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  1. pwussi liked a post in a topic by Neon Palmmm in Elvis   
    occasionally i get this song on the brain, and every time i really just marvel at it
    truly one of her best -- i don't know if she ever has or ever will top some of the imagery and mood set here
  2. pwussi liked a post in a topic by Mafiosa in Elvis   
    sorry but this is so incredibly haunting and one of her best lyrically, compositionally, and yes vocally
  3. pwussi liked a post in a topic by Vertimus in Pink Champagne   
    Another great, passionate song gutted and made bland. 
  4. pwussi liked a post in a topic by Pico Ocean Boulevard in Niko & Topanga Apprecation Thread   
    Cats >>>>>>>>>>>Dogs 
  5. pwussi liked a post in a topic by ShadesOfFool in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    Not being funny but I literally forget Blue Banisters exists 
  6. pwussi liked a post in a topic by evalionisameme in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    She outright has lied and concocted stories in interviews, we’re not talking songs here- she can have an artistic world.
  7. pwussi liked a post in a topic by HeyBlueBaby in Unpopular Lana Opinions   

  8. pwussi liked a post in a topic by Venice Peach in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I don't know how unpopular this is cause I see some stans of this album but also a lot of people that don't like it/don't care for it but
    AKA is as good (and even better than some) of her major label albums 

  9. pwussi liked a post in a topic by evalionisameme in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    This record kickstarted her extra lazy vocal performances for me-it worked for honeymoon because of the production reverb but this record was due too all over the place 
  10. pwussi liked a post in a topic by Trash Magic in Elvis   
    omg just had a revelation.
    Platinum and veil, acrylics skim the paper for the critics 
    makes sense because veil links back to chantilly lace. Because of the way the sentence was broken I always thought the words platinum and "vale" or whatever was describing the colour of her acrylic nails. But it's her with her platinum hair wearing a veil (like in the yayo video!) skimming through the paper with her acrylic nails 
    These lyrics are so great, paint such a picture.
    However I am now hearing "white kind of" to be a pretty big reach in the first chorus especially   but in te last chorus I hear it 
  11. pwussi liked a post in a topic by Let the Light In in Salvatore   
    To solidify the "Calciatore" discussion; at 0:49, you can clearly see she's hitting a ball like a footballer.
  12. pwussi liked a post in a topic by bummersummer in Salvatore   
    bless. it was always p obvious it was calciatore to me, but it's nice to be proven right lmao
    anyway, this song grew on me. it has a certain kitsch factor that i wasn't really a fan of at first & bc of that it used to be one of my least fave songs from HM, but now i like it.
  13. pwussi liked a post in a topic by Say Yes to Heaven in Salvatore   
    Confirmed by Lana herself in a DM to @@Eclipse 
    The summer's hot, but i've been cold without you
    I was wrong not to doubt your medellin tangerine dreams
  14. pwussi liked a post in a topic by hollywoodsdead in Salvatore   
    She definitely sing "calciatore".
  15. pwussi liked a post in a topic by bummersummer in Salvatore   
    She's been dating an Italian man for quite some time now, and the thought of him pointing out to her all the famous people they surely saw and/or met during their holiday there isn't that far-fetched, so maybe you're giving her too little?
    My thought process was simply that footballer (= rich celebrity with an ostentatious lifestyle) & limousine were visually and thematically more related than chicken dish & limousine, but what do I know.
    I actually like your 'hunter' theory, @@annedauphine ('ciao' doesn't necessarily mean 'goodbye', though; personally, I interpreted it as 'hi').
  16. pwussi liked a post in a topic by bummersummer in Salvatore   
    adding to the cacciatore / calciatore discussion : pretty sure it's calciatore.
    firstly, because if the song is indeed based on her holiday in Italy with Francesco, the calciatore reference would make sense since they were in Portofino, a fashionable beach town that's a notable footballer hotspot, as any Italian knows. google 'calciatore Portofino' and you'll get virtually endless results.
    secondly, it makes sense in the context of describing the 'downtown scenes' - footballers & limousines (the town's glamour, basically), then she meets her lover, then the ice cream reference. '(chicken) cacciatore' followed by 'limousine' would be a complete non sequitur.
  17. pwussi liked a post in a topic by liveordieboy in Salvatore   
    I'm italian and I'm almost sure that what she's singing in the chorus is "calciatore" (football player) and not "cacciatore" (hunter)
  18. pwussi liked a post in a topic by prettywhenimhigh in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    100% low jazzy voice needs to make a comeback I miss that girl so much
  19. pwussi liked a post in a topic by Sugar Venom in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    exactly!! she’s changed her voice a little bit here and there like on TJF and Dealer and on her last livestream she imitated the way she used to MDM live so I know she can still do it, I wonder why she doesn’t? using less range/lung capacity is probably more sustainable and less pressure on her performing in front of such huge audiences but still, I wouldn’t mind if she continues to experiment with her voice on her records - it doesn’t mean she has to do those songs live especially since her tracklist hasn’t changed for years and she just lets the recorded vocals do the work for her   she has so much talent in being able to give such expressive deliveries, whether it’s a fake accent/regional pronunciation, slurring/enunciating/stressing, different registers etc. that’s the mark of a good storyteller, and she excels at it. it’s a little sad that we didn’t get a whole lot of variety from the last few albums or tours
  20. pwussi liked a post in a topic by drugmunny in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Maybe not an unpopular opinion but---- Its cool Lanas branching out and being more ambitious with her vocal performances lately (citing songs like Arcadia, Beautiful, Dealer) but a large part of what makes her music so appealing and unique is her old-school classic low-register / jazzy head voice and I want it back on LDR9. Bc a lot of singers do something like Arcadia, but not everyone can perform a song like Off to the Races or even DBJAG. Like I know she CAN but I don't really want to hear her belt anymore, it just doesn't suit the kind of music I expect from LDR. It's really the only part of post-NFR Lana that I have beef with bc I love her more diaristic writing direction but can't stand her opera voice on Arcadia + Beautiful, it's just so painfully basic.
  21. pwussi liked a post in a topic by blackestday x tough in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    can't believe lana released btd uv honeymoon and lfl back to back. so much creativity and genius within 5 to 6 years. the three albums that followed don't come close to their masterpieces. what really gives me hope is wildflower wildfire and the buddy's rendezvous snippet. these songs have the old lana del rey vibe again .wce has its old lana moments too.
  22. pwussi liked a post in a topic by sunday afternoon in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Exactly! Any song from his old repertoire would make a great soundtrack. And the success she's having right now with the worst songs she's ever released is frustrating. The majority of people who don't know Lana will think that she is a singer without nuances.
    Terrence Love You is amazing . This song kills any ballad she's done lately. This guitar at the beginning... It can do very beautiful things, it's just that the girl decided to do as little as possible and to rely on what she had learned.
  23. pwussi liked a post in a topic by shady in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    You're reading my mind. 
    I'm so delusional that every time she announces new music I think that it's not going to be another piano ballad. It's not that piano ballads are inherently boring is that the style she's going for atm is boring.Terrence Love You will always be her most beautiful piano ballad.
    I was so excited for Watercolor eyes because the series is gloomy and freaky so dark trap or dark rock fits. Literally songs like Freak, High By The Beach, Sad World, Ultraviolence, Florida Kilos, Sad Girl, West Coast, Million Dollar Man, 13 Beaches, In My Feelings and many more fit way better. The only reason people care about this song is because it's in Euphoria and the rest are stans hyping as usual. Trust me. 
  24. pwussi liked a post in a topic by sunday afternoon in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I don't think it's unpopular but his latest soundtracks aren't really good. Watercolor eyes will never reach the level of Once upon a dream, which was cold and masterful, Big eyes and the dark and plaintive sound, obviously the masterpiece Young and beautiful which will certainly remain forever its best soundtrack. Even I can fly, which I don't listen to much, is above anything she's done lately. I don't understand the hype, her new sound isn't really good, I feel like she doesn't give a fuck anymore since she knows it will sell only with her name. She captivates me less. It's boring as hell.
    I dream that she releases a soundtrack for a paranormal or horror film, if a series should come up she deserves to make songs for AHS, strange documentaries... something very dark with magnificent and grandiose instruments . But I guess she's more into all that.
    She should sing with an organ or something like that.

    I've said it a hundred times but she really, really needs to get back to heavy guitars, she excels in that genre. It lacks good choruses, the Del Rey universe and the west coast tinged with a Hollywood drama, it misses a lot. If she did all this to become a basic country singer, it would be disappointing to let herself go so far.
    Another thing, sometimes I'm afraid of his closeness to certain fans. Or I have the impression that she likes it. Obsessive fans, she has many and many more crazy than you think. When I see the number of intrusions in her home, I wonder if she has a safe house... I hope nothing will happen to her because of the trust she has in people.
  25. pwussi liked a post in a topic by sunday afternoon in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Tired of singing the blues is a masterpiece underrated. I want Lana to be that femme fatale again.
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