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  1. Louise liked a post in a topic by annedauphine in Paris, FR @ L’Olympia - July 10th, 2023   
    I mentioned to my sister that I don't have a single buck for this show and she proposed by herself to lend me 150 euros knowing I will get paid next week. I am an absolute emotional mess rn I love her
  2. kitschesque liked a post in a topic by annedauphine in Paris, FR @ L’Olympia - July 10th, 2023   
    ESPECIALLY SINCE I ONLY HAVE SEEN HER IN FESTIVAL  CAN YOU BELIEVE??? I met her ass twice, Rough Trade London 2015 and randomly in London again in 2016, and I saw her live twice, and it was both in festival and one of them (the first, Les Vieilles Charrues iirc) was the biggest fucking regret of my life and I need to cleanse myself from it lol. Lolla Paris was nice but I realealalelalelelly for my own sanity need to see her in a standalone show
  3. boom like that liked a post in a topic by annedauphine in Paris, FR @ L’Olympia - July 10th, 2023   
    I mentioned to my sister that I don't have a single buck for this show and she proposed by herself to lend me 150 euros knowing I will get paid next week. I am an absolute emotional mess rn I love her
  4. boom like that liked a post in a topic by annedauphine in Paris, FR @ L’Olympia - July 10th, 2023   
    Ok ladies I decided I will do literally everything in my power and God's power to go anyway lol. I do *not* have the money for the tickets but who cares I'll leave a week later to the Hague. I just miss Lana too much last time I saw her was in 2017
  5. Beautiful Loser liked a post in a topic by annedauphine in Paris, FR @ L’Olympia - July 10th, 2023   
    She announced a show just a few days before and the day I'm supposed to leave for my uni year I'm just sad cause it's going to be hell to get tickets
  6. fishtails liked a post in a topic by annedauphine in Paris, FR @ L’Olympia - July 10th, 2023   
    I mentioned to my sister that I don't have a single buck for this show and she proposed by herself to lend me 150 euros knowing I will get paid next week. I am an absolute emotional mess rn I love her
  7. honeymo0n liked a post in a topic by annedauphine in Paris, FR @ L’Olympia - July 10th, 2023   
    Hell gates will open at 9am on Friday. Expecting a Doom like experience
  8. annedauphine liked a post in a topic by Dominikx4 in Paris, FR @ L’Olympia - July 10th, 2023   
    lmaooo so
    id buy 2 tix for us, but like... best category seats
    and if thats too pricey for you, ill cover the difference between the cheapest seats and the ones im getting
    so lets say the cheapest are like 80, and im getting the 150 ones, youd still only have to pay me back the 80 cause i dont wanna bankrupt you but i also dont want shit seats
    maybe we should take this to DMs lmao
  9. fishtails liked a post in a topic by annedauphine in Paris, FR @ L’Olympia - July 10th, 2023   
    Ok ladies I decided I will do literally everything in my power and God's power to go anyway lol. I do *not* have the money for the tickets but who cares I'll leave a week later to the Hague. I just miss Lana too much last time I saw her was in 2017
  10. kitschesque liked a post in a topic by annedauphine in Paris, FR @ L’Olympia - July 10th, 2023   
    If I'm going it's only to bitch slap her omg
  11. rightofjupiter liked a post in a topic by annedauphine in Paris, FR @ L’Olympia - July 10th, 2023   
    I mentioned to my sister that I don't have a single buck for this show and she proposed by herself to lend me 150 euros knowing I will get paid next week. I am an absolute emotional mess rn I love her
  12. annedauphine liked a post in a topic by Dominikx4 in Paris, FR @ L’Olympia - July 10th, 2023   
    just ask me
    also, id prolly get seats if im coming!
  13. fishtails liked a post in a topic by annedauphine in Paris, FR @ L’Olympia - July 10th, 2023   
    Honestly same, I am definitely getting seats. I am 28yo I'm getting old, I don't have the energy anymore to fight young lipsters for barricade
  14. Beautiful Loser liked a post in a topic by annedauphine in Paris, FR @ L’Olympia - July 10th, 2023   
    I mentioned to my sister that I don't have a single buck for this show and she proposed by herself to lend me 150 euros knowing I will get paid next week. I am an absolute emotional mess rn I love her
  15. alexbeygul liked a post in a topic by annedauphine in Paris, FR @ L’Olympia - July 10th, 2023   
    I mentioned to my sister that I don't have a single buck for this show and she proposed by herself to lend me 150 euros knowing I will get paid next week. I am an absolute emotional mess rn I love her
  16. beigehydrangea liked a post in a topic by annedauphine in Paris, FR @ L’Olympia - July 10th, 2023   
    I mentioned to my sister that I don't have a single buck for this show and she proposed by herself to lend me 150 euros knowing I will get paid next week. I am an absolute emotional mess rn I love her
  17. HeadBitch liked a post in a topic by annedauphine in Paris, FR @ L’Olympia - July 10th, 2023   
    She announced a show just a few days before and the day I'm supposed to leave for my uni year I'm just sad cause it's going to be hell to get tickets
  18. Jimtheman liked a post in a topic by annedauphine in Paris, FR @ L’Olympia - July 10th, 2023   
    If I'm going it's only to bitch slap her omg
  19. fishtails liked a post in a topic by annedauphine in Paris, FR @ L’Olympia - July 10th, 2023   
    ESPECIALLY SINCE I ONLY HAVE SEEN HER IN FESTIVAL  CAN YOU BELIEVE??? I met her ass twice, Rough Trade London 2015 and randomly in London again in 2016, and I saw her live twice, and it was both in festival and one of them (the first, Les Vieilles Charrues iirc) was the biggest fucking regret of my life and I need to cleanse myself from it lol. Lolla Paris was nice but I realealalelalelelly for my own sanity need to see her in a standalone show
  20. Dominikx4 liked a post in a topic by annedauphine in Paris, FR @ L’Olympia - July 10th, 2023   
    OMG if we both go () we have to say hi, last time I saw Lana was w you no lol
    We can't yet as far as I know, it's not even announced on the Olympia website yet  But from what I gathered it opens at 9am on Friday
  21. bluechemtrails liked a post in a topic by annedauphine in Paris, FR @ L’Olympia - July 10th, 2023   
    She announced a show just a few days before and the day I'm supposed to leave for my uni year I'm just sad cause it's going to be hell to get tickets
  22. Beautiful Loser liked a post in a topic by annedauphine in Paris, FR @ L’Olympia - July 10th, 2023   
    ESPECIALLY SINCE I ONLY HAVE SEEN HER IN FESTIVAL  CAN YOU BELIEVE??? I met her ass twice, Rough Trade London 2015 and randomly in London again in 2016, and I saw her live twice, and it was both in festival and one of them (the first, Les Vieilles Charrues iirc) was the biggest fucking regret of my life and I need to cleanse myself from it lol. Lolla Paris was nice but I realealalelalelelly for my own sanity need to see her in a standalone show
  23. syrup amour liked a post in a topic by annedauphine in Paris, FR @ L’Olympia - July 10th, 2023   
    ESPECIALLY SINCE I ONLY HAVE SEEN HER IN FESTIVAL  CAN YOU BELIEVE??? I met her ass twice, Rough Trade London 2015 and randomly in London again in 2016, and I saw her live twice, and it was both in festival and one of them (the first, Les Vieilles Charrues iirc) was the biggest fucking regret of my life and I need to cleanse myself from it lol. Lolla Paris was nice but I realealalelalelelly for my own sanity need to see her in a standalone show
  24. LilyBrik liked a post in a topic by annedauphine in Paris, FR @ L’Olympia - July 10th, 2023   
    Ok ladies I decided I will do literally everything in my power and God's power to go anyway lol. I do *not* have the money for the tickets but who cares I'll leave a week later to the Hague. I just miss Lana too much last time I saw her was in 2017
  25. annedauphine liked a post in a topic by SoftwareUpgrade in Paris, FR @ L’Olympia - July 10th, 2023   
    If our resident ?French? Lipster @annedauphine can't attend- the course of history will be irrevocably changed
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