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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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What ever happened to the Queen of Hearts and Don’t Stop leaks that someone allegedly got their hands on???

They're completely unfinished, meaning there's not much else besides the leaked snippets besides instrumental and probably a few random adlibs here and there. Apparently the people who got them are very very stingy (and probably melanie martinez stans)

It's only my dark city, only my new man...

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if i were to initiate discourse on a topic near and dear to my cyclical and cyclonic heart i fear as though i may be bullied, harassed, and given my 12th iron branding of recognition towards my inability to properly follow hyperlinked protocol via the george orwellington-esque watchful gargoyle and kingly hawkeye'd battalions patrolling these circuitry courts

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understanding sal's posts when English is not your first language is a nightmare


It's difficult to do even when it is your first language, but that's the beauty of it.


Salvatore contains multitudes.

if i were to initiate discourse on a topic near and dear to my cyclical and cyclonic heart i fear as though i may be bullied, harassed, and given my 12th iron branding of recognition towards my inability to properly follow hyperlinked protocol via the george orwellington-esque watchful gargoyle and kingly hawkeye'd battalions patrolling these circuitry courts


Attempted translation of lyrics: I wanna say something off-topic and/or controversial on this thread, but I'll get my twelfth warning point, so fuck that.

ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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if i were to initiate discourse on a topic near and dear to my cyclical and cyclonic heart i fear as though i may be bullied, harassed, and given my 12th iron branding of recognition towards my inability to properly follow hyperlinked protocol via the george orwellington-esque watchful gargoyle and kingly hawkeye'd battalions patrolling these circuitry courts

Shakespear has risen

Arches are Illusions solid at first glance

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Saying Lana will release NFR in the summer isn't even a good prediciton, it's just common knowledge since she's a slut for summer.

♡  standing stoic blue and denim, eyes not blue but clear like heaven 

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Let's not forget there's a possibility that she reworked MAC and VB which would make them newer

I'll do it for the right reasons

Withstanding all the time, changes and seasons


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Unpop but I highkey hated this photo shoot lmao. Lana herself looks great but everything else about it is just so gaudy and tacky and just eugh. It hurts my eyes to look at. I may be missing the whole point of the photo shoot but I’m no more of a fan of it now than I was when it happened

Idk for me I found it real amusing, almost satirical imo. The colors, the settings. I love the forced vintage feel and the graininess of em, textured like some kinda sponge cake lol 


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So u know how Mariah invented the gays after Rainbow (right?), did u think Lana was worried about releasing the record during pride month, having her mortal enemies, the gays from claiming it and making her a gay icon or something. That or the record'll sound like a gay porno? Is June gonna b a good month? Where tf is Happiness is a Pupa? source.gif


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Unpop but I highkey hated this photo shoot lmao. Lana herself looks great but everything else about it is just so gaudy and tacky and just eugh. It hurts my eyes to look at. I may be missing the whole point of the photo shoot but I’m no more of a fan of it now than I was when it happened

It served kitsch americana realness. kitsch is designed to be a bit of an eyesore, that’s why it was so wonderful.


flaunt was the best £40-50 I ever spent.


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Is it just me or does she always look like a devil when she leaves the church? :hdu: :deadbanana:


I mean ... I don't think she should have to get dressed up for church or look perfect all the time, but ...


Maybe she's worried that Justin Bieber will hit on her so she tries to look as tragic as possible?

ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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Let's not forget there's a possibility that she reworked MAC and VB which would make them newer

has she ever reworked a track? Serious question. Except for Yayo

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has she ever reworked a track? Serious question. Except for Yayo

She reworked Beautiful People to BPBP, which turned out to be pretty different. And I don't know if it counts, but the first version of Diet Mountain Dew she uploaded on her YouTube channel is different than the one on the album. Technically, we could also say she reworked Something Real into 13 Beaches but we don't have it so we might never know what's the difference

I'll do it for the right reasons

Withstanding all the time, changes and seasons


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oh come on she obviously won't rework songs that took months and studio money and were officially released  :rip:

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