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Lightning Moonbeam

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About Lightning Moonbeam

  • Rank
    Thunder stan

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  • Location
    The Mediterranean Blue

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  1. After the chaos we endured today she better change up the set list (bartender I’m looking at you)
  2. I managed for Wembley !!! A massive massive massive thank you to @frenchcatblues @yourlocalhobo @CatchTheBreeze you guys are the absolute best ❤️❤️❤️❤️ so so so happy edit: I was 74000 in queue and I managed so don’t give up !!
  3. Thank you so much!! Do you have the one for Wembley by any chance?
  4. Why is Dublin doing thatttttt I’ve reached the front of the queue twice
  5. If anyone has an extra code and is feeling generous .. I’d be extra grateful
  6. club classics remix CLEARED
  7. Country music festival in April 2025, prettiest girl in country music confirmed
  8. Happy birthday to my favourite album of all time. It came at a time when I was so unsure and insecure, lost at sea, and Lana was literally guiding me to shore. Forever sad that the European leg of the tour was taken from us, but I’m forever grateful that I got to experience the full VB experience as the show closer at sunset in Sweden - one of my most impactful experiences to date. Afterwards once people had left I just remained dazed on the grass and feeling so grateful to be alive. 10/10 on all songs end to end. Thank you Lana
  9. you walk like a bITCH
  10. What an interesting interview, the way Billie was describing things must have felt really validating for Lana. Like Billie has been so critically acclaimed and praised by the Grammies etc from the get go, but still feeling the same things Lana felt about having your narrative taken out of context (at the mariners apartment complex)
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