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  1. LustForcocc liked a post in a topic by Vertimus in Lana Del Rey's wedding as she marries Jeremy Dufrene in Des Allemands, LA - September 26th, 2024   
    Private lives and romantic lives are messy---look at our own. 
    We like to think we know all the facts and what's in Lana's heart and mind, but we don't. We form a picture of her based on what we do know to be fact, but what we assemble from those partial facts is only an estimation and not exact, and will never be exact--especially because we live in an age where people reject objective-as-possible fact in favor of their own interpretation or belief system, and find it hard to live with unknowns. 
    Almost 70 years after her death, some of the facts of Marilyn Monroe's life, character, and death are still unknown but hotly debated. There's nary a major public figure about which this is not true: Jackie Kennedy, Michael Jackson, Prince, Whitney Houston, Elvis Presley, and figures with lower global profiles, like Janice Joplin and Jeff Buckley. 
    Stanning is not far from hero worship, which makes a cult out of the hero in question, and worship often turns into hate when the worshipped figure does not act in accordance with what is expected--and in which followers are deeply invested.  
    I agree, this marriage and relationship appear awkward to my eyes, and her husband appears gauche, even coarse based on some of his social media, but I don't know the truth, the facts, what lies in their hearts or what they share. I don't know either of them.
    To me, it seems better to draw what conclusions I can from the hard but partial facts, but otherwise give the entire situation the benefit of the doubt, live with all the unknowns, and wish Lana the best. 
  2. LustForcocc liked a post in a topic by Coloringbooks in Lana Del Rey's wedding as she marries Jeremy Dufrene in Des Allemands, LA - September 26th, 2024   
    Can we please not lock this thread? I don't like when people say that for every remotely controversial topic. And no h8, because I used to do it myself, but then I noticed it was kinda ridiculous
    This is a major event for Lana and it deserves a place to discuss, if this thread gets locked then the discussion will simply be carried over across other threads… 
  3. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by LustForcocc in Lana Del Rey's wedding as she marries Jeremy Dufrene in Des Allemands, LA - September 26th, 2024   
    I’m sorry but can this woman do anything? She got married and all I’m seeing is people here talking about abuse and how they hate her husband, and the only things I’ve seen online are invasive pap drone pics of her wedding and pregnancy speculations. Some people need to grow the fuck up
    Edit - forgot to mention how many people wishing divorce on her too. Great! 
  4. JuneSixthTwentyFourteen liked a post in a topic by LustForcocc in Lana Del Rey's wedding as she marries Jeremy Dufrene in Des Allemands, LA - September 26th, 2024   
    I’m sorry but can this woman do anything? She got married and all I’m seeing is people here talking about abuse and how they hate her husband, and the only things I’ve seen online are invasive pap drone pics of her wedding and pregnancy speculations. Some people need to grow the fuck up
    Edit - forgot to mention how many people wishing divorce on her too. Great! 
  5. kstar liked a post in a topic by LustForcocc in Lana Del Rey's wedding as she marries Jeremy Dufrene in Des Allemands, LA - September 26th, 2024   
    I’m sorry but can this woman do anything? She got married and all I’m seeing is people here talking about abuse and how they hate her husband, and the only things I’ve seen online are invasive pap drone pics of her wedding and pregnancy speculations. Some people need to grow the fuck up
    Edit - forgot to mention how many people wishing divorce on her too. Great! 
  6. how the light shines in liked a post in a topic by LustForcocc in Lana Del Rey's wedding as she marries Jeremy Dufrene in Des Allemands, LA - September 26th, 2024   
    I’m sorry but can this woman do anything? She got married and all I’m seeing is people here talking about abuse and how they hate her husband, and the only things I’ve seen online are invasive pap drone pics of her wedding and pregnancy speculations. Some people need to grow the fuck up
    Edit - forgot to mention how many people wishing divorce on her too. Great! 
  7. Embach liked a post in a topic by LustForcocc in Lana Del Rey's wedding as she marries Jeremy Dufrene in Des Allemands, LA - September 26th, 2024   
    I’m sorry but can this woman do anything? She got married and all I’m seeing is people here talking about abuse and how they hate her husband, and the only things I’ve seen online are invasive pap drone pics of her wedding and pregnancy speculations. Some people need to grow the fuck up
    Edit - forgot to mention how many people wishing divorce on her too. Great! 
  8. LustForcocc liked a post in a topic by jaesana in Lana Del Rey's wedding as she marries Jeremy Dufrene in Des Allemands, LA - September 26th, 2024   
    ……. we. do. not. know. this.
    we do not know them or their relationship. how does one even come to this conclusion? we’ve never even seen this man speak 
  9. LustForcocc liked a post in a topic by DeadSeaOfMercury in Lana Del Rey's wedding as she marries Jeremy Dufrene in Des Allemands, LA - September 26th, 2024   
    I usually don’t advocate for locking threads, But I think we need to close this one…
  10. Chickacherrycola liked a post in a topic by LustForcocc in Lana Del Rey's wedding as she marries Jeremy Dufrene in Des Allemands, LA - September 26th, 2024   
    I’m sorry but can this woman do anything? She got married and all I’m seeing is people here talking about abuse and how they hate her husband, and the only things I’ve seen online are invasive pap drone pics of her wedding and pregnancy speculations. Some people need to grow the fuck up
    Edit - forgot to mention how many people wishing divorce on her too. Great! 
  11. Beautiful Loser liked a post in a topic by LustForcocc in Lana Del Rey's wedding as she marries Jeremy Dufrene in Des Allemands, LA - September 26th, 2024   
    I’m sorry but can this woman do anything? She got married and all I’m seeing is people here talking about abuse and how they hate her husband, and the only things I’ve seen online are invasive pap drone pics of her wedding and pregnancy speculations. Some people need to grow the fuck up
    Edit - forgot to mention how many people wishing divorce on her too. Great! 
  12. jaesana liked a post in a topic by LustForcocc in Lana Del Rey's wedding as she marries Jeremy Dufrene in Des Allemands, LA - September 26th, 2024   
    I’m sorry but can this woman do anything? She got married and all I’m seeing is people here talking about abuse and how they hate her husband, and the only things I’ve seen online are invasive pap drone pics of her wedding and pregnancy speculations. Some people need to grow the fuck up
    Edit - forgot to mention how many people wishing divorce on her too. Great! 
  13. kristinaj liked a post in a topic by LustForcocc in Lana Del Rey's wedding as she marries Jeremy Dufrene in Des Allemands, LA - September 26th, 2024   
    I’m sorry but can this woman do anything? She got married and all I’m seeing is people here talking about abuse and how they hate her husband, and the only things I’ve seen online are invasive pap drone pics of her wedding and pregnancy speculations. Some people need to grow the fuck up
    Edit - forgot to mention how many people wishing divorce on her too. Great! 
  14. DeadSeaOfMercury liked a post in a topic by LustForcocc in Lana Del Rey's wedding as she marries Jeremy Dufrene in Des Allemands, LA - September 26th, 2024   
    I’m sorry but can this woman do anything? She got married and all I’m seeing is people here talking about abuse and how they hate her husband, and the only things I’ve seen online are invasive pap drone pics of her wedding and pregnancy speculations. Some people need to grow the fuck up
    Edit - forgot to mention how many people wishing divorce on her too. Great! 
  15. Taco Truck x VB liked a post in a topic by LustForcocc in Lana Del Rey's wedding as she marries Jeremy Dufrene in Des Allemands, LA - September 26th, 2024   
    I’m sorry but can this woman do anything? She got married and all I’m seeing is people here talking about abuse and how they hate her husband, and the only things I’ve seen online are invasive pap drone pics of her wedding and pregnancy speculations. Some people need to grow the fuck up
    Edit - forgot to mention how many people wishing divorce on her too. Great! 
  16. X8deletedUserX liked a post in a topic by LustForcocc in Lana Del Rey's wedding as she marries Jeremy Dufrene in Des Allemands, LA - September 26th, 2024   
    I’m sorry but can this woman do anything? She got married and all I’m seeing is people here talking about abuse and how they hate her husband, and the only things I’ve seen online are invasive pap drone pics of her wedding and pregnancy speculations. Some people need to grow the fuck up
    Edit - forgot to mention how many people wishing divorce on her too. Great! 
  17. GeminiLanaFan liked a post in a topic by LustForcocc in Lana Del Rey's wedding as she marries Jeremy Dufrene in Des Allemands, LA - September 26th, 2024   
    I’m sorry but can this woman do anything? She got married and all I’m seeing is people here talking about abuse and how they hate her husband, and the only things I’ve seen online are invasive pap drone pics of her wedding and pregnancy speculations. Some people need to grow the fuck up
    Edit - forgot to mention how many people wishing divorce on her too. Great! 
  18. LustForcocc liked a post in a topic by Enco in Lana Del Rey's wedding as she marries Jeremy Dufrene in Des Allemands, LA - September 26th, 2024   
    Her personal growth is truly admirable, from not caring if she lived to now finding happiness in herself and someone else. Everyone in the fan base and outside of it commenting negatively on her marriage of 1 day, I say this in the most non aggressive way possible~ y’all are fucking weird 
  19. LustForcocc liked a post in a topic by lmdr in Lana Del Rey's wedding as she marries Jeremy Dufrene in Des Allemands, LA - September 26th, 2024   
    you guys are sooooo annoying and NEED to touch grass
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