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  1. Joseblue12 liked a post in a topic by nicodelrey98 in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
  2. Joseblue12 liked a post in a topic by bluelikeyou in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    daddy rick's shitty old microphone is back 
    honeymoon 2.0
  3. Joseblue12 liked a post in a topic by The Stargirl Pinky in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   

  4. Joseblue12 liked a post in a topic by Make me your Dream Life in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    that's what heeeee saaaaaaaaid la la la laaaa laaaa laaaaaaa what happened after Lana, tell us mama 
  5. Joseblue12 liked a post in a topic by Dark Angel in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    at first i thought ya'll were joking but WE'RE WINNING!!!  
    it's so heartfelt, somber, yet optimistic, and... blue  i just know that this is a SERVE  
  6. Joseblue12 liked a post in a topic by Thunder Revenant in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    First she's raging about revenge, now we get another 2-chord-ballad about romance ...Can she come up with something else?
  7. Joseblue12 liked a post in a topic by Vanilla Icy in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    ok but thank god she filmed something professional for this 
  8. Joseblue12 liked a post in a topic by lagatabajolalluvia in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    ready to paint my banisters blue 

  9. Joseblue12 liked a post in a topic by lamms in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    Also maybe her banisters were in bad shape and he fixed and made it pretty for her, which is a very homely job but also a metaphor for her broken heart to have finally a stable home  i‘m so emotional atm sorry
  10. Joseblue12 liked a post in a topic by jazzlessbaby in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    If Blue Bannisters is about her relationship with Clay and the joy she feels from it, ROSES BLOOM FOR YOU IS COMING! 
  11. Joseblue12 liked a post in a topic by bluelikeyou in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
  12. Joseblue12 liked a post in a topic by xxmissdaytonaxx in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    her and clay are so cute, i hope they're back together (if they ever broke up in the first place). 
  13. Joseblue12 liked a post in a topic by Platinum Greenwich in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    fair point dfgjlshjdkfgjhskfdg same
    it's the way that this video might just make me bury my larrie stan card tbh...............
    a DEVASTATING prospect but i also _want_ it to happen lmfao
  14. Joseblue12 liked a post in a topic by KingJay in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    Ok guys so now can we give poor sis a break and stop having meltdowns?
  15. Joseblue12 liked a post in a topic by bluelikeyou in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    'give me children
    take away my pain' 
  16. Joseblue12 liked a post in a topic by Make me your Dream Life in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    this is gonna be heartWRENCHING  the regret. the promises. the betrayal of trust? we'll see 
  17. Joseblue12 liked a post in a topic by finalsong in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    And I thought after the selfie post was going to  be more silence from her for months.....I didn't expect anything like this 
  18. Joseblue12 liked a post in a topic by KingJay in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    Girl, no one is keeping you here. If you're so bored find something to do lol.
  19. Joseblue12 liked a post in a topic by fishtails in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    okay but now that we've heard a snippet I feel like these could honestly be real lyrics haha
  20. Joseblue12 liked a post in a topic by lamms in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    Ngl it’s captivating in its own way. This shot especially is giving me Ride resolution feels. Like she finally reached her destination 

  21. Joseblue12 liked a post in a topic by lizzyschemtrails in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    SINGLE DROPPING FRIDAY?? time to manifest 
  22. Joseblue12 liked a post in a topic by xxmissdaytonaxx in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    8 hours ago i thought she was trolling. now, here i am, back on train delulu. lana is so powerful... 
  23. Joseblue12 liked a post in a topic by Coney Island King in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    So is Blue Bananas the single or the album? 
  24. Joseblue12 liked a post in a topic by IanadeIrey in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    Thoughts about why this is the title track;
    1. A banister is a structure formed by multiple parts (namely the uprights and handrail) that acts as a support for stairs. 
    2. So I wonder if “paint my banisters blue” refers to marriage (something borrowed, something blue). Establishing a foundation (symbolized by the banisters) and honouring it through marriage (symbolized by blue).
    3. It seems that she’s talking about the men who have come into her life and promised to “come back every May/fix [her] weather vane” and make “an honest woman” out of her, be there for her, etc. 

    4. The shots of her and Clay lead me to believe that this song represents finally finding someone who you can depend on and share your life with, hence, that’s why it’s the title track. 
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