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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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Now Rob posted the edit by tropicobaby. I actually love their edits, I just think it’s interesting that not only Ariana, but her dad posted an edited photo of her- not the original. Idk but maybe Lana should take that as a sign that maybe she should be a little less lazy with the visuals she does with her sister? lol

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there's only one physical release of UV with all the bonus tracks and it's a Russian bootleg that's incredibly rare to find and obtain

Yeah it is a bootleg and it was never rare though.. Russian sellers were dying to sell them off when it was first pressed. The quality of the audio inside the CD is not even lossless or anything. And the packaging is shitty.. I don't see why anyone would buy such bootleg though :/

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Yeah it is a bootleg and it was never rare though.. Russian sellers were dying to sell them off when it was first pressed. The quality of the audio inside the CD is not even lossless or anything. And the packaging is shitty.. I don't see why anyone would buy such bootleg though :/

ah, okay. I just couldn't find it online everywhere



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Her albums are usually best before she gets too nit picky. That’s how she ruined LFL and ended up adding a little too much to HM as well.


HM was done in literally a year. What is there to fix in such a short period of time? It's the second most cohesive body of work of hers after UV thanks to that quick release 


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imagine a surprise album drop on march the 29th :rip:


As delusional as I may sound, but I hope this is the case.

♡  standing stoic blue and denim, eyes not blue but clear like heaven 

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I still think about this tweet everyday.


That tweet reads like those post made by those lame fan accounts that always post some “exclusive” news only for it to be fake but god do they make it seem like whatever they say is 100% official or real. I hate them to be honest. I used to see them all the time on Facebook and I’d always call em out and they’d block me. Lol.

Are y’all buying the album multiple times or only once? When it comes to her I normally buy the iTunes/digital version and physical on the day of release.

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That tweet reads like those post made by those lame fan accounts that always post some “exclusive” news only for it to be fake but god do they make it seem like whatever they say is 100% official or real. I hate them to be honest. I used to see them all the time on Facebook and I’d always call em out and they’d block me. Lol.Are y’all buying the album multiple times or only once? When it comes to her I normally buy the iTunes/digital version and physical on the day of release.

I stream on spotify and buy the physical CD and vynil

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That tweet reads like those post made by those lame fan accounts that always post some “exclusive” news only for it to be fake but god do they make it seem like whatever they say is 100% official or real. I hate them to be honest. I used to see them all the time on Facebook and I’d always call em out and they’d block me. Lol.Are y’all buying the album multiple times or only once? When it comes to her I normally buy the iTunes/digital version and physical on the day of release.

I just stream and buy the vinyl/merch that’s on sale. I may actually buy this one on CD though to switch it up just to play it in my car.


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I'll say this once and I'll say it again: Lana's lazy now.


She doesn't care about her visuals or her image (i.e. outfits, interviews, candids, selfies, etc) as she did during the BTD era because she was trying to prove herself at that point. She had been fighting for over 10 years trying to make it, and once she got signed, she wanted to build her fanbase and prove her worth and now that she's done that, she's taken a backseat and it's beyond annoying.

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I'll say this once and I'll say it again: Lana's lazy now.


She doesn't care about her visuals or her image (i.e. outfits, interviews, candids, selfies, etc) as she did during the BTD era because she was trying to prove herself at that point. She had been fighting for over 10 years trying to make it, and once she got signed, she wanted to build her fanbase and prove her worth and now that she's done that, she's taken a backseat and it's beyond annoying.

I mean, all the singers got pretty boring


Gaga stopped caring about fashion and pop and just started acting and singing regular songs


Lana stopped caring about glamour and mystery and just started writing poetry and becoming an instagram influencer


They just get boring after a while I guess :poordat: where as back then people would ceate new personas a la David Bowie when things got too predictable ya know


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I'll say this once and I'll say it again: Lana's lazy now.


She doesn't care about her visuals or her image (i.e. outfits, interviews, candids, selfies, etc) as she did during the BTD era because she was trying to prove herself at that point. She had been fighting for over 10 years trying to make it, and once she got signed, she wanted to build her fanbase and prove her worth and now that she's done that, she's taken a backseat and it's beyond annoying.


Yeah IDK. I mean she can do whatever she wants but I do get it and it kind of annoys me too, but what can we do, it's obvious she wants to turn into a hermit artist, like Captain Beefheart or whatever. I guess she's also over it, she just doesn't care anymore. I do get you tho, just the other day I was looking at candids in 2012/13, like that one shirt that says Raisin' Hell, oh, god, that was such a cool street style but at the end it's not Elizabeth and it's obvs she's not 'Lana' anymore.


I did hate like pretty much every fashion choice she has done for LA to the Moon, tho. She did use some BEAUTIFUL dresses that I'd buy if I was famous and rich as she is. But like, those mismatched outfits, dear Jesus... It's awful. It's weird because I loved pretty much everything she used in the other tours, always loved her color choices. But I don't really care that much about the fashion choices or candids though, some are just... awful, I don't like the make up nor the hair either but that's kind of secondary now that I think abt it. The "laziness" is crazy when performing. Seems to me that she's not that happy doing that anymore, I feel like she likes that people are having a good time and that's about it. 


I hope I don't come off as rude, although I might be. I'd hate it if someone was judging my fashion choices or make up like this, but I am wearing a hoodie backwards and mismatched socks.



last.fm: dope_n_diamonds // twitter: lovinglydelrey

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I stream on spotify and buy the physical CD and vynil

I just stream and buy the vinyl/merch that’s on sale. I may actually buy this one on CD though to switch it up just to play it in my car.

I’d love to buy some vinyls but I don’t have a vinyl record player I guess I’d do it just to have it as part of my collection. I actually have the BTD album on vinyl but only because my friend got it for me for my birthday. I’m not a big streamer. I know it helps out the artist and stuff but never really got to into it. I stream her songs every now and then. I love going to a store and buying the physical, it gives me a good feeling and gets me excited to get in my car and play it idk what it is about buying physicals that I enjoy it so much lol.


God, I wish I was a fan back during the BTD era, by the way people talk about it and remember it, it just seems so exciting and amazing to have been able to witness her rise to fame. I like reading some threads on here and ATRL from those years and just seeing how excited people were for her music. the Lust For Life era was pretty exciting compared to Honeymoon. Well at least the beginning. During the time she released the WM video and after she just let the era completely die.

I was really hoping she would put some effort into this era, because it seemed like everything was planned out correctly during the time she released Venice Bitch and MAC, and then... well here we are months later... still waiting for the damn album or at least some news about it. I really hate that she teased songs like Cinnamon only for her to be taking this long to release anything. I love her but she pisses me off.

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