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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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This Season of the Witch cover sounds like how I thought the rest of LFL would sound when I first saw the album trailer. I love it.




I'm kinda focused on being a baddie right now. I can't really work.

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Not everyone has the same tolerance for bullshit, KingJay. I can't justify spending money on someone -not to mention time- and getting nothing in return besides disrespect. I don't have enough space in my mind or my life to waste. Respect isn't love, it isn't reverence, it isn't adulation. You don't need to have a personal relationship with someone to show them a little bit of respect, which in this case, when we're talking about artists, translates to a certain level of honesty. Not even transparency, just a basic consideration for the people who've supported you all these years. Caring enough to pick up your phone and type a few words to let people know what's going on. No details, no walls of text, no apologies... Just an "album delayed indefinitely" tweet is better than nothing. It's common courtesy in my opinion.


By the way, what you're describing is very much a personal relationship, only completely one-sided and unhealthy. What you're saying is that we should feel obligated to continue supporting an artist even when they're putting out art we don't like, because...? Loyalty? Loyalty to someone we don't personally know and have never even met? Loyalty to someone who "owes us nothing" (not even common courtesy)? Why on god's green earth? In what way is this logical and sensible? It's like thinking there's a personal relationship there, when there definitely isn't. I'm not running to buy every palette Anastasia Soare releases because I liked Sultry, Soft Glam and Modern Renaissance. If I like what's on offer, you got my attention. If I don't, you're not getting my attention or my money. It really is that simple.


Disclaimer: the comment above should be read in a calm, bored voice. No one is raging or wailing desolately.

Personally I think that she should get some information done for the first few days right then. He even gave real stars right to get the best food you could ask like for lunch. She did say that she really wanted real life right you uterus or like me. Forgot my phone number even right left my office phone number keep calling my name my firstborn whenever you get some sleep you need. You are my best friend you know you never did anything wrong you e do you really feel better? you ever really really enjoyed the show last weekend you could go ahead some people just say you didn’t. the only reason you ever really liked my picture you sent every single person you w the same place you ever really tried last year m the. you may not only need but you cannot life zone you deserve. first you ever really dream right you never make the right decision right. the last two days i’ve you guys just dropped off the girls from the airport. you couldn’t find the right guy who like you for the rest you call the cops you can’t.


you ever really needed real money from the beginning you really loved the world you. the last update made me last really hard. it’s society’s standards. the man right front door closes right next to me. you didn’t really think cause the last few years the last resort has faded from the man he was.


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the most unnecessary leak in the history of leaks if true

I don't say you have to like everything an artist does. I think it's important to criticize. But if you are really not having this era, why stickaround and male negative comments for the sake of it?

Just do it. Just do it - don't wait!

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why do people still think they're owed an explanation as to why lana took so long with the project? there wasn't a deadline. she can release an album whenever she wants. yawn.

because she lied to us and said it would be out in january lol??

resident sweeter


24/7/17 - 9/7/23 - 10/7/23

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I don't say you have to like everything an artist does. I think it's important to criticize. But if you are really not having this era, why stickaround and male negative comments for the sake of it?

That's not what I meant at all though. To be clear, I'm not encouraging leaks. I know that's the kind of thing that can get us in trouble and all that when it comes to songs from upcoming albums. But if a song was to leak...why this? Who asked for this? I understand the reasoning behind your comment because of my previous posts, but I don't believe I've seen more than two people say they can't wait to hear the album version of HTD. Look at what everyone else said too, not just me. There's so much anticipation for Cinnamon, California, Love Song, The Greatest, the title track, even Fuh It Ah Luh Yah. Did you see even half of that for HTD? I didn't. If we could choose a song to leak, it wouldn't even make the top 5. There are entire pages filled with negative comments about it from other users.

I'm kinda focused on being a baddie right now. I can't really work.

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Not everyone has the same tolerance for bullshit, KingJay. I can't justify spending money on someone -not to mention time- and getting nothing in return besides disrespect. I don't have enough space in my mind or my life to waste. Respect isn't love, it isn't reverence, it isn't adulation. You don't need to have a personal relationship with someone to show them a little bit of respect, which in this case, when we're talking about artists, translates to a certain level of honesty. Not even transparency, just a basic consideration for the people who've supported you all these years. Caring enough to pick up your phone and type a few words to let people know what's going on. No details, no walls of text, no apologies... Just an "album delayed indefinitely" tweet is better than nothing. It's common courtesy in my opinion.


By the way, what you're describing is very much a personal relationship, only completely one-sided and unhealthy. What you're saying is that we should feel obligated to continue supporting an artist even when they're putting out art we don't like, because...? Loyalty? Loyalty to someone we don't personally know and have never even met? Loyalty to someone who "owes us nothing" (not even common courtesy)? Why on god's green earth? In what way is this logical and sensible? It's like thinking there's a personal relationship there, when there definitely isn't. I'm not running to buy every palette Anastasia Soare releases because I liked Sultry, Soft Glam and Modern Renaissance. If I like what's on offer, you got my attention. If I don't, you're not getting my attention or my money. It really is that simple.


Disclaimer: the comment above should be read in a calm, bored voice. No one is raging or wailing desolately.

i agree it's strange to be like, obsessed like really obsessed with an artist, that's not healthy. tbh i also think that a message from lana would've saved the situation bc yeah, i am excited for the album, but it could've been much better if lana didn't mention the album a year ago and waited til january when she released Hope. then a lil bit of promo during this year and the era would've been perfect just like the album. 


k wait where can we find sotw (someone respond in white ink)


I can’t change my location on spotify, is there any Pico or Clyp link to SOTW?????

literally google yandex it, millions of sites pop up


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because she lied to us and said it would be out in january lol??

Keep your logic out of this and let people miss the points they want to miss (:

I'm kinda focused on being a baddie right now. I can't really work.

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