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  1. xcx liked a post in a topic by sparklrtrailrheaven in How Do You Relate To Lana ...   
    I relate to Lana on a much simpler level than a lot of you, but I think I'll still post it here-- also, kudos to everyone who shared on this thread (especially those who were so brutally honest about themselves! That's not easy  )
    The aesthetics of Lana's music and visuals are what initially drew me into her music, and are likely what have held me the most fascinated-- like Lana (and especially Lizzy!) I've always been fascinated (read: obsessed) with kitsch, Americana, and white-trash living-- probably why songs like Trash Magic and Pin-Up Galore rank among my favorites. Maybe it was growing up in a mobile home (in the American South, no less) that gave me this fixation, and so I connect very deeply with the images that run through her early work. I don't think it's any coincidence that trailer-trash Lizzy is my favorite era of Lana's work, and that the happiest time in my life was when I lived in a trailer that we decorated up with Christmas lights year-round. (No kidding-- looking back, we also had a hallway we called the "Florida hall" because it was so beach-kitsch-- and it looked straight out of a Lizzy vid-- teal walls, curtains with palm trees and flamingos all over it-- the works.) 
    So, videos like the ones for 'Gramma' give me an almost painful sense of nostalgia, not only for the times when I lived like she did, but also for a time I'll never get to live in-- the same idealised, past world that Lana has written about-- one where JFK is still king, the open road is still alive, and motels still have their own seedy glamour, among other things. Maybe it all sounds pretentious, but I am so genuinely happy that Lana has recorded and created such a wealth of material that speaks to me on such a personal level. Do any of you connect to these aesthetics and visuals the same way? (If so, hit me up, because we're moving into the nearest trailer park ASAP )
    Now, y'all better start leaking some more 2007/8 Lizzy for me after this heartfelt piece of work-- I need white-trash Lana in my life 
  2. sparklrtrailrheaven liked a post in a topic by BecomeTheWind in Lana Cover Arts [By Me]   
    Got creative, sorry that these are in the "norm" of lana cover arts. Felt like trying somthing new
    Lana Del Ray - Demos

    Ultraviolence - Demos

    Downtown Heartbeat (Fanmade playlist)


    From The End



    [More To Come]
  3. sparklrtrailrheaven liked a post in a topic by cheaptrailertrashglm in Ashley's things   
    I haven't made any Lana stuff in a long while but I'll post things when I feel like editing her photos.
    I like to make icons and signatures and stuff for Tumblr.
    but here's some icons I've made for my Itunes collection of Live records of Lana's that I've ripped from youtube. (i obviously am still collecting audios tho considering the years lol)





  4. HawaiianTropic liked a post in a topic by sparklrtrailrheaven in Minor General Questions that Don't Deserve Their Own Thread   
    even moreso, can you imagine an AKA trailer?   
  5. Masochism liked a post in a topic by sparklrtrailrheaven in Minor General Questions that Don't Deserve Their Own Thread   
    even moreso, can you imagine an AKA trailer?   
  6. Say Yes to Heaven liked a post in a topic by sparklrtrailrheaven in Minor General Questions that Don't Deserve Their Own Thread   
    even moreso, can you imagine an AKA trailer?   
  7. sparklrtrailrheaven liked a post in a topic by folklore in Super Movie's fan art // Summer Bummer cover   
    Resistance cover + a Freak video still edit
  8. velveteen liked a post in a topic by sparklrtrailrheaven in How Do You Relate To Lana ...   
    I relate to Lana on a much simpler level than a lot of you, but I think I'll still post it here-- also, kudos to everyone who shared on this thread (especially those who were so brutally honest about themselves! That's not easy  )
    The aesthetics of Lana's music and visuals are what initially drew me into her music, and are likely what have held me the most fascinated-- like Lana (and especially Lizzy!) I've always been fascinated (read: obsessed) with kitsch, Americana, and white-trash living-- probably why songs like Trash Magic and Pin-Up Galore rank among my favorites. Maybe it was growing up in a mobile home (in the American South, no less) that gave me this fixation, and so I connect very deeply with the images that run through her early work. I don't think it's any coincidence that trailer-trash Lizzy is my favorite era of Lana's work, and that the happiest time in my life was when I lived in a trailer that we decorated up with Christmas lights year-round. (No kidding-- looking back, we also had a hallway we called the "Florida hall" because it was so beach-kitsch-- and it looked straight out of a Lizzy vid-- teal walls, curtains with palm trees and flamingos all over it-- the works.) 
    So, videos like the ones for 'Gramma' give me an almost painful sense of nostalgia, not only for the times when I lived like she did, but also for a time I'll never get to live in-- the same idealised, past world that Lana has written about-- one where JFK is still king, the open road is still alive, and motels still have their own seedy glamour, among other things. Maybe it all sounds pretentious, but I am so genuinely happy that Lana has recorded and created such a wealth of material that speaks to me on such a personal level. Do any of you connect to these aesthetics and visuals the same way? (If so, hit me up, because we're moving into the nearest trailer park ASAP )
    Now, y'all better start leaking some more 2007/8 Lizzy for me after this heartfelt piece of work-- I need white-trash Lana in my life 
  9. sprkljumpropegangsta liked a post in a topic by sparklrtrailrheaven in Lana Del Ray AKA Lizzy Grant - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    I agree! Ever since finding out from @@Eclipse that two of my favorite Lana tracks, Trash Magic and Pin Up Galore, were produced by Steven, I've been dying to hear what production he gave to AKA, as it's my favorite album! It'll be a match made in heaven 
    And, I don't believe there would be a version of Smarty-- I'm pretty sure that was one of the two tracks, along with Gramma, that Lana and David wrote in-studio. 
  10. Beautiful people liked a post in a topic by sparklrtrailrheaven in Lana Del Ray AKA Lizzy Grant - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Welcome to the Lana Del Ray post-release thread, a place to collect information on, discuss, and appreciate Lana’s 2010 debut album! 

    1. Kill Kill
    2. Queen of the Gas Station
    3. Oh Say Can You See
    4. Gramma (Blue Ribbon Sparkler Trailer Heaven)
    5. For K, Pt. 2
    6. Jump
    7. Mermaid Motel
    8. Raise Me Up (Mississippi South)
    9. Pawn Shop Blues
    10. Brite Lites
    11. Put Me in a Movie
    12. Smarty
    13. Yayo 
    While Lana Del Ray (commonly known as AKA) wasn’t Lana’s first studio album -- that honor goes to Sirens -- it was her debut on a record label, and her first album to be sold commercially. AKA’s history was turbulent, which probably owes to much of the mystery and misinformation that surrounds the album today:
    As noted above, the formation of AKA brought about many demos and outtakes that didn’t make the final cut, including Lizzy’s collaborations with producer Steven Mertens. Below is a helpful guide to the AKA demos, along with information on unused tracks recorded with both Mertens and David Kahne:
    Lana’s promotion of her music during the AKA era included interviews, frequent live performances, and perhaps most distinctively, the creation of self-assembled music videos for most of the tracks on the album, much like the “Video Games” visuals that would propel her to stardom in 2011. Below are a selection of these videos, plus relevant fan creations: 
    Lastly, here are some helpful links for further info and exploration of AKA:

  11. sparklrtrailrheaven liked a post in a topic by gloomyharlow in Lana spotted in West Hollywood (Sep. 6th 2016)   
    I love the fact that in her everyday real life she wears similar things everyday. Jeans and a tee and her abuelita sandals. she's not into the whole fancy fashion label crap. I adore this woman.
    Her hair is on point. The color is really nice. The golden tones is great on her skin. I hope she doesn't run to the salon and goes dark brown or black again. Leave it alone Lanita!










  12. sparklrtrailrheaven liked a post in a topic by grabmebymyribbons in Lana spotted in West Hollywood (Sep. 6th 2016)   
    I LOVE it when she puts her hair like that! 
  13. sparklrtrailrheaven liked a post in a topic by annedauphine in Lana spotted in West Hollywood (Sep. 6th 2016)   
    She's looking so healthy and confident just look at the way she sways dem hips wow I love her so much. She's really becoming more goals everyday she knows damn well how good she looks. Also the way they worded the headline reminded me of this

    To this point I'm literally begging for a real shoot tho come on Lana we haven't got a real one this year ;_;
    Edit: also this really really confirms me that blue jeans white shirts are cliché but my absolute look on her it makes her beauty insanely stick out
  14. sparklrtrailrheaven liked a post in a topic by evilentity in Resistance   
    From dreams I awake, and I'm waiting for you
    What kind of mod anthem.   
    Or is it "Know where to kiss it"?
    Your problem with commitment's
    The bane of my existence
  15. sparklrtrailrheaven liked a post in a topic by HawaiianTropic in Lana spotted in West Hollywood (Sep. 6th 2016)   
    omg "I wonder if I can I even park there"

  16. sparklrtrailrheaven liked a post in a topic by analwinterofmylife in Lana spotted in West Hollywood (Sep. 6th 2016)   
    i just heard the annoying pap at the beginning of the video go " she wears the same thing every time  shady... but
  17. sparklrtrailrheaven liked a post in a topic by strange weather in Lana spotted in West Hollywood (Sep. 6th 2016)   
    she's looking heavenly, lately. i feel like something is up her sleeve, but whoever knows with lana?
  18. sparklrtrailrheaven liked a post in a topic by Nick Del Rey in Lana spotted in West Hollywood (Sep. 6th 2016)   
    Lana Del Rey spotted in West Hollywood on September 6th, makes candids look like a photoshoot

  19. lanaismamom liked a post in a topic by sparklrtrailrheaven in Lana Del Ray AKA Lizzy Grant - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    I listened to Lana Del Ray again tonight, for the millionth time-- my feelings haven't changed. This album is genius, and it definitely saddens me that Lana will likely never return to this set of aesthetics and style of music.
    However, the genius of AKA is not *just* Lana. I give a sizable part of my respect for the album to David Kahne, as well. While Lana created killer melodies, lyrics, and concepts that would work extremely well under the guidance of any producer, Kahne had the perfect touch to push the songs from "excellent" to "god-like", in my opinion. 
    It definitely deserves repeat listens-- some subtle flourishes Kahne brought in are best noticed after you've been bowled over a few times by Lana's handiwork with the stories told and pictures painted here. To me, the perfect example of Kahne's "Midas touch" on AKA is "Pawn Shop Blues". As evidenced by a live performance and a demo, PSB was a staggeringly beautiful, tender, and poignant track when Lana was doing it on her own. However, Kahne took it to another level-- while PSB in its raw state is mournful and brimming with sadness, Kahne's instrumentation gives it depth-- it goes from being a "sad" song to something better described as "bittersweet". With the angelic echoes and trembling guitars, Kahne doesn't detract at all from Lana's lyrics-- instead, he gives them deeper meaning and manifold facets. Pawn Shop Blues becomes, all at once, a hopeful look at living for a purpose outside of yourself, a melancholy assertion on the nature of love and loss, and a somber reminder of how one can lose it all for nothing. With these extra dimensions, the track becomes infinitely interesting, as it's hard to tell where the hope begins and the desperation ends. 
    I'm rambling-- my point being, AKA is an absolutely genius record that I'll love 'til the day I die, and both David Kahne and Lana are geniuses for putting just the right elements in just the right places to create an album that is cohesive yet kaleidoscopic, and that has so many facets and subtleties that it demands repeat listens. Fabulous. Please continue sharing info and thoughts on AKA here, because it means the world to me and I want to know all there is to know about it!
    Thanks for reading all this 
  20. Lavender Sunshine liked a post in a topic by sparklrtrailrheaven in Lana Del Ray AKA Lizzy Grant - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Welcome to the Lana Del Ray post-release thread, a place to collect information on, discuss, and appreciate Lana’s 2010 debut album! 

    1. Kill Kill
    2. Queen of the Gas Station
    3. Oh Say Can You See
    4. Gramma (Blue Ribbon Sparkler Trailer Heaven)
    5. For K, Pt. 2
    6. Jump
    7. Mermaid Motel
    8. Raise Me Up (Mississippi South)
    9. Pawn Shop Blues
    10. Brite Lites
    11. Put Me in a Movie
    12. Smarty
    13. Yayo 
    While Lana Del Ray (commonly known as AKA) wasn’t Lana’s first studio album -- that honor goes to Sirens -- it was her debut on a record label, and her first album to be sold commercially. AKA’s history was turbulent, which probably owes to much of the mystery and misinformation that surrounds the album today:
    As noted above, the formation of AKA brought about many demos and outtakes that didn’t make the final cut, including Lizzy’s collaborations with producer Steven Mertens. Below is a helpful guide to the AKA demos, along with information on unused tracks recorded with both Mertens and David Kahne:
    Lana’s promotion of her music during the AKA era included interviews, frequent live performances, and perhaps most distinctively, the creation of self-assembled music videos for most of the tracks on the album, much like the “Video Games” visuals that would propel her to stardom in 2011. Below are a selection of these videos, plus relevant fan creations: 
    Lastly, here are some helpful links for further info and exploration of AKA:

  21. sparklrtrailrheaven liked a post in a topic by annedauphine in That One Song You CRAVE For   
    Since it's already established that I hardcore crave everything we got in snippets so far, I'm becoming really intrigued by Coconut And Key Lime Pie. This title sounds so Lizzie and I'm sure it could be a gem à la Super Movie and Dance For Money. Maybe it will pull a Roses and leak in a few years when no one expects it anymore. Also obviously craving Ruby Tuesday
  22. sparklrtrailrheaven liked a post in a topic by Platinum Greenwich in That One Song You CRAVE For   
    since i've fallen into the habit of doing this after every leak, in no specific order honestly
    1. Yes To Heaven (fuck me in the _arse_ honestly i've got all the snippets on a constant loop)
    2. Be My Daddy (about fucking time, and it's got Ridin' lyrics so i'm all kinds of ready for it)
    3. Diet Mtn. Dew Baby (end my suffering and release her!!)
    4. Lemonade Motorcycle Heaven (and all other Kahne tracks but mostly LMH bc Dance For Money is gold)
    5. Your Girl (anything that sounds like UV i basically want lodged in my ear canal ok)
    also that "Jimmy gon' buy me Coca-Cola" thing; i have a feeling it's gonna be a Betty Boop Boop-level bop
  23. sparklrtrailrheaven liked a post in a topic by bunoner in bunoner's random Cover Arts!   
    This isn't really that good but I love the song so 
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