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  1. Elle liked a post in a topic by analwinterofmylife in Paradise: The Elimination Game - Winner Announced!   
    the live version of burning desire is iconic tho 
    but body electric is such an iconic song! hauntingly beautiful.. something especially dark and spiritual about it
  2. analwinterofmylife liked a post in a topic by National Anthem in Beach House   
    I can't help but think about how we waited 3 years for Depression Cherry, and then ended up getting two albums in one year. Does this equate to a wait of like 6 years for the next album? hopefully not
    i mean at the end of the day we have 68 studio recordings now to enjoy, so i guess i can survive a good while.
  3. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by analwinterofmylife in Instagram Updates   
    omg i need itttt that would be so cute
  4. CrazySister liked a post in a topic by analwinterofmylife in Instagram Updates   
    omg i need itttt that would be so cute
  5. analwinterofmylife liked a post in a topic by Party Party in Instagram Updates   
    imagine a song with Chuck AND Lana 
  6. analwinterofmylife liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Lana & Politics   
    it's 270 and if no one reached it, the NEW house would vote for the President, the NEW Senate the VP
    so the House would pick a Republican if the Republicans keep the house
    But there is no way to not reach 270 in a 2 party system. and the election is Nov.8 (early voting already started), the electoral college meets in December, and if it went to congress it would
    be after the new congress is seated in January.
    Hillary easily shall reach it and the Democratic party should re-take the Senate, and has an outside change (due to the horrible gerrymandering done by Republicans in 2010) of the house.
    The Republicans have a finite # of voters and always try in modern times to somehow get people not to vote
    The Democratic party has an infinite # of voters, the trick is getting them to vote, especially in mid-terms
    If 100% of the people voted, and their votes were counted as voted, there would never be another Republican in office.
    How cool would that be!
  7. analwinterofmylife liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Lana & Politics   
    It is safe to assume, after the disgusting pig remarks that abuse and offend all, especially women that were revealed yesterday, the race for the Presidency is over.
    The betting markets are now 82-18 for Hillary.
    In a country where women are the majority and majority voters, Donald Trump again proves he doesn't have the temperament to be President.
    His apology was a joke too, mumbles a couple of words then re-ignites it further.
    Republicans are running away from him and there are a few calls for him to quit (which won't happen), and the process at this late date means ballots are in the mail, hundreds of thousands of people already voted  there is no process available to legally do
    any change!
    Which is really cool by me. IMHO he never stood a chance, but this just about insures it.
    and no, not every male says or does that as some of his people are trying to say. I know I don't.
  8. analwinterofmylife liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Lana & Politics   
    Obviously a Democratic person in a 2016 time period.
    Her whole life and lifestyle is 100% liberal Democratic in USA terms.
    Transcending female in a male world.
    The biggest comparison would be- The Eleanor Roosevelt of the music world. (And in 2016, Hillary is the closest thing to Eleanor Roosevelt, who could NOT become President back in the 1930s.
    the mistake people make is thinking being patriotic is limited to the Ronald Reagan buffoons in the Republican party just because they hijacked the terms in the 1980s.
    Loving the country has nothing to do with being  a Republican, who in today's Republican  love of their own ego (Trump and the 21 has beens that challenged for the Republican nomination all offered zero and nothing and just vomited patriotic words that actually have nothing to do with anything at all.
    Republicans are all about hate of others, hate of religion not theirs, hate of Blacks, Mexicans, Gays,Jews (note that in 2014 the Republicans danced when Senator(Republican) Cantor was primaried out of office by a draconian tea party candidate, Cantor was the last Jewish Republican in congress).
    The 2016 Republicans are avidly going after the KKK of the 1950s David Duke/Ron Paul racist voters and attempting to move everything back to before
    LBJ thanks to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. signed the Civil Rights/Voting Rights acts and the period WHERE WOMEN THEMSELVES COULD NOT VOTE IN AMERICA
    It was only 96 years ago now that women "were allowed to vote" in the USA.
    Elizabeth / Lana, wanting to be "one of the boys" in a society where in the past has never been possible is indeed one of the most liberal statements one can make.
    Ride, the song, the video, is perhaps the closest thing proving that (and not the reverse).
    The only surprise is that 100% of America doesn't embrace the same thing.
    And religiously, Jesus himself was a liberal, no question about it.
    Helping the poorest.
    Republicans in US hijack religion, yet almost none of them practice what they preach, nor do they act in any way like it
    Look how Lana seems to be the one that cares for both her sister and brother, and her sense of artistic collective goes to the 1960s liberal and liberalism
    of the NYC or San Francisco artistic community, the folk music scene, the poetry readings, etc.
    (note- one thing different from the 60s to now is that there were liberal Republicans in the 1960s, but in elected politics in 2016, there is zero room for liberals
    in the Republican party.
    Don't let them fool you- Love of the country, love of the flag is LIBERAL
    Donald Trump for instance spits on the concept of America. Just listen to his statement he made a few months ago,
    AMON GOETH of Stephen Spielberg's Holocaust movie Schindler's List comes to mind, when Donald Trump said he could come out of his 5th avenue penthouse and literally shoot someone, and none of his hard-line supporters would stop supporting him. Think about- what a God Damn anti-America statement is that? 
  9. analwinterofmylife liked a post in a topic by Trash Magic in Celebrating a friend Ace's Birthday at Chateau Marmont in Los Angeles, CA - October 7, 2016   
    i can't believe she was celebrating @sexwithme 's birthday 
  10. Limelight liked a post in a topic by analwinterofmylife in Lady Gaga   
    so now that joanne the scammer has been to the vma's, shes going by joanne now??? 
  11. analwinterofmylife liked a post in a topic by National Anthem in Lady Gaga   
    I've listened to Million Reasons so much today. Was I ready for Gaga to go in this route? I really don't know - but i'm along for the ride either way and loving both songs so far.
  12. analwinterofmylife liked a post in a topic by SarcasticBeauty in Lady Gaga   
    lmao she thinks she's Dolly Parton. Jolene-Joanne??? COINCIDENCE I THINK NOT!
    Nah I'm joking. But on a serious note, she really did take a country-er sound didn't she?
    Sinner's Prayer I actually like though. A Million Reasons.... it's a ballad.Not terrible, but not what I was wanting or expecting. I was never a stan, so this direction doesn't really effect me that much. But I was expecting pop tho. And you know what I mean by pop.
    Ayo.....I have no words.
    Perfect Illusion is sounding like a completely great song compared to these. (I always liked it)
    Honestly, Lady Gaga's voice is still very unique and powerful, so she sounds great. But it's just depends on if you like the sound of the music.
  13. analwinterofmylife liked a post in a topic by st tropez in Kim Kardashian Robbed At Gunpoint   
    seeing how people truly don't treat celebrities as humans completely disgusts me. just because they have a different defining quality than us, doesn't mean they are not the same. that's like saying "that person got two scoops of ice cream while i only got one. now i have to treat them with less respect and dignity because they have more than me." it just doesn't make sense.
    kim was begging for them not to kill her for the sake of her children and initially thought they were going to rape and/or murder her. if you don't have the tiniest bit of concern or respect for her at this moment, i don't know where your morals are.
  14. analwinterofmylife liked a post in a topic by kik in Shopping in Malibu October 3rd   
  15. HoneymoonSwan liked a post in a topic by analwinterofmylife in Natalie Portman stars as Jackie O in "Jackie"   
    saaaame omg
    im so wet for this cuz i love jackie and natalie 
  16. analwinterofmylife liked a post in a topic by delreyfreak in Kim Kardashian Robbed At Gunpoint   
    If anyone looks like an immature child right now, it's YOU, and that's clearly shown through the way your immediate reaction to our comments was to resort to name-calling and judging other people by their age, as well as putting everyone on ignore that you don't agree with. That's no way to go about life, just name-calling and ignoring everyone that has a different view to you, that's extremely close-minded and selfish, if you ask me.
    That's horrible that those things have happened to you, but that doesn't take away the fact that you are being extremely insensitive and disrespectful to Kim, AND to other members on this forum. You should be ashamed of your behaviour, especially in front of all these "children" that you talk about.
    And again, this whole idea that someone can't be upset or traumatized because someone out there has it worse is just RIDICULOUS! It is like saying that someone can't be happy because there is someone happier out there! It doesn't make sense, it's completely illogical and it invalidates someone else's feelings, which are completely real, completely human, and completely justified! You of all people, having had to deal with all that shit in your life, should know exactly how Kim is feeling and should know better than anyone else what she must be going through, but despite that, you're being extremely rude and insensitive. I hope someone robs you of your disgusting attitude.
    And by the way, you know FUCK ALL about me and the other users on here, so you can take personal digs at us all you like,  but it means absolutely NOTHING because you don't even know me. And by the way, I don't mean to bring in personal information about myself to make a point, but since you've done that in your post, I'm going to do that in mine... I've actually received numerous academic awards over the last few years, recognizing my outstanding achievements and high work ethic, so obviously my reading comprehension skills are more than satisfactory, but you wouldn't know that because you don't know me. And also, I am "in school" right as we speak, and I'm about to graduate and I have an extremely high university entrance grade, so please fuck off.
    Btw, please tell me where I left "such a nasty malicious snide remark" about you. I can't see it anywhere. I just stated my opinion which was that it was really rude of people to say that Kim deserved it. Trust me, I don't have any kind of personal vendetta against you, or anyone on this forum, for that matter. I just wanted to know how on earth anyone could have such little empathy to say that Kim was "asking for it". 
    Anyway, I hope you see the errors of your way and apologize. Peace out...

  17. Nick Del Rey liked a post in a topic by analwinterofmylife in Natalie Portman stars as Jackie O in "Jackie"   
    saaaame omg
    im so wet for this cuz i love jackie and natalie 
  18. analwinterofmylife liked a post in a topic by HoneymoonSwan in Natalie Portman stars as Jackie O in "Jackie"   
    This will be so good. I love it so much, and I haven't even seen it yet. Natalie has been one of my favorite actresses since I seen her in Star Wars when I was really young.
  19. Cashew liked a post in a topic by analwinterofmylife in Shopping in Malibu October 3rd   
    I think she looks really good TBH. Love that she's wearing something other than a white tee and jelly sandals !  The sweater isn't that flattering on her but if u look at her waist it looks more in shape than it did in 2015. I think she's looking good ! Just her makeup and the lighting aren't rly on point. And she's probably annoyed about being photographed XD 
  20. Lemonade Tears liked a post in a topic by analwinterofmylife in Lana & Politics   
    tbh i feel like she doesnt really know too much about that many political issues, but she also probably really thinks that the government should invest more into intergalactic possibilities lmfao 
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