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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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I think she actually sings the "fucked me so good " part of the snippet pretty cleanly, almost triumphantly, that takes away from it being as perverse or raunchy. The resonance in her voice, the quickness of the melody, and the key of the song, from what we've heard so far, actually makes it sound healthy. The innocence of the piano makes it coy, but also mature, and how she ends each line w the breathy, soft "you" and "through" actually makes it warmly intimate. 
Then the resonance deepens a bit and gets more solid as she sings along towards the end of the snippet. Reminds me of like when your lover has to discipline you a bit, when u play mom n pop (like "play house, put my favorite record on" in American, or , "I wear your sparkle, you call me your mama" in Yayo) nd there's that parental partner reference to it. Like a, uh uh, no no baby sorta thing.

This might be the healthiest diss track we're gonna get so far- 
. .  . .

This, is really shaping up to being a real terrific albuuuuuum 


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Did anyone else think she was maybe singing about James Franco in the NFR snippet?


This is more fun to think about than G Greasy or spaghetti boy even though that was hard to believe to begin with

Truly ethereal, and it’s a huge pain in the ass

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Did anyone else think she was maybe singing about James Franco in the NFR snippet? 

Off topic but I have to admit I kinda miss him posting trashy shirtless (and presumably hangover) selfies on Instagram


Also I'm surprised to say this but I might've liked the title track snippet, I'm not completely sure yet!



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I definitely respect your opinion. Old Money is one of my favorite songs ever, but I really do enjoy Hope’s lyrics in particular due to the references/parallels to Sylvia Plath’s writings, specifically The Bell Jar and her journals. This is coming from someone who is a big fan of Plath’s writings however so my opinion is different from many, but I thought the way she wrote the lyrics were genius (other than the iPad line yikes).

Thank you. ‘Old Money’ is a masterpiece and genuinely universal in its theme, I think. I love the “cold cash divine” line because it reveals a fault in the women’s character, who we otherwise sympathize with and relate to. It makes her more believable.


I was interested to find that some here thought “the kids” in the lyrics were not the children of the protagonist and her husband/lover, but simply their young group of friends. I never interpreted it that way, it never even occurred to me, and certainly takes some of the tragedy out of the song.


I do like ‘Hope,’ but in some way, it almost seems disrespectful of SP, as if Plath often ‘ran around in her fucking nightgown’ like a madwoman when there were so many other images and actions from Plath’s life she could have used. If I were a Plath descendant, I don’t think I would care to see my famous relative used so cheaply. Some members here have said they never heard of SP before hearing ‘Hope,’ so the idea that some may have come away with is that Plath was some sort of “madwoman in the attic,” a raving lunatic. And we know that that is not the way it was for SP.

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its funny you mention that because I have the exact opposite reaction to that. I LOVE that the bitch is using proper diction. We love a technically proficient singer. maybe its my choir and vocal lesson background but I appreciate it when a singer actually says the full word and doesnt trail off without the last consonant.

I agree. Diction is important. That what ruins ‘Change’ for me, the way she says, “people are powerful beins” instead of “people are powerful beings.” How did that get past Rick? It grates on my hearing every time I play it.


Likewise, though it’s a matter of phrasing rather than diction, the inexplicable way she stresses the word “parents” in ‘Coachella’ kills it for me, though I also consider it among her worst released tracks and have cut it from my LFL e-album.

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i feel like her lyrics are so much more thoughtful and metaphorical now over her red party dress days .. idk what some of you are smoking .... listing beautiful words does not good lyrics make


This lmao. I love 1949 but the last part she just... lists things. Ponytails and lollipops, dinnerettes and soda pops, new blu-

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On the new NFR title song snippet, the loose but flowing piano playing—which I assume is Jack playing—is reminiscent of some of Joni Mitchell’s many piano songs from the first half of the 70s—but LDR has said she was raised in “a Carly Simon household,” and I think I detect, despite the overt ‘fuck’ line, a Carly Simon influence in the sheer breeziness of her delivery. If so, it was very likely unintentional.


LDR did mention a 70s Laurel Canyon vibe, but while a lot of female musicians were in Southern California in that era, Simon was pure East Coast and only made one album—one of her best, ‘Another Passenger’ from 1976–in Southern California.

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I'm mostly enjoying the snippet - especially the melody - but I can't get over the manchild line, and describing people as "wild" is one of those old tropes of hers that I'm kind of over at this point. But it's still promising.

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I feel like NFR is very weak lyrically, among other things. MAC was actually pretty decent imo, and although I love Cinnamon, the lyrics are just...very plain and sparse. 



You're NOT wrong and you should say it! Norman Fucking Rockwell has her worst lyrics and that's that on that!


"Back in the garden we're getting high now because we're older me myself I like diamonds"

"It's the most famous woman you know on the ipad calling from beyond i just wanna say hi dad"

"and sing it for the babies on the tour life"

"in the car in the car in the backseat i'm your baby"


like c'mon if you think any of those are better than songs she released previously (maybe except for coachella but even that one has better bits than these) you thick as hell. 


how to disappear and cinnamon deserved to be amongst royalty and not these halsey rejects.

into your eyes tumblr_olomd1pIFG1u8tvjvo2_500.gif my face remains

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You're NOT wrong and you should say it! Norman Fucking Rockwell has her worst lyrics and that's that on that!


"Back in the garder we're getting high now because we're older me myself I like diamonds"

"It's the most famous woman you know on the ipad calling from beyond i just wanna say hi dad"

"and sing it for the babies on the tour life"

"in the car in the car in the backseat i'm your baby"


like c'mon if you think any of those are better than songs she released previously (maybe except for coachella but even that one has better bits than these) you thick as hell. 


how to disappear and cinnamon deserved to be amongst royalty and not these halsey rejects.


Shoot me but this lyric actually makes me emotional


OT (kinda) but the video reminds me of when I'll like lip-sync songs on snapchat and delete them when I'm home alone with literally nothing else to do

locals only

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You're NOT wrong and you should say it! Norman Fucking Rockwell has her worst lyrics and that's that on that!


"Back in the garden we're getting high now because we're older me myself I like diamonds"

"It's the most famous woman you know on the ipad calling from beyond i just wanna say hi dad"

"and sing it for the babies on the tour life"

"in the car in the car in the backseat i'm your baby"


like c'mon if you think any of those are better than songs she released previously (maybe except for coachella but even that one has better bits than these) you thick as hell. 


how to disappear and cinnamon deserved to be amongst royalty and not these halsey rejects.


You're braver than the US marines :wowcry:

♡  standing stoic blue and denim, eyes not blue but clear like heaven 

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Shoot me but this lyric actually makes me emotional


OT (kinda) but the video reminds me of when I'll like lip-sync songs on snapchat and delete them when I'm home alone with literally nothing else to do


I'm not gonna judge you because we all have our own feelings and you getting emotional with that lyric is your own prerogative and I respect that. But when people say Hope has better lyrics than, let's say, Brooklyn Baby, I get all flight or fight.

into your eyes tumblr_olomd1pIFG1u8tvjvo2_500.gif my face remains

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