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  1. Traveler liked a post in a topic by Embach in Lana Del Rey interviewed for The Times   
    A really amazing interview, which was beautifully built! It took me a long time to find the right words after I read this in the morning. It made me little bit emotional not gonna lie. She has come a long way and I'm so proud of her. I love how the interview touched every important aspect of her life and her career - what family means to her, what does she value, her current views of future, her studies at university, what's the next step in her music career. The interview did a great job! She always uses stunning words to describe her thoughts, she's an amazing example in poetry. She carries the philosophy of everyday life. I kind of felt a slight of melancholia when she talked about having children. Because I felt the indeciveness or more like the turmoil she was talking about facing a choice as an artist between having children or the desire of exploring the world, like which one would be her fate. I hope she chooses what's the best for her, she definitely knows herself the best! I love the mention of Greek mythology too and I love how some users deepened the discussion about it here, I really loved that, it was very fascinating. I also love the mention of "standards", I'm definitely one of those who thinks that it was about the cover album and I'm so excited for this! It's something I have been waiting for a long time! And I really loved the scrapped part of the interview where she talked about how fans mean a lot to her! She's a gorgeous soul inside and out, what else can I say! This Grammy-campaign period has definitely been very exciting so far! Looking forward for what's next! Long live, dear Did You Know That There's A Tunnel Under Ocean Blvd album! A phenomenal masterpiece for ages! 
  2. Traveler liked a post in a topic by trailerparkdream in Lana Del Rey interviewed for The Times   
    You took the thoughts right out of my head! 
    I started listening to Lana in 2011 when I was 14 years old. I’d say in 2012 after Born To Die maybe like half the people in my school knew of her and the other half didn’t. The people who did were usually on tumblr. But almost no one liked her or actually listened to her. I swear I think my bestfriend and I may have been the only people in the entire school. I introduced my bestfriend to the music and her reaction was immediately the same as mine had been when I first heard Lana. Her and I bonded over that a ton. The way I describe it to people now is- back then when my bestfriend and I would ask other girls if they listened to Lana the most common response was “ew.” Or “who?” 
    I feel so lame acting like a gatekeeping a** b**** but when it comes to Lana it’s really hard. 
    Some of the fellow fans think it’s so cringe and I get that tbh but they’re like “Lana has always been huge” “everyone has known about Lana since 2012” but it’s simply not true. I understand BTD was big and she’s streamed well and NFR got her a lot of attention but all of that was NOTHING compared to this whole year. Also when they talk about tons of people knowing her since 2012 I feel like that’s more so true for people online. But it wasn’t the case in my experience in my school, in my town. Yeah when I logged onto tumblr she was all over.. but with my peers not at all. 
    It’s mind blowing to see newer fans (who I welcome as long as I feel like they truly get it and the ones who don’t can gtfo😭) , critics, producers and other artists saying word for word the things I have ALWAYS said about her since day one. 
    It’s really strange to walk into my aunts house and hear Lana songs playing from my cousins rooms. Or to go on Instagram and see girls I went to highschool with reposting Lana photos and using her songs on their stories for the first time ever. 
    Even tho it’s me being a bit delusional it used to feel like some of those early songs were like my little secrets and they were so special to me. 
    Don’t get me wrong, it makes me very happy. All I ever want is for people to talk to me/ask me about Lana so it’s a dream come true for younger people in my life to get into her (the girls from school not so much lol) but it’s just a weird feeling. I used to have to defend these songs with my life to my grandma (bless her) and my friends and now it’s like Lana is just a household name. 
    i always believed in her and her art and wanted her to get the credit she deserved but I don’t know if I ever actually pictured it getting to where we are today. If you told me back then I wouldn’t have been able to believe it I don’t think. Not because she isn’t the best artist ever and isn’t deserving of it but because I wouldn’t have believed that this massive amount of people would ever be able to truly understand how special her talent is. It’s not that I think I’m smarter or superior to everyone else. Not at all. Its just that her music is so incredibly intimate and special I just couldn’t fathom how anyone who hasn’t been through some crazy stuff could ever get it. I know music doesn’t have to be relatable for people to like it necessarily but idk Lana is just something else. It’s so so special. 

    im so proud of her 
    it all makes me so happy but it also makes me a little stressed lol
    its very bittersweet and I think she would probably agree 😅 
  3. Traveler liked a post in a topic by Elle in Lana Del Rey interviewed for The Times   
    Wow, this almost seems like a connected double meaning that envelops itself - that last bit about “falling to disaster through the combination of a personal failing and circumstances with which they cannot deal” is sort of the same idea I suggested about her not being able to find the beauty in her hardships and only being able to see them as the harsh tragedy that they are. So, this idea of “Greek” being used to imply both a metaphor for beauty and for the definition of a Greek tragedy connect with one another and make the line even more multifaceted! She can’t find the Greek metaphorical connection within the tragedy, because the tragedy itself is already Greek… Amazing x
  4. Traveler liked a post in a topic by Elle in Lana Del Rey interviewed for The Times   
    I love that line, but it certainly is complex. Here’s my simple personal take on it, especially with the context of her using Greek mythology and poetry as metaphors in her writing. It seems Lana finds comfort in metaphors (as do I, I love a good metaphor) and will often use them to sort of “soften a blow” of a hardship she’s sharing in her music, poetry, etc. For example, writing “they said to say yes but I did and I don’t like how it turned out” after taking influence from the Ulysses reading with the repetition of the word “yes” in the final lines. Or, in this interview noting how people have been burnt by certain paths they take in life, and after rather nonchalantly mentioning that she hasn’t yet had children after previously expressing she hoped to one day, says she’ll keep exploring life’s opportunities until something melts her wings - like Icarus after flying too close to the sun.
    In these two recent examples, it seems she’s using references to Greek mythology and poetry to process and understand her own life & emotions and find comfort in the connections.
    So, in that line when she says “they say there’s irony in the music, it’s a tragedy, I see nothing Greek in it” I take it to mean that she’s unable to find the beauty or the art in the hardships that have happened (such as the loss of her family, friends, other details she shares in the song) & while others may find irony in her music and view her sadness to be beautiful or artistic in a way, it’s not how she sees it this time. She can’t find that comforting tie in to relate her own story to that of an artistic myth or beautiful poem, so it is only what it is - just a tragedy.
    To simplify - I see nothing Greek in it = I see no beauty/comfort in it
    I think that’s also why in Fingertips she says everything sort of plainly/straight to the point especially in the latter half of the song following that line. The lyrics are quite diaristic. Instead of taking her thoughts and stories and attempting to string them into beautiful/artistic lyrics to soften them, she’s just telling them as they are. She can’t find that beautiful connection, she can only see the harsh tragedy. As the song progresses, the lyrics get more and more raw - until we reach the very final lines of the song where she ties in Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love & beauty, which is perhaps her final attempt of trying to find the beauty in an ugly situation.
    I hope I explained that all in a way that makes sense. But either way, that’s just my own interpretation - I love that lyric, so I’d love to hear any other interpretations as well x
  5. Traveler liked a post in a topic by Elle in Lana Del Rey interviewed for The Times   
    It seems she's been interested in Greek mythology & poetry lately and has applied the stories as metaphors for her own life. Here, by referencing Icarus and his wax wings that melted by flying too close to the sun. Earlier this year, she attended a reading of Ulysses which was inspired by The Odyssey, and after hearing the reading she wrote a message in a guestbook that suggested that the book's final line featuring the repetition of the word "yes" was how she attempted to live her own life which left her feeling dissatisfied. Even in Fingertips she writes, "They say there's irony in the music, it's a tragedy, I see nothing Greek in it" & “Call me Aphrodite as they bow down to me”
    I'm interested to see how Greek mythology & poetry influence her upcoming work too x
  6. Traveler liked a post in a topic by Mer in Lana Del Rey interviewed for The Times   
    I hate to wax poetic, but as someone who distinctly remembers having to defend her to my peers in the 8th grade, back in 2012/13, and how she was the punchline of many media-outlets—it makes me uniquely emotional seeing the praise and the deep-rooted respect she is given now in 2023. Seeing headlines like “Lana Del Rey forgives us” and reading articles like this tell me what I always knew about her, and in a way, they validate the little boy who was made fun of for liking her and who felt the need to hide who he really was. Maybe one day I’ll forgive them too 
  7. Traveler liked a post in a topic by Elle in Lana Del Rey interviewed for The Times   
    It's giving fig tree~

  8. Traveler liked a post in a topic by Vertimus in Lana Del Rey interviewed for The Times   
    I love ‘Arcadia.’ Like so much of BB, it’s underrated. I’d take it any day over 9/10ths of OB. 
  9. Traveler liked a post in a topic by esotericfaerie in Lana Del Rey interviewed for The Times   
    Yesss! I was always confused on the meaning of that particular couple of lines “clutch of the wrist…” and this puts it all into perspective. I know she doesn’t want to talk about the meaning behind her songs or lyrics but I’d die to get all the backstories and little details that inspired her music throughout her career. 
    sidenote: I love how cheeky she got when she asked the interviewer about asking her messy questions like if she was married, she’s very playful!
  10. Traveler liked a post in a topic by Chemtrail in Lana Del Rey interviewed for The Times   
    "its giving fig tree"
  11. maysparkle liked a post in a topic by Traveler in Lana performing live at NBC Christmas at Graceland - November 29th, 2023   
    Lana singing Unchained Melody in the Jungle room! I can now die happy!!!
    I bet the piano is the piano from the rec room... The last piano that The King played...  Iconic
  12. Traveler liked a post in a topic by taurelailomea in Instagram Updates   
    Thank you! For others, it's sparklejumpropequeen.os.fan. It seems to be a completely different site from the one in her bio; I had to sign up "again"! Someone needs to tell her people to replace that link.
  13. Traveler liked a post in a topic by Rivers in Instagram Updates   
    For presaves and discounts. Additionally there is no way to defeat scalpers unless you can do presales to loyal fans. The only way to do that is to have some type of profile on a website that she has control over.  
  14. GeminiLanaFan liked a post in a topic by Traveler in Instagram Updates   
    When I signed in today I had a message. I assumed it was a general message, no? Do you not see it?
  15. GeminiLanaFan liked a post in a topic by Traveler in Instagram Updates   
    I mentioned earlier that there is now a message from Lana on the SJRQ page, so I think you’re correct 
  16. never2heaven liked a post in a topic by Traveler in Instagram Updates   
    Ha, yes
    This ^^^^ I had forgotten about this and haven’t checked it in a while, so first time I had seen it…
  17. Traveler liked a post in a topic by never2heaven in Instagram Updates   
    you can sign in?! 
    literally signed in 3 mins after saying this
  18. Traveler liked a post in a topic by violettiaras in Instagram Updates   
    i think its old it says 
    “Hey your name!
    Thanks for signing up! Can't wait to show you my world here. Love Lana x”
    also are we using ourselves as profile pictures on there or pictures of lana whats the vibe
  19. Traveler liked a post in a topic by lake placid in Instagram Updates   
    so what is going on cos Ben is now promoting the sparkle jump rope queen site on his story?? something could be coming omg 
  20. Traveler liked a post in a topic by Bluelake in Instagram Updates   
    What if the fake verified person/imposter got Instagram to take down Lana’s account? And they had to clear the situation up idk 
  21. Traveler liked a post in a topic by LifeOnMars in Instagram Updates   
    Is she okay?
  22. Traveler liked a post in a topic by GeminiLanaFan in Instagram Updates   
    Yeah it’s back 
  23. Traveler liked a post in a topic by ChelseaLeeArts in Instagram Updates   
    She's back
  24. Traveler liked a post in a topic by lake placid in Instagram Updates   
    her account is back?? 
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