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Everything posted by Limelight

  1. I can translate one or two of the French ones this week-end/next week
  2. If you live in Monaco you're probably rich enough to not even care about the ticket's price. So get those coins, Lana!
  3. Everything by our sis Jailer
  4. One hour ago one of the major French newspapers had said Isis had claimed the attack (just checked and they changed it) + you guys were talking about it on the first page. I never blamed Islam, hence why I said "islamism + the second amendment (if guns were not easily obtainable this wouldn't have happened even if he doesn't like gays). And you people should stop with this "political correct" bullshit, who cares if some people get triggered because of a word? But anyways, I send my thoughts to the families and hopefully this will actually change something in the country
  5. From what I remember Islam and Islamism are not the same thing, so can you shut the fuck up. And I'd just like to remind you that Isis is called "ISLAMIC STATE IN IRAQ AND THE LEVANT". I'll stop now because I had a long day and should waste any more of my time on a cunt like you. If the mods have to give me warning points than let it be for calling you fucking retarded cunt and not for this islamophobia shit.
  6. We should blame both islamism and this stupid second amendment. The US might be the first world power but it is WAY behind some other countries in areas such as healthcare, education, security, etc. Mass shootings are becoming so common in the US that it makes me worry about my sister's safety. You guys HAVE to do something about it. Jaque, get over it
  7. I don't see Lana Del Gay trending anywhere. Is it trending in Uganda? And mess at it all, but that's more promo for Lana so cool
  8. It sounds like you probably wore one. It's just tacky as fuck
  9. Of course there has to be a hoe with a flower crown
  10. Did this really deserve its own thread?
  11. Limelight


    I like ha. Runaway is my jam
  12. I almost never listen to HM anymore, I've gone back to UV.
  13. After this last episode I'm like "YAAAAAAAAAAS DADDY SNOW YAAAAAAAAS" I hope Cersei kills those bitches in King's landing and that Danny slays everyone
  14. Omg it's sooo creepy that people Lana mention die when in fact a lot of them are old and prone to being sick or have issues with dugs and alcohol. What am I saying though, she's the anti-christ
  15. Lana release the hit Negative Slope!!!!!1!11 And Honeymoon is one of her best songs wtf
  16. Limelight

    Amy Winehouse

    I was already a huge amy fan but now I'm feeling her spiritually I can't
  17. She'll probably just announce another single off BTD tbh
  18. She'll all about the image but the songs Glad you like them though, shake dat ass
  19. Anne literally 80% of her discography sucks
  20. She looked amazing but it was cringeworthy as hell *look at how cute I am*
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