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  1. lili liked a post in a topic by Super Movie in Lana's diction and incomprehensible lyrics   
    Days like today make me understand that one person on live with Lana in October who just kept asking her to clarify what lyrics actually are
  2. lili liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in Where Are You Now As A Lana Del Rey Fan? / What Does Being A Lana Del Rey Fan Mean To You?   
    This is pretty much exactly how I feel, too (and we are almost the same age so my timeline is similar)
    I don't love her current direction but I'm okay with that, and she will always be one of my favourites. 
  3. lili liked a post in a topic by baddisease in Where Are You Now As A Lana Del Rey Fan? / What Does Being A Lana Del Rey Fan Mean To You?   
    I've been a fan since the Lana Del Rey EP dropped (this one). I read about it on a New York City-centered blog (forgot what it was called). I fell soooooooo in love with her music and her image. I still feel that way, honestly. I connect to her music really deeply and can't see myself unstanning any time soon.
  4. lili liked a post in a topic by Ultra Violet in Where Are You Now As A Lana Del Rey Fan? / What Does Being A Lana Del Rey Fan Mean To You?   
    I'm a listener of 10 years (i think October will be the official decade), and Lana has remained in my top 3 artists this whole time. She was my #1 back in 2013-2015, because those eras were everything I ever wanted, and even tho I haven't felt such a "favourite" moment with her music since 2015-16, she remains in my top 3 artists because of the huge impact she had on me then, and how much she still interests me. Nothing will top that and I can be happy about it. 
    Right now I feel like less of a big stan and more of an older fan that will obviously keep in close with the news, but no longer expects her new releases to be my new favourite thing, if that makes sense. It's taken me long enough to be happy about sinking into an old familiarity with her music, and im learning to be more grateful with what we have than expectant for new and better things.  
    I probably sound like someone talking about music from like 30 years ago, but I FEEL these years gone by ok  I was 15, now I'm turning 26, its a long time!
  5. lili liked a post in a topic by Pico Ocean Boulevard in Fingertips   
    I might be a bit in a " I am hyped for LDR9 moment" this morning but I really realized I love these lyrics this morning. It still creates a picture in my head. Like she is coming back from grocery shopping & puts the plastic bags on the kitchen counter & somehow she gets reminded of an older relationship & she kinda zooms  out of the reality & is thinking about the old relationship. She just stands there infront of the kitchen counter , tracing her finger tips over the plastic bags , maybe starring at the wall or out of the window while thinking  about that relationship & how much she wishes she could get the attention from that lover again just for a minute. Maybe after that some anger comes in because she can't get  the attention or that relationship back even though she wishes she could. 
    Idk but sometimes moments like that happen to me too, like I'm doing sth & then for whatever reason your mind zones out of the moment , sometimes I still continue doing the thing but it's like you are stuck & doing the same movements without a progression because the mind is somewhere else. I hope you all know what I mean.  
    It also reminds me of Barefeet On Linoleum. I always imagine her being in the kitchen , preparing to make stew later but then she completly zones out & get's lost in her own thoughts. I really can imagine that this song could be something like that.
  6. lili liked a post in a topic by Venice Peach in Fingertips   
    I love how I automatically went to "probably grocery bags" and then people were like DRUGS, BODY BAGS, MURDER, MORGUE 
    I hope it's your theories and not mine. Your concepts sounds much more interesting than what I thought it was about 
  7. lili liked a post in a topic by Elle in Lana's diction and incomprehensible lyrics   
    Tbh if I ever end up on live with Lana, I WILL ask her about the Trash Magic lyric “used to go to the ????? where you’d buy me a slice of cherry pie”
    Truly THE greatest Lana lyrical mystery imo x
  8. lili liked a post in a topic by TrashMagiq in Lana's diction and incomprehensible lyrics   
    either way she was getting tied tf up!
  9. lili liked a post in a topic by Chemtrail in Lana's diction and incomprehensible lyrics   
    Not sure why you're being weird when it's about lyrics that didn't add up while listening to the song I'd like to know the real lyrics to a song I've loved for 7 years if I don't already, it's that simple. I'm not interested in you personally, you were tagged because I mentioned your post then you wanted to be weird with that gif in every post and not quoting me while responding as if I had insulted you. You made it weird. Goodnight.
  10. lili liked a post in a topic by 111 in Lana's diction and incomprehensible lyrics   
    yes makes so much sense for her to sing that and then show her hands tied up in knots in almost every live performance 
  11. Phenomena liked a post in a topic by lili in Where Are You Now As A Lana Del Rey Fan? / What Does Being A Lana Del Rey Fan Mean To You?   
    I must say, it has been quite the journey. 
    She is only a few years older than I am and I've been following her work since 2012. There were times when people questioned my interest in her, deeming her early work to be very "teenage-y" in subject matter or "superficial" and her image "carefully crafted". Women who liked Lana Del Rey were "trying-too-hard"s or "look-i'm-the-edgiest"s. Even though I understood why it might have come off as such, I've always thought the world she built was intelligent enough to play with appearances, stereotypes or reference its own authenticity or lack thereof, blurring the lines between real and the fake to the point you can't quite tell if she's being ironic or embracing it. In order to understand how brilliant she really was to pull that off, though, you had to be really invested in her world. On top of that, I thought her earlier image was just who she was at that moment. Maybe Lizzy Grant always wanted to be that girl, but didn't have the platform or resources to do so, it was always who she was deep down inside but couldn't manifest.
    Take "Brooklyn Baby", for example. Is she making fun of "edgy" hipster girls, or is she going all the way to embrace that stereotype? Is she saying, so what is so bad about it? Are the things young women think is cool is immediately dismissed as trying to seem "rebellious" and "different"? Isn't there something intrinsically human about all of it? Or is she being completely ironic? Is it both?  
    There were times where I thought I completely lost interest, especially during the roll-out of Blue Banisters. I also didn't and still don't like NFR! that much. But I come to find myself growing with her, changing and evolving, facing my own traumas while she goes back to explore her own and eventually I've grown to like BB very much. The best kind of art for me is one that truly leaves its imprint on my life and I hadn't experienced that kind of thing after becoming a fan of Nirvana at the age of 14 until I encountered Lana. She is an exceptional artist and I'm more in love with her world than ever.
  12. LilyBrik liked a post in a topic by lili in Fingertips   
    It could very well be referring to body bags in the sense that she is reminiscing over the "remains" of the relationships that are over. Trying to invoke the "chemistry (that) never dies" by running her fingers on the souvenirs and memories of them. 
  13. mlittle11 liked a post in a topic by lili in Lana's diction and incomprehensible lyrics   
    I’ve made myself believe it’s « ribbons AND knots », goodnight
  14. Lavender Sunshine liked a post in a topic by lili in Lana's diction and incomprehensible lyrics   
    She clearly says “with my ribbons ON knots” here as opposed to other performances saying “in”.
    edit: So I think the album version also says with ribbons on knots. I don’t know if it’s correct grammatically but it’s Lana so
    edit: could it be « with ribbons OR knots » I’m losing sleep somebody help 
  15. lili liked a post in a topic by Chemtrail in Lana's diction and incomprehensible lyrics   
    Okay but the album version specifically is the one to be bothered about Guessing we won't find out unless Lana does another live stream if someone remembers
  16. lili liked a post in a topic by 111 in Lana's diction and incomprehensible lyrics   
    some days her ribbons are knots, some days in knots, some days on knots
    comfortable with her ribbons, cozy with who she is... cozy

  17. lili liked a post in a topic by 111 in Lana's diction and incomprehensible lyrics   
    with my ribbons and knots

  18. lili liked a post in a topic by Chemtrail in Lana's diction and incomprehensible lyrics   
    She switches it up live all the time though, there was the whole "gun in my mouth" thing for Florida Kilos earlier in the thread because she sang it live, but on the album it's "Zoom" or something
  19. lili liked a post in a topic by 111 in Lana's diction and incomprehensible lyrics   
    we know she has ribbons, we know she has knots, we just don't know what the relation of ribbons to knots is in terms of its preposition
    i think it changes depending on her mood

  20. Chemtrail liked a post in a topic by lili in Lana's diction and incomprehensible lyrics   
    This. Not a native speaker, but there’s no way she says “in” on the album version. I hear “with ribbons our knots” which doesn’t make much sense I think 
  21. prettywhenimhigh liked a post in a topic by lili in Lana's diction and incomprehensible lyrics   
    This. Not a native speaker, but there’s no way she says “in” on the album version. I hear “with ribbons our knots” which doesn’t make much sense I think 
  22. lili liked a post in a topic by Chemtrail in Lana's diction and incomprehensible lyrics   
    I doubt she sings "with ribbons in knots" on MTWBT, maybe on knots(?) but she doesn't sing "in"
  23. lili liked a post in a topic by prettywhenimhigh in Lana's diction and incomprehensible lyrics   
    I'm screaming because it's one of my favorite songs ever and I always thought she was saying "blue ribbons on ice" like referencing "pabst blue ribbon on ice" line of this is what makes us girls
    but since I'm no native english speaker I'm probably so wrong  I'm kinda upset now lmao
  24. lili liked a post in a topic by strangeandwild in Unidentified Flying Bill (ft. Barrie James O'Neill)   
    This song is beautiful
    It looks Bill is just a character lana made up and then shared it with Barrie 
  25. lili liked a post in a topic by Elle in Unidentified Flying Bill (ft. Barrie James O'Neill)   
    [Lana Del Rey]
    Bill takes me down to the beach in the coat that he got from his father
    He whispers to me that sometimes he thinks he sees things over the water
    Like maybe UFOs or something
    Flying in the air
    Well I don’t know about those, Bill
    But I don’t care
    Slow burn
    I’m hot like a fire
    I’m sober
    But you’re getting higher
    Life is so crazy, I can’t take it 
    But at least we’ve got tonight
    We’ve still got tonight
    [Barrie James O'Neill]
    Bill takes me down to the beach in East Hampton and walks on the water
    Says they don’t know it yet, but I’m the second coming of the father
    & he keeps on fishing trying to turn one into twenty
    Turning the ocean into wine for the summertime
    [Lana & Barrie]
    Slow burn
    I’m hot like a fire
    I’m sober
    But you’re getting higher
    Life is so crazy, I can’t take it 
    But at least we’ve got tonight
    We’ve still got tonight
    We’ve still got tonight
    We’ve still got tonight
    [Lana Del Rey]
    Talk to me
    Tell me I'm wrong
    Come to me
    Come to me
    Tell me I'm wrong
    Come to me
    Send to me
    Tell me I'm wrong
    Slow burn
    I’m hot like a fire
    I’m sober
    But you’re still getting higher
    Life is so crazy, I can’t take it
    But at least we’ve got tonight
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