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  1. rhubysyrup liked a post in a topic by NikoGo in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    I think mike tagging and tweeting about Lana is a GREAT sign because he said he doesn’t like to say anything incase it gets jinxed, and now he’s talking!
  2. Lustformoney liked a post in a topic by rhubysyrup in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    these twitter twinks obviously know nothing about mike dean lmao. he doesn't do piano his entire life revolves around synths 
  3. rhubysyrup liked a post in a topic by The Stargirl Pinky in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    The more we see and hear from Mike the more I think he’s a hardcore stan like us and he internally fangirls over her in the studio 

  4. honeymo0n liked a post in a topic by rhubysyrup in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    these twitter twinks obviously know nothing about mike dean lmao. he doesn't do piano his entire life revolves around synths 
  5. cherri liked a post in a topic by rhubysyrup in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    these twitter twinks obviously know nothing about mike dean lmao. he doesn't do piano his entire life revolves around synths 
  6. bel air rose liked a post in a topic by rhubysyrup in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    these twitter twinks obviously know nothing about mike dean lmao. he doesn't do piano his entire life revolves around synths 
  7. cherri liked a post in a topic by rhubysyrup in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    I hope we could get something like a song version of Bare feet on linoleum because that poem connects to what she’s trying to do in this album about telling her story and getting revenge. I also love the intensifying thriller sound of it and those overlapping robotic voices that could represent the media. if you haven’t listened to the audio version of bare feet on linoleum please do it’s amazing
  8. stupidapartmentcomplex liked a post in a topic by rhubysyrup in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    Something like Blackest Day demo on blue banisters would be a dream and I would die 
  9. fishtails liked a post in a topic by rhubysyrup in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    I hope we could get something like a song version of Bare feet on linoleum because that poem connects to what she’s trying to do in this album about telling her story and getting revenge. I also love the intensifying thriller sound of it and those overlapping robotic voices that could represent the media. if you haven’t listened to the audio version of bare feet on linoleum please do it’s amazing
  10. stupidapartmentcomplex liked a post in a topic by rhubysyrup in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    I hope we could get something like a song version of Bare feet on linoleum because that poem connects to what she’s trying to do in this album about telling her story and getting revenge. I also love the intensifying thriller sound of it and those overlapping robotic voices that could represent the media. if you haven’t listened to the audio version of bare feet on linoleum please do it’s amazing
  11. MagicalTrancePotion liked a post in a topic by rhubysyrup in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    I hope we could get something like a song version of Bare feet on linoleum because that poem connects to what she’s trying to do in this album about telling her story and getting revenge. I also love the intensifying thriller sound of it and those overlapping robotic voices that could represent the media. if you haven’t listened to the audio version of bare feet on linoleum please do it’s amazing
  12. GeminiLanaFan liked a post in a topic by rhubysyrup in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    I hope we could get something like a song version of Bare feet on linoleum because that poem connects to what she’s trying to do in this album about telling her story and getting revenge. I also love the intensifying thriller sound of it and those overlapping robotic voices that could represent the media. if you haven’t listened to the audio version of bare feet on linoleum please do it’s amazing
  13. boom like that liked a post in a topic by rhubysyrup in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    I hope we could get something like a song version of Bare feet on linoleum because that poem connects to what she’s trying to do in this album about telling her story and getting revenge. I also love the intensifying thriller sound of it and those overlapping robotic voices that could represent the media. if you haven’t listened to the audio version of bare feet on linoleum please do it’s amazing
  14. bel air rose liked a post in a topic by rhubysyrup in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    I hope we could get something like a song version of Bare feet on linoleum because that poem connects to what she’s trying to do in this album about telling her story and getting revenge. I also love the intensifying thriller sound of it and those overlapping robotic voices that could represent the media. if you haven’t listened to the audio version of bare feet on linoleum please do it’s amazing
  15. Opalite liked a post in a topic by rhubysyrup in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    I hope we could get something like a song version of Bare feet on linoleum because that poem connects to what she’s trying to do in this album about telling her story and getting revenge. I also love the intensifying thriller sound of it and those overlapping robotic voices that could represent the media. if you haven’t listened to the audio version of bare feet on linoleum please do it’s amazing
  16. DCooper liked a post in a topic by rhubysyrup in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    I hope we could get something like a song version of Bare feet on linoleum because that poem connects to what she’s trying to do in this album about telling her story and getting revenge. I also love the intensifying thriller sound of it and those overlapping robotic voices that could represent the media. if you haven’t listened to the audio version of bare feet on linoleum please do it’s amazing
  17. plastiscguy liked a post in a topic by rhubysyrup in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    I hope we could get something like a song version of Bare feet on linoleum because that poem connects to what she’s trying to do in this album about telling her story and getting revenge. I also love the intensifying thriller sound of it and those overlapping robotic voices that could represent the media. if you haven’t listened to the audio version of bare feet on linoleum please do it’s amazing
  18. nope liked a post in a topic by rhubysyrup in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    I have A really strong feeling about this record lyrically. if you watch the question for the culture response video she says she’s on her journey to tell her story and sometimes it might get rocky like this along the way. Blue banisters is going to be a major part of telling her story as she’s teased with the caption. So this record’s lyrics will be very specific-kind of like White Dress, very narrative, explaining her life experiences and her story. And she said White Dress was her being on the brink of something. Over the recent years albums her lyrics and titles have been getting more specific and relating to her unique life story. This might be what BOZ was so surprised about. So she probably won’t say anything controversial but more just storytelling and detailing her past and future. I mean just listening from the snippet BB is a pretty unique song lyrically.
  19. rhubysyrup liked a post in a topic by UltraviolenceBaby in Abu Dhabi, UAE @ F1 After Race Concert - November 30th, 2019   
    people who think saying arabs are terrorists and laughing about these types of jokes are so fucking racist and ignorants 
    the fact the UAE is safe more than europe and USA will never make sense to people who are disgusting like you, cuz you're full of stupid ideas about arabs
    you will never live with peace with such a disgusting mind 
    the funny thing is you think arabs aren't safe and at the same time you're wishing death for someone who did nothing to you but following his own star.. such a disgusting creature
  20. rhubysyrup liked a post in a topic by Ryusei in Abu Dhabi, UAE @ F1 After Race Concert - November 30th, 2019   
    jesus christ this thread... if you couldnt hold a concert anywhere where they have something problematic in their country you couldnt hold any at all. Why do these fans not deserve a concert? They havent done anything. It's not Lana's fans there who are the problem.
    Concerts have nothing to do with terrorism or politics or agreeing with some place's ideals... it's a concert. One more time: a concert. For a Formula 1 race. that happens to take place there. Every year. 
    I'm so done with: Lana did this and that --> SHE AGREES WITH TERRORISM POLICE BRUTALITY SHE'S A RACIST HOMOPHOBE. 
  21. rhubysyrup liked a post in a topic by UltraviolenceBaby in Abu Dhabi, UAE @ F1 After Race Concert - November 30th, 2019   
    ur so fucking rude and ignorant 
    so sad that you can't even use ur mind or google to check what is UAE 
    saying shit about muslims/ arabs is so fucking racist, you really need to educate urself.. most of westeren ppl are living there u dummy
    no she doesn't, she just wants to talk shit so she thinks she's funny
    it's so fucking sad how some ppl really think arabs can't have the right to see their idols, selfish and stupid
  22. IanadeIrey liked a post in a topic by rhubysyrup in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    I have A really strong feeling about this record lyrically. if you watch the question for the culture response video she says she’s on her journey to tell her story and sometimes it might get rocky like this along the way. Blue banisters is going to be a major part of telling her story as she’s teased with the caption. So this record’s lyrics will be very specific-kind of like White Dress, very narrative, explaining her life experiences and her story. And she said White Dress was her being on the brink of something. Over the recent years albums her lyrics and titles have been getting more specific and relating to her unique life story. This might be what BOZ was so surprised about. So she probably won’t say anything controversial but more just storytelling and detailing her past and future. I mean just listening from the snippet BB is a pretty unique song lyrically.
  23. stupidapartmentcomplex liked a post in a topic by rhubysyrup in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    I have A really strong feeling about this record lyrically. if you watch the question for the culture response video she says she’s on her journey to tell her story and sometimes it might get rocky like this along the way. Blue banisters is going to be a major part of telling her story as she’s teased with the caption. So this record’s lyrics will be very specific-kind of like White Dress, very narrative, explaining her life experiences and her story. And she said White Dress was her being on the brink of something. Over the recent years albums her lyrics and titles have been getting more specific and relating to her unique life story. This might be what BOZ was so surprised about. So she probably won’t say anything controversial but more just storytelling and detailing her past and future. I mean just listening from the snippet BB is a pretty unique song lyrically.
  24. fishtails liked a post in a topic by rhubysyrup in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    I have A really strong feeling about this record lyrically. if you watch the question for the culture response video she says she’s on her journey to tell her story and sometimes it might get rocky like this along the way. Blue banisters is going to be a major part of telling her story as she’s teased with the caption. So this record’s lyrics will be very specific-kind of like White Dress, very narrative, explaining her life experiences and her story. And she said White Dress was her being on the brink of something. Over the recent years albums her lyrics and titles have been getting more specific and relating to her unique life story. This might be what BOZ was so surprised about. So she probably won’t say anything controversial but more just storytelling and detailing her past and future. I mean just listening from the snippet BB is a pretty unique song lyrically.
  25. cherri liked a post in a topic by rhubysyrup in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    I have A really strong feeling about this record lyrically. if you watch the question for the culture response video she says she’s on her journey to tell her story and sometimes it might get rocky like this along the way. Blue banisters is going to be a major part of telling her story as she’s teased with the caption. So this record’s lyrics will be very specific-kind of like White Dress, very narrative, explaining her life experiences and her story. And she said White Dress was her being on the brink of something. Over the recent years albums her lyrics and titles have been getting more specific and relating to her unique life story. This might be what BOZ was so surprised about. So she probably won’t say anything controversial but more just storytelling and detailing her past and future. I mean just listening from the snippet BB is a pretty unique song lyrically.
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