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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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people dismissing lana's poem as being basic, or just okay, like y'all have any substantial know how on what consist of a good/bad poem. Remember y'all, art is subjective, Lana's poem while not to the levels of greats such as Maya, Whitman or any of them, it is not basic. Let Lana grow as an artist, and let this be another medium for her to express her creativity. Y'all be negative for no good reason... i for one am excited to see where she takes this, 



VIOLET BENT BACKWARDS OVER THE GRASS is already an iconic title, lets just breath a little and chill 





(and lets not bring trash dan into this convo, ugh gossip girl was treated dirtyyyyy) 



Didn't she scrap that title? It's something boring and basic to do w/ L.A now. I actually did love that title and the imagery associated with it (even tho it veers into tumblr poem territory a bit). But honestly when I read the title change I had to wonder how heavily she's being influenced by L.A and west coast culture lately.


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people dismissing lana's poem as being basic, or just okay, like y'all have any substantial know how on what consist of a good/bad poem. Remember y'all, art is subjective, Lana's poem while not to the levels of greats such as Maya, Whitman or any of them, it is not basic. Let Lana grow as an artist, and let this be another medium for her to express her creativity. Y'all be negative for no good reason... i for one am excited to see where she takes this, 



VIOLET BENT BACKWARDS OVER THE GRASS is already an iconic title, lets just breath a little and chill 





(and lets not bring trash dan into this convo, ugh gossip girl was treated dirtyyyyy)



I agree ^^

I was just about to say, which ones of you all who hate her poetry actually read poetry? Or even write poetry?

A lot of you guys know absolutely nothing about poetry and you’re dismissing it as if it’s trash. Maybe this is a way for her to recreate something that feels more Ultraviolence-ey without her ever actually having to recite it. Maybe it’s really personal to her. Maybe it’s got a lot of meaning behind it that a lot of you aren’t even considering bc you “couldn’t read past the first stanza”


Well there’s your problem. You’re judging a body of work without reading it fully. If you couldn’t read past the first stanza, stfu.


This poem feels very Mariner’s Apartment Complex to me, it reminds me of that song a lot and I hate seeing people dog on a body of work when it’s nothing they’re even remotely familiar with, used to reading or judging at all.


No it’s not worthy of an award but have you heard ANY of her music? My music first starts out as just simple poetry personally and I’m beginning to think she could write music that way too


You’re allowed an opinion but holy FUUUUCK are you guys bitter and poisonous. No fuckin wonder she turns her comments off


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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Girl I'm so far from perfect, so I don't mean to come off as condescending, but I guess I do at times, and for that I'm actually sorry. The only thing I don't genuinely is enjoy is; someone will say something positive, and get praised. I'll say something negative, then that positive person will come for me or for others saying something negative, and then when we clap back and say something about the people being positive, they act as though we're looking to fight, when we're simply standing up for our opinions as they did. Also if someone who's on the opposing side aka the negative side comments on this, people say "oh girl don't play the victim." But if the positive opinionated person mentions it, they'll get stood up for. I don't know, I've just noticed most people in this fandom not being able to realize there's two side to a coin, you need both sides.

You make a great foil, and I'm sure I'm not the only who appreciates it.


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I agree ^^

I was just about to say, which ones of you all who hate her poetry actually read poetry? Or even write poetry?

A lot of you guys know absolutely nothing about poetry and you’re dismissing it as if it’s trash. Maybe this is a way for her to recreate something that feels more Ultraviolence-ey without her ever actually having to recite it. Maybe it’s really personal to her. Maybe it’s got a lot of meaning behind it that a lot of you aren’t even considering bc you “couldn’t read past the first stanza”



I read and write, but even if I didn't I'd still be entitled to an opinion. She's allowed to create what she wants, but once you put it out into the public via an instagram post of all mediums, you open yourself up to criticism whether you want it or not. People shouldn't be expected to coddle her and say everything she does is amazing just because it might be personal to her.


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I liked the poem a lot. It made me visualize the emotions she wrote down. It reminded me of so many unforgettable moments of my life. It’s simple but it had a good effect in me.


Like people said, art is subjective for the artist and the one is “consuming” it.

"Some days are for falling in love with people, some days for cities, and some for your time in solitude."

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people dismissing lana's poem as being basic, or just okay, like y'all have any substantial know how on what consist of a good/bad poem. Remember y'all, art is subjective, Lana's poem while not to the levels of greats such as Maya, Whitman or any of them, it is not basic. Let Lana grow as an artist, and let this be another medium for her to express her creativity. Y'all be negative for no good reason... i for one am excited to see where she takes this, 



VIOLET BENT BACKWARDS OVER THE GRASS is already an iconic title, lets just breath a little and chill 




You call me lavender, you call me sunshine.

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Didn't she scrap that title? It's something boring and basic to do w/ L.A now. I actually did love that title and the imagery associated with it (even tho it veers into tumblr poem territory a bit). But honestly when I read the title change I had to wonder how heavily she's being influenced by L.A and west coast culture lately.


no ? we have nothing telling us she changed the name of the poetry book .. if ur talking ab the L.A. book from her story it's a childrens book she was looking through at the Paramount fair :rip: 

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no ? we have nothing telling us she changed the name of the poetry book .. if ur talking ab the L.A. book from her story it's a childrens book she was looking through at the Paramount fair :rip:


omg :rip: idk how I got that muddled in brain but I'm glad cos the title is great


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I read and write, but even if I didn't I'd still be entitled to an opinion. She's allowed to create what she wants, but once you put it out into the public via an instagram post of all mediums, you open yourself up to criticism whether you want it or not. People shouldn't be expected to coddle her and say everything she does is amazing just because it might be personal to her.

I love you :oprah:


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lana isn't claiming to be a legendary poet she is just writing words dnkjasdfbajksdfbcv,cx can you all seriously shut ALL the way up and go read your bookshelves full of poetry or whatever

It's nothing personal dear, I just expected more from someone who claimed to read Sylvia Plath 24/7, live and breathe Nabokov & Whitman, and got down to beat poetry.



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Mariners Apartment Complex

In Your Car


Happiness Is A Butterfly

Hope Is A Dangerous Thing - But I Have It


Norman Fucking Rockwell


Roses Bloom For You

Talking Like An Answering Machine


Venice Bitch

How To Disappear

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the poem is not "happy" or at least I did not read it as happy, she seems to be lonely while writing this poem, reflecting on her once happy state of being. as people we all go through the dread of fearing moments of happiness might never occur again, that is what I took from it. sort of profound and also my personal analysis of it. 

almost similar to Video Games - reflecting on her once "blissful" love, and she keeps loving unconditionally - which is in itself brave of her 

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