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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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It's become very apparent I'd say that this site has gained what I'd like to call "sweet sally no sees" who pretend that they don't see the good and only see the bad, then complain "wow you guys are always so harsh on Lana you never give her a chance and you truly aren't fans" and it's starting to get VERY old & annoying.

I don't really understand the logic of pretending to be a positive person yet being so fixated on everyone's negative opinions and failing to acknowledge everything positive being said? Like it literally contradicts what you stand for which is interesting.

As for Lana's work, I've praised LOTS of her new stuff. I fucking adore Cinnamon, How To Disappear is one of my favorite songs from her sonically and lyrically since AKA, Venice Bitch is a really great and cute playful song and the guitar is great, Mariners Apartment Complex is one of my faves and the instrumental breakdown is a dream.

Yet these sweet sally no sees pretend things like that aren't being said. I don't understand most of the logic here being used. I praise 4 songs, and say "Hmm well HIADT isn't really for me" or "these last two poems aren't really doing anything for me and here's why" and then all these little Lana ass lickers like to forget everything positive that has been said and it's truly sad and telling that some of you are here only to start fights and act like everything Lana does is godly.

That's not how life works kids, you can't like everything an artist does. These people aren't Gods and the way some of you hold her up to be that is actually really disturbing?

So instead of being a hypocrite, because that's what you're doing when you ignore the 10 positive posts and only choose to see the one negative post and say "wow this board is so negative", maybe just walk away and like not be so fixated on trying to make everyone feel bad for the way they feel?

You cannot preach that we're negative for our true opinions when you guys are trying to find the negative in every post on this site. It just doesn't make sense and I truly hope some of you work on seeing the positive in what people here say.

You guys act like everyone wants Lana burned at the stake for destroying the English language, when that's not even close. We're just not going to brown nose her and pretend we like everything. There's a difference between being a fan/stan, and being an intense follower who kisses her feet at every opportunity you can get. I'm glad you like her, but stop putting artists to God levels, it's really, really not healthy. Thank you :bye2:

This needed to be said on the first page of this thread

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Even if she took a hiatus and got some life experience, there is no guarantee her lyrics would gain some extra dimensional clarity or storytelling flair


UV to HM was short, and HM has beautifully written songs like TLY, the title track, Swan song


You also have other artists like Marina who took a considerably long break and... I mean just take a look at her recent lyrics despite seemingly gaining a new window into life


I agree with what people are saying though, NFR does have some very nice lyrics (but her poetry is uhhhhh)

FmgKWb8.gif?1     HNqlJGD.gif

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sometimes i can't even tell if people are being sarcastic or not with their opinions or whether you guys know this is a forum because this is the only thing i ever see happening here


lana: breathes in beat

lanaboards general public: omg

some users: omg this saved my life and my children are going to lawyers thanks lana

users in disagreement: i don't like it, it sucks

users in agreement: omg why do you hate everything she does you don't have to like everything she does stop beating her up omggg

the holy one whom resurrected themselves to preach their beliefs upon us: a paragraph (or several) basically stating 'i hate it when people come on here to bash on lana like she isn't a person like can you all get lives and realize that's she's trying her best now and so what if she's tired and the poem isn't good? she can do what she wants and her creativity isn't something we should slander. shame on all of you'

random user inserting opinion based on some form of knowledge: this particular art she chose to share with us is lacking/great because of these fives reasons with evidential proof to historical contexts

hater in disguise: go outside, y'all need some dick and it shows lol have fun in hell haters  :hooker:

the holy one and their congregation: this is exactly what i was talking about in my previous seven-part post

the congregation: yes omg people really need to take a breather it's just a poem

hater again: lol i didn't mean you specifically i'm just saying that others saying exactly what you're saying are wrong and losers

holy bitch: omg you're right, like it's okay to have opinions but like not ones that are too crazy you know let's not lie

the 10 guests, 1 anon user and everyone else in passing: wtf

elle: locks thread

insanity laughs under pressure -- we're cracking

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sometimes i can't even tell if people are being sarcastic or not with their opinions or whether you guys know this is a forum because this is the only thing i ever see happening here


lana: breathes in beat

lanaboards general public: omg

some users: omg this saved my life and my children are going to lawyers thanks lana

users in disagreement: i don't like it, it sucks

users in agreement: omg why do you hate everything she does you don't have to like everything she does stop beating her up omggg

the holy one whom resurrected themselves to preach their beliefs upon us: a paragraph (or several) basically stating 'i hate it when people come on here to bash on lana like she isn't a person like can you all get lives and realize that's she's trying her best now and so what if she's tired and the poem isn't good? she can do what she wants and her creativity isn't something we should slander. shame on all of you'

random user inserting opinion based on some form of knowledge: this particular art she chose to share with us is lacking/great because of these fives reasons with evidential proof to historical contexts

hater in disguise: go outside, y'all need some dick and it shows lol have fun in hell haters  :hooker:

the holy one and their congregation: this is exactly what i was talking about in my previous seven-part post

the congregation: yes omg people really need to take a breather it's just a poem

hater again: lol i didn't mean you specifically i'm just saying that others saying exactly what you're saying are wrong and losers

holy bitch: omg you're right, like it's okay to have opinions but like not ones that are too crazy you know let's not lie

the 10 guests, 1 anon user and everyone else in passing: wtf

elle: locks thread


osfnjs i am knowledge + congregation

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Lana releases song called Shamwow Cava


Shamwow Caca Stans: this literally is so beautiful and you're a fucking retarded deaf asshole who was only born because the cum from your mom's ass was too watery and leaked into her loose cunt if you don't think so


Shamwow Caca Haters: this literally is so disgusting and you're a fucking retarded deaf asshole who was only born because the cum from your mom's ass was too watery and leaked into her loos cunt if you don't think so


Positive Warriors: *ignores what the Shamwow Caca stan said* I can't believe the negative people say such disgusting things this is so horrible no wonder Lana doesn't want to release music anymore you should be ashamed this place is so negative


Random person who shows up once a month: just let people do what they want lmao who cares if they're being aggressive and ruining the thread with garbage? I'm never here so doesn't bother me!


Person who thinks they're better than everyone: lock this thread. You guys are all lowlifes


Me: can we not just express ourselves like normal people... Like when your teacher asks for your opinion do you tell her she's a deaf cunt for not agreeing?


Shamwow Caca Stan: i don't give a fuck it's her best song and lust for life sucked and aka sucked and uv sucked and hm sucked and btd sucked and pe sucked and next year when she releases a new album I'm going to say Shamwow Caca sucks because I like to hop on the new train


Shamwow Caca Stan #2: @Peroxide I literally never see any Shamwow Caca stan say anything hateful... It's only the haters!


BTD stan: can everyone calm tf down you're all so dramatic and complain too much...


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Lana releases song called Shamwow Cava


Shamwow Caca Stans: this literally is so beautiful and you're a fucking retarded deaf asshole who was only born because the cum from your mom's ass was too watery and leaked into her loose cunt if you don't think so


Shamwow Caca Haters: this literally is so disgusting and you're a fucking retarded deaf asshole who was only born because the cum from your mom's ass was too watery and leaked into her loos cunt if you don't think so


Positive Warriors: *ignores what the Shamwow Caca stan said* I can't believe the negative people say such disgusting things this is so horrible no wonder Lana doesn't want to release music anymore you should be ashamed this place is so negative


Random person who shows up once a month: just let people do what they want lmao who cares if they're being aggressive and ruining the thread with garbage? I'm never here so doesn't bother me!


Person who thinks they're better than everyone: lock this thread. You guys are all lowlifes


Me: can we not just express ourselves like normal people... Like when your teacher asks for your opinion do you tell her she's a deaf cunt for not agreeing?


Shamwow Caca Stan: i don't give a fuck it's her best song and lust for life sucked and aka sucked and uv sucked and hm sucked and btd sucked and pe sucked and next year when she releases a new album I'm going to say Shamwow Caca sucks because I like to hop on the new train


Shamwow Caca Stan #2: @ I literally never see any Shamwow Caca stan say anything hateful... It's only the haters!


BTD stan: can everyone calm tf down you're all so dramatic and complain too much...


so you agree... you're the holy one  :w8ing:

insanity laughs under pressure -- we're cracking

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the poem/lyrics are way better than Happy. I'm not that bothered by the Tesla line at all tbh aside from the fact it will age really badly. What I am bothered by is 


we grew up too soon 
now it’s time to grow down 


grow... down? something kinda jarring about that idk.


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Omg Nekci Menij’s impact I’m-

If by not 'up to par' you mean distilling the worst elements that only kind of work in songs, sure. I could put a dictionary audiobook on shuffle and put it to an instrumental of old money and some of y'all would still be saying it's 50/50 lmfao.


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Wow, that convo is still going. Lana, save the gays from themselves.

Person who thinks they're better than everyone: lock this thread. You guys are all lowlifes



Ok, but really. Lana needs to release something to end this.

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Who are these bitches that get to be friends with her? And how do I become one of them? Lana we’re almost the same age and I do several of the things on your baddie inventory list. If I were one of her bitches I’d make her spill some tea on nfr. The way this era has gone makes me believe these girls are a terrible influence on her


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