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  1. Nobody liked a post in a topic by NikoGo in OPINIONS NEEDED: Advertisements   
    “kill the culture of the site”
    The dramatics.

    First off, how she spends her hard earned money is none of our concern. 

    second off, I’m sure the money she spent on whatever she wants (magazines, merch, as seen on Lana) is worth A LOT more than debt from having to run the site 
    this conversation is disgusting and absolutely unnecessary. She isn’t asking for a cent (she’s simply suggesting options), she isnt going to stop running the site (although after some of the comments tonight I wouldn’t blame her). Literally all she’s trying to do is give herself a break and I can’t believe adding different kinds of ads is considered killing the site 
  2. Nobody liked a post in a topic by Rust Dress in OPINIONS NEEDED: Advertisements   
    all of this over an ad that can be clicked off in less than a second
  3. Nobody liked a post in a topic by NikoGo in OPINIONS NEEDED: Advertisements   
    and your point is what, exactly?
    the site has never gone down due to no funding and she’s never asked for donations or anything. 
    she wants to earn money to run the site instead of using her own. Having to click on an x of an ad truly isn’t that big a deal as you’re making it seem 
  4. Nobody liked a post in a topic by Elle in OPINIONS NEEDED: Advertisements   
    I'm trying really hard to keep my composure here, but I just want to say that speculating on people's expenses or debts is really not nice and has struck me in a weird way. For that reason, I've removed my response detailing exactly how much it costs to run this site. If anyone else feels they need to know this information to help make a decision here, please message @admin
    I apologise if this is inconvenient x
  5. Nobody liked a post in a topic by Elle in OPINIONS NEEDED: Advertisements   
    The COTCC theme is essentially finished. I had someone helping me with some of the photoshop work, but that person has been MIA the past week while I've been waiting on a slight revision I noticed I needed before launching the theme. I asked someone else to help me instead, but that person hasn't had a chance to help out with it either.
    I want to make sure the theme is perfect before releasing it, rather than it being left with still needing a few tweaks and revisions. I'm just waiting on my little helpers, but as soon as everything's set, it will be up.
    I've been using the WIP theme for a bit now, and I think you all will really like it. Again, it just needs a little tweak before I feel comfortable launching it, but I need to wait on others who are helping me out with it. I'm really sorry for the delay, but I am relying on some other people here (and am very grateful for their help!) x
  6. Nobody liked a post in a topic by Elle in OPINIONS NEEDED: Advertisements   
    Hey hey hey, now I'm not deliberately asking for money here! I'm not trying to throw my hands in your pockets, nor forcefully shove ads in your face.
    The whole point of this thread was to ask your opinions on this before I did anything.
    Yes this would be a great opportunity, but it also isn't imperative that I do this. Yes it would be nice, but this isn't a life or death matter.
    Also as I've stated, I gratefully and willingly choose to host LanaBoards. & if sometimes that means paying out of pocket, then I gladly do so! Again, it is my pleasure to host LanaBoards. It is also my responsibility.
    I will continue to host LanaBoards no matter what, and no matter the cost.
    I'm not desperately struggling here, but more revenue for the site is never a bad thing.
    Again, I am not forcefully shoving ads in your face, or even requesting that users donate. I'm simply asking if running vignette ads would be tolerable so I can earn more revenue for the site, or if users are strongly opposed to it.
    No matter what, I will always continue to fund the site, even if Adsense doesn't completely cover it. I took on that duty when I bought the site in the first place!
    I have a great love for Lana, and part of showing that is by collecting merch and hosting a fan site. Nothing in this world comes free!
    But again, I do it all willingly. I am not complaining. I wanted thoughts about a possible opportunity. If I really didn't care or if I was super desperate, I would have silently implemented the ads permanently without saying anything at all. & this post isn't even me saying, hey I'm going to be implementing these ads for sure, leave some thoughts if you wanna. It's me genuinely asking for thoughts and opinions because I genuinely value your input before any site decision I make.
    That's all x
  7. Nobody liked a post in a topic by 5adboy in OPINIONS NEEDED: Advertisements   
    enough with the ads  everyone better change their vote from yes to no RIGHT NOW

  8. Nobody liked a post in a topic by Mind Melt in OPINIONS NEEDED: Advertisements   
    its such a minor inconvenience. keep them and make your money
  9. stupidapartmentcomplex liked a post in a topic by Nobody in Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    I just listened to LMLYLAW for the first time in like 4 months and it's actually not bad 
  10. Nobody liked a post in a topic by Make me your Dream Life in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    i've been wanting her to collaborate w Frank Ocean. fraaaaank ah 
  11. heroindealer liked a post in a topic by Nobody in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    her nose filler is dissolving

  12. Nobody liked a post in a topic by Dark Angel in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    i feel like this forum has been so assumptious and judgemental lately... how is she acting like an "old lady"? by making folk/country music & hanging out with her friend...? and what's wrong about acting like an "old lady"? she's living more simplistically but there's nothing weird about that
  13. Nobody liked a post in a topic by too fast too young in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    Acting like an old woman? By producing the music she wants and hanging with her friends? Okay...
  14. stupidapartmentcomplex liked a post in a topic by Nobody in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    there's one where they remini'd her and it looks like she has cataracts 
  15. BluebirdXO liked a post in a topic by Nobody in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    there's one where they remini'd her and it looks like she has cataracts 
  16. brandon liked a post in a topic by Nobody in Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    I just listened to LMLYLAW for the first time in like 4 months and it's actually not bad 
  17. Nobody liked a post in a topic by Lindsay Lohan in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    Paris is my friend.
  18. Nobody liked a post in a topic by bunoner in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    We got you on tape.
  19. Nobody liked a post in a topic by Lindsay Lohan in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    I never said that?
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