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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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But some people, the world over, do not like gay men and women solely on the basis of their sexuality. Just as some straight and gay people do not like heterosexual individuals who are into S&M or partner-swapping. Or just as some gay men and women dislike heterosexuals and call them 'breeders' or become 'separatists,' and try to live the separatist lifestyle as fully as possible--away from everything they deem 'heterosexual.'


Some gay individuals don't like polyamorist trios or foursomes, or, to turn to another sort of issue, think first cousins marrying and having children should be unlawful and disgusting. 


So my point is there are people who think, believe and feel differently from all of us on a million points, small and large, and the more one realizes that, and stops reacting with pure emotion, the more mature and reasonably tolerant one becomes. 


So if someone--anyone--is actually violating the civil, legal and human rights of another individual, that's wrong and should be stopped.


But a mosque saying, "Christians are free to enter and observe, but not actively worship and participate in our rites, and that includes gay men and women," is not violating anyone's rights. It's a private religious organization with centuries-old rules that define it. A Christian cannot enter and demand to be treated equally in every way like a Muslim adherent, just as a Christian cannot expect to turn up at a synagogue and be married there. If they do and they are denied marriage by the rabbi, are their civil, legal and human rights being violated? No.


If Hillsong is saying, "No gay or lesbian person may enter any of our walls at any time under any circumstances, we believe they are an abomination in God's eyes and if they are discovered within our walls, we will forcibly throw them out. And in the meanwhile we will fight to overturn every law that supports LGBTQ rights the nation over," then that's wrong and should be contested and brought to the media's attention.


But are they saying that?   


The difference between homophobes and 'heterophobes' is that one group has political power over another. Violent hate crimes, such as the lesbian couple being beaten up in the U.K. 


Hillsong and churches like that might not be burning pride flags and openly using slurs westboro style, but that shouldn't be where we draw the line. Quietly tolerating subtle forms of homophobia leads to violent backlashes against any progress made, something which is found over and over again throughout history. Let grandma call gay people f*gs in private and one day she'll slip up and say it in public. Let cooky fringe politicians rant about the evils of abortion and in a few years you'll have the situation in Alabama, and Roe v. Wade being contested, maybe even overturned. Say nothing as celebrity churches give nothingy statements on whether they think gay people are going to hell or not, don't be surprised when it comes out in a few year's time that they've been funding those cooky fringe politicians. I've said it before and I'll say it again. As a member of the LGBT community, I'm not accepting quiet hatred, and I'm not only viewing outright physical violence as the only valid form of oppression. 

locals only

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I understand this is a sensitive topic, and you are upset understandably. But I think it is important to remember naivety is not necessarily negative. Maybe she has googled these topics? Maybe at the moment she assumed these churches would be fine as her friends go there, which I don't think is unreasonable (still doesn't make it right). And I don't see how bashing her like this is going to help anything - it's likely going to lead to worse feelings which is not going to help anyone.


Exactly. The innocence of children is precious and should be protected at all costs <3

I'm kinda focused on being a baddie right now. I can't really work.

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Exactly. The innocence of children is precious and should be protected at all costs <3

Not really sure what you are trying to say with this reply, but my points still stand that:


1. Lana is very unlikely to be homophobic


2. There is no reason to think that your friends would be going to a controversial church, so you would not think to google it.


3. We all know Lana is not a baby, I get the point you are trying to make, but I think she is a lot deeper than that. Even if she has been lost lately, we still have no actual evidence to judge her like this and bash her so hard.


Anyway, I would like to make it clear that I am not trying to get into an argument with anyone here, I am just trying to show you guys how this thinking may not be completely justified, and it may be making things worse than they need to be.

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if you really think its ok to have these views in the name of religion you really need to be woken up


2 women were brutally attacked here in the uk for being gay and its because of hatred. churches like these turn a blind eye to this hatred, and even agree with it, possibly passing it onto members such as lana herself


i get freedom of religion, but i dont agree with blindly following something that incites hatred



anyway to keep this on topic i dont think nfr is coming anytime soon  :crossed:




resident sweeter


24/7/17 - 9/7/23 - 10/7/23



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if you really think its ok to have these views in the name of religion you really need to be woken up


2 women were brutally attacked here in the uk for being gay and its because of hatred. churches like these turn a blind eye to this hatred, and even agree with it, possibly passing it onto members such as lana herself


i get freedom of religion, but i dont agree with blindly following something that incites hatred



anyway to keep this on topic i dont think nfr is coming anytime soon  :crossed:


I completely agree with this post, but I also think it is important to take a step back. Just because churches turn a blind eye to these atrocities, doesn't mean Lana shares the same views.

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I bet we will see more of her terrible poetry soon on Instagram,...sorry I had to say it. I’m hugely disappointed by it, I was excited because of how good the lyrics are in her songs, but the poems seem stupid and half baked.

Arches are Illusions solid at first glance

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do we really have to do a history lesson here on how having negative views on LGBT people inevitably extends to all minorities, how these attitudes are prevalent in society anyway and how christianity itself has continuing roots in white supremacy and heteronormativity, whilst also being a powerful institution that influences stuff like government? particularly when they're a cult-like branch with ridiculously rich attendees. i'm having another stroke. some of you all really need your eyes more open


edit: 'heterophobia' is not real. thanks

There's things I wanna say to you, but I'll just let you live

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This is such a bad mentality to have. Do you think all people in North Korea hates Americans, just by being there? Bc it’s well know NK hates the US, yet, not EVERYONE there hates the US.... it’s the same concept. Going there doesn’t mean anything, especially since she’s not going during when most churches have a service time (which is usually Wednesday or Sundays), she’s going on Fridays and other random days of the week. I think her having an AA meeting there actually makes a lot of sense

I had to read this paragraph five times because I thought there's no way you could have actually typed this out, read through it once again and said, "Yeah that sounds good, I'll post it :)". It is SO INCREDIBLY stupid and disrespectful to compare the lives of the poor people in North Korea, which just so happens to be a DICTATORSHIP, who are starving, who cannot freely voice their opinion, who are being killed if they dare to disagree with their "great leader" or try to escape to South Korea etc., to a rich, privileged, straight white cis-woman's CHOICE (!) to go to (and therefore support) a homophobic and misogynistic megachurch. PLEASE educate yourself on this matter!


Being a celebrity is hard bc no matter what you do, you’re shamed. You go to church for yourself, hoping for self-improvement, you’re called a homophobe. You support gay pride, the ACTUAL homophobic pricks come out of the woodworks and says “FUCK YOU”. That’s why she’s always stayed away from politics and why she doesn’t want to speak about issues like feminism bc either way, someone will give her shame for it. It’s not that she doesn’t care or doesn’t want to be involved, it’s a way to protect her public image and business (and is pretty smart to try and avoid it, honestly, with this political climate...)

You know, if you have homophobes, misogynists, extreme conservatives and any other kinds of assholes disagreeing with you, that's usually a sign that you are doing something RIGHT.


Yeah idk about the homophobia thing I think it's too far to think, but yeah I don't like this church at all it seems too weird and suspicious in a way (we are the good Christians that gather here and sharing our love for Jesus..)like so pretentious.. But I'm thinking that Lana is feeling lonely? And she needs to be a part of something at the moment.. Idk I hope this story has a good ending

Then she should've started a knitting club or opened a matcha bar instead of joining an openly homophobic church.


if you really think its ok to have these views in the name of religion you really need to be woken up


2 women were brutally attacked here in the uk for being gay and its because of hatred. churches like these turn a blind eye to this hatred, and even agree with it, possibly passing it onto members such as lana herself


i get freedom of religion, but i dont agree with blindly following something that incites hatred

This x 100! My respect for somebody's views (religious, political, philosophical, whatever) ends as soon as those views disrespect someone else's (particularly a marginalised, suppressed group's) existence.


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But some people, the world over, do not like gay men and women solely on the basis of their sexuality. Just as some straight and gay people do not like heterosexual individuals who are into S&M or partner-swapping. Or just as some gay men and women dislike heterosexuals and call them 'breeders' or become 'separatists,' and try to live the separatist lifestyle as fully as possible--away from everything they deem 'heterosexual.'


Some gay individuals don't like polyamorist trios or foursomes, or, to turn to another sort of issue, think first cousins marrying and having children should be unlawful and disgusting. 


So my point is there are people who think, believe and feel differently from all of us on a million points, small and large, and the more one realizes that, and stops reacting with pure emotion, the more mature and reasonably tolerant one becomes. 


So if someone--anyone--is actually violating the civil, legal and human rights of another individual, that's wrong and should be stopped.


But a mosque saying, "Christians are free to enter and observe, but not actively worship and participate in our rites, and that includes gay men and women," is not violating anyone's rights. It's a private religious organization with centuries-old rules that define it. A Christian cannot enter and demand to be treated equally in every way like a Muslim adherent, just as a Christian cannot expect to turn up at a synagogue and be married there. If they do and they are denied marriage by the rabbi, are their civil, legal and human rights being violated? No.


If Hillsong is saying, "No gay or lesbian person may enter any of our walls at any time under any circumstances, we believe they are an abomination in God's eyes and if they are discovered within our walls, we will forcibly throw them out. And in the meanwhile we will fight to overturn every law that supports LGBTQ rights the nation over," then that's wrong and should be contested and brought to the media's attention.


But are they saying that?   

Hillsong promotes a conversion therapy program while conversion therapy is not backed by any scientific premise and statistically, leads to higher rates of suicide for gay kids and young adults.  They do not allow LGBT folk in leadership positions, as a rule.  Meanwhile, the Bible says that gays should be put to death.  The actual history is that the Church invaded indigenous land, stripping property and power from independent women and what are now known as LGBTs, and started colonizing, infiltrating government, and operating tax free on a moral code that explicitly promotes genocide, slavery, misogyny, death to gays/witches/indigenous people, the inherent evil nature of everyone and you, blood sacrifice, torture, cannibalism, and the fucking apocalypse where most people will die horribly.  LGBT folk are more likely to experience poverty, homelessness, unemployment, incarceration, violent attack, or murder than the general population.  LGBT people have been deemed crazy and told that God condemns them BY the church.  LGBT spaces have been invaded and people have been arrested for centuries, and that's just now changing.  Putting that on the same level as some people not being into BDSM is reductive, stupid, and dismissive of reality.  You're ignorant and prejudiced trying to act wise.

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I bet we will see more of her terrible poetry soon on Instagram,...sorry I had to say it. I’m hugely disappointed by it, I was excited because of how good the lyrics are in her songs, but the poems seem stupid and half baked.

I'm gonna be honest: her shitty poetry was the only reason why I went out of my way to find fan sites. Which isn't to say it hasn't gotten a little better, or that she hasn't posted a decent poem or two... but her very early ones were just really bad to me, and all the sycophants on IG, and even on the reddit fan subforum, were talking about how amazing all of it was and how she's such a master with words.

I legitimately thought I was going insane. So I scoured the internet trying to find anyone who felt how I did.


A very pathetic irony on my part, I know.

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Maybe she is finding in the church something she had always express in her music.. And now she dont need music anymore because she can find her aswers in a temple.. This happened to Justin Bieber too.. He said it to a magazine but a idk what magazine

Lust For Dead   large.gif

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I bet we will see more of her terrible poetry soon on Instagram,...sorry I had to say it. I’m hugely disappointed by it, I was excited because of how good the lyrics are in her songs, but the poems seem stupid and half baked.

i'm disappointed too, they just don't make too much sense to me (but maybe i'm just stupid who knows) nor make me feel anything tbh. also the lack of album info makes me less interested in her poems as well, whenever i get a post notification and check her insta in hope for some actual news and see that it's just another ratty poem i get disappointed and annoyed, so i haven't even read the newer ones, i just don't have the patience for that shit anymore.

I never meant to be bad or unwell I was just living on the edge right between heaven and hell & I'm tired of it 

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Why don't we move this discussion to one of the many threads about her going to churches? I know we don't have any news about the album, but I think we should leave this thread to comment only about LDR6 news :rip:


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