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About ChaoticLipster

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  1. Gaga gonna plan a tour date in New Zealand after she see’s the high stream numbers over there
  2. Gaga gonna plan a tour date in New Zealand after she see’s the high stream numbers over there
  3. It’s a good record, top 3 I think. A bit more funky and disco than I expected. Shadow of a Man was totally different than I thought, I was expecting more a Born This Way industrial euro electronic sound.
  4. Midnight/local, on Spotify New Zealand it said 8 hours remaining
  5. We are in the hour of attention seeking people with behaviour issues uploading leaks with tags! We are so close now!
  6. Eew country eew electronic eew old music from 2009….wtf do people want?
  7. It’s because she’s doing different sounds from all her past albums, so this is clearly inspired by The Fame. It’s a more basic pop song but it’s still fun
  8. Garden of Eden teaser - https://www.instagram.com/reel/DG0e-ToxAcG/
  9. No…albums rarely seem to leak early these days
  10. I want a BTW/Fame monster hybrid, she should also release a Mayhem Monster EP with beyonce telephone continuation…that would be epic.
  11. It’s not even a Friday, that is your first clue it’s complete bullshit. I think it will be pushed a few weeks.
  12. I’m sorry but Americans are so selfish, they have no concept of how letting Russia win is a very bad thing, they think so what if Ukrainians die as long as I get lower taxes…it’s disgraceful. They’ll see it as a path to slowly dismantle NATO and all sorts. I honestly think the U.S and Europe need each other and neither can go alone.
  13. Leaks don’t seem to be a thing these days, sadly. I haven’t been this excited about a Gaga album since ARTPOP though, I’ve always wanted her to return to the fame monster/BTW sounds and from what I’m hearing about the record it delivers.
  14. It turns out capital records had a conservatorship placed on Sky, the courts decided her lying and inability to complete tasks made her a danger to herself. FreeBritneySky#
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