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Brooklyn Fetus

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About Brooklyn Fetus

  • Rank
    future jazz
  • Birthday October 13

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  • Gender
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  • Location
    Chateau Marmont
  • Interests
    Ultraviolence, Lana's Lore, Lana ofc xx
  • Fan Since

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  1. HELP thats like my go-to ldr unreleased thanks to @ImenaOphelia
  2. theres this tracker: https://trackerhub.cx/sh/1E76awgUgj6UqFZCqfbGMw3EPNHeq8rA_XFMJ9MmvH3U (og docs: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1E76awgUgj6UqFZCqfbGMw3EPNHeq8rA_XFMJ9MmvH3U)
  3. so happy for lana <33 she sure do must be living video games now
  4. You been catchjng butterflies all the girls believe your lies, dont they? for me its very hard to like lanas very upbeat songs from the btd era BUT this one is just differenttt it sounds like a barbie songg
  5. omg can someone enlighten me on why honeymoun is saying on twitter that trpws is scrapped?...
  6. omg which parts of the ob tour were they played? i never watched a single full ob tour concert its just not my cup of tea srry
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