA Democratic Presidential General Election   
    I’m cry. This is incredible.  
  16. Venice liked a post in a topic by The Stargirl Pinky in 2020 USA Democratic Presidential General Election   
    Definitely a win SweetHenny. Let’s not get started on the Trump ties to Epstein if some bitches really wanna get into the pedophile thing. Start ya own thread for that somewhere else pls thank u 
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