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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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Guys, I’m trying to remember of an Instagram account I saw months ago. This account does versions of Lana’s songs in “pixel” (I don’t know if the sound is named pixel, but the pictures are in pixel version) idk, they sound like an old video game. Do u guys know the name of this account?


They sound like this


idk if anyone responded to this but it’s @ radiocola

you have to scroll down their account bc they haven’t posted

any of those 8bit vids in a while.


miss born to lose

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I agree that her choice of going there is very odd, but religion is something very private, and you shouldn’t criticize someone based on their beliefs

its always good to respect others beliefs but i think there should be a certain criticizing taking place when one starts to blame their homophobia on a dusty book and basically any other type of bigotry religion can promote

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I saw the thing you are referencing with Dave Grohl "trashing" Lana.  It was something to do with one of his kids wanted a Lana record, and he talked them into getting AC/DC instead.  He didn't say anything explicitly bad about Lana, but he basically lumped her in with "garbage pop" and not "real music" like AC/DC or whatever the other band was.

That’s not what happened, it was actually LDR fans being a twat to him for no reason. He went to amoeba to pick up a record for his daughter (that wasn’t LDR) but it was the day of her amoeba concert. Lana fans saw him being served and got at the staff saying “HEY I THOUGHT THE STORE WAS GONNA BE CLOSED??” because they’re entitled or something. Then they told him to pick up an LDR record.


So he told the fan I got her AC/DC and left. It wasn’t exactly anything to do with drama or spite, he just went to get his daughter a record and was let in by amoeba staff while her performance was on and fans didn’t realise who he was and got at him. He didn’t say or do a thing against lana, so theirs no beef.


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i’m probably being dramatic but for some reason i can see myself never hearing this album? idk. at this point it just feels unreal..?

  Same happened with ANTI and it was worth the wait giphy.gif

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I agree that her choice of going there is very odd, but religion is something very private, and you shouldn’t criticize someone based on their beliefs

Oh we definitely should, and I definitely will. What are we but a sum of our thoughts, beliefs and decisions? And religion might be something private to you, just like it is to me, but it doesn't seem to be that way to a culty megachurch like Hillsong and the sheep that attend it. I cannot find it in me to respect pedophilia, misogyny, militant homophobia, mind control, and those who support (or accept) these things.


P.S. I will not respond to any posts bringing up the Catholic church. I have already addressed this so don't even try it.

I'm kinda focused on being a baddie right now. I can't really work.

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  Same happened with ANTI and it was worth the wait giphy.gif

I still listen to almost all of ANTI it's so fucking good.

This reminds me how much I'm dying to hear Rihanna's upcoming album. 


Sorry, I know, this isn't the Rihanna thread, whatever

~~~My body is stuck in the ocean ugcs3%2Fv3%2Fproject_attachments%2FGC6xU My mind is lost in the universe*** 

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What were the latest predictions? End of April for the lead and June release?


I think so. It's possible Lana could randomly release the lead this month...but I don't have much hope in her lately.

♡  standing stoic blue and denim, eyes not blue but clear like heaven 

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I literally just cut my hair a few days ago :lel:

Same :lmao:

I'm listening to the snippets everyday now :poordat: i wasnt like this. I played them only when she posted them. But they give me so much hope now

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Since she posted MAC my cat died, I got in contact with my ex after a year, traveled to the south, came back, saw my ex, was asked to leave all behind by him and then was abandoned, started uni and dropped... But yeah Lana take ur time... Not like I'm kms



last.fm: dope_n_diamonds // twitter: lovinglydelrey

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