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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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I hope Lana was lying when she said 11 tracks and I hope it turns out to be a 2 part record like Marina’s

Didn’t you read the article she did in January? At that time, it was 13 songs on NFR. I don t expect much more than that.

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it's not entirely to do with the album, although that admittedly contributes to it, but i myself most assuredly won't be kissing her ass about the poetry book when it's out. i'm glad she's doing what she likes, i think that's great, and she has every right to do so. i don't like the poems we've gotten so far though. the sentiments are nice and there are a few lines here and there that i really like, but nothing feels fleshed out or fully realized. there's a difference between writing lyrics and writing poetry; without the musical element, there's more pressure on the writing to stand on its own and be a strong, interesting, worthwhile piece of art in and of itself. to me, this (writing we've seen thus far) doesn't do that. if it was being sung as lyrics, that would be a different story. 


i'm not that concerned with whether the book is holding up the album because of the sheer fact that we have no real way of knowing what the truth in that matter is, but if the only thing holding up the album release is the fact that she wants to finish the book first, then yes i'd be annoyed. but i'm not about to be out here jumping to conclusions like that. all i know is that we don't have the album yet, we have a pretty constant flow of typo-riddled, unfinished-feeling, kind of mediocre poetry (i'm not saying she doesn't have the capability to write good poetry! i'm saying all of it i've seen feels half-assed!) instead, we're pretty much in the dark about said album, and are instead being fed content that doesn't do much of anything for me. i think it's great that she wants to write poetry. i'm glad she's doing what makes her happy, and i totally support that, i just have no interest in the content produced thus far and find the situation we're in extremely aggravating.


(i didn't come into this thread with the intent of writing an essay on the differences between poetry and songwriting, and i probably sound a lot more impassioned/defensive about this topic than i am, because i'm mostly indifferent at this stage in the game...but it's almost 2 am and i'm overcaffeinated and felt like clarifying lmao)

This is true in regards to poetry. The words stand on their own. In poetry, Lana doesn't have great music to make us overlook shitty writing.

Songwriting is a different medium because the main focus is usually the actual music, rather than the words. It's why I don't think lyrics really need to be that important because a song should be judged as a whole and tbh people will like any damn thing as long as the music is good.

Criticizing poor excuse for poetry isn't a personal attack or That Deep. If it's shit, it's shit. Don't expect people to pay for shit just because you're famous. Lana's banking on her fame to get people to buy this because we know she tried making it as a poet and failed. Now she thinks her stans will buy anything because it's ~Lana~

Her writing is lazy and the lack of proper editing makes it look even lazier. The lack of punctuation style she tries using doesn't work because her words just aren't strong enough. She needs to read more IMO. Punctuation is one of the best ways to sort and add dimension to your poetry.


She needs to say something because she doesn't realize people won't care about her poetry if she's dangling an album over their heads. She's doing a disservice to herself and doesn't even realize it. Her fans are hungry for music, an album, not a poetry book. If she thinks starving us will make us want her poetry book, I'd rather starve.

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It seems it was for VMag, which is released every two months, I think? So it would be for the May-June issue?


And it's usually released a few days into the month, so we can expect it around May 5th. Three more weeks of nothing.

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What happened with the shoot she did with Steven Klein? It's been a month+ since she said it on Twitter.

things take twice as much time to be done this era and they are half as likely to ever see the light of the day

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And it's usually released a few days into the month, so we can expect it around May 5th. Three more weeks of nothing.

It depends what you mean by nothing. She seems to be going into full poetry-release mode. Whether we love her poetry or not, when Violets is out, next step is NFR. It’s not album news, but we can read between the lines what next.

V mag will probably be our main source of info for NFR.

things take twice as much time to be done this era and they are half as much likely to ever see the light of the day

Thing is that things are probably taking as much time as usual but this time, we knew exactly when everything started. With LFL, she kept many things in the dark at the beginning (we had no idea when she was shooting for ELle, V Mag, etc). So when everything was out, it was as if it was out of the blue. Now we know the day the shooting was done and we hope it will be out in the next week because we are so thirsty for anything.

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It depends what you mean by nothing. She seems to be going into full poetry-release mode. Whether we love her poetry or not, when Violets is out, next step is NFR. It’s not album news, but we can read between the lines what next.

V mag will probably be our main source of info for NFR.

Thing is that things are probably taking as much time as usual but this time, we knew exactly when everything started. With LFL, she kept many things in the dark at the beginning (we had no idea when she was shooting for ELle, V Mag, etc). So when everything was out, it was as if it was out of the blue. Now we know the day the shooting was done and we hope it will be out in the next week because we are so thirsty for anything.


that's right but at that time she wasn't holding LFL back, she hadn't finished it until mid-May

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that's right but at that time she wasn't holding LFL back, she hadn't finished it until mid-May

It’s true that she was super open during that era. But it also played tricks on her: the interviews about Yosemite, for instance... Maybe this is why there aren’t that many interviews this time around: she’ll only talk about the stuff will really be out.

There are so many NFR elements in these poems, it would be foolish not to have a copy of it with an album bundle.

Honestly, since it will cost a dollar, why not have it PDF’ed with the album? Like a deluxe packaging? I do see a lot of similarities in the narrative of NFR and her poems, as if they were monologues / intro to the songs.

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I think we should all take a pledge and not stream NFR when it comes out in a few years to show her that we're really tired of the bs and that she needs to change cause something isn't working


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I think we should all take a pledge and not stream NFR when it comes out in a few years to show her that we're really tired of the bs and that she needs to change cause something isn't working

sometimes love has to be tough :whatever:

I'm kinda focused on being a baddie right now. I can't really work.

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I think we should all take a pledge and not stream NFR when it comes out in a few years to show her that we're really tired of the bs and that she needs to change cause something isn't working

wow I am so on board with that

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... yeah let me just develop printmaking skills. Thanks for the condescending response!

I didn't mean to sound condescending, so I apologize if that's how I came off. Making your own shirts can be super fun and you don't need to do it all by yourself. There are stores & websites that can help you with that. I used to make custom t shirts for me and my friends all the time when I was younger. Do you really think Lana/her label will come up with something better than you can? I mean...



I'm kinda focused on being a baddie right now. I can't really work.

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