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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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idk why everyone is shitting on lana's lazy vocals i really love them when she sings like it, there's such a delicacy and warmth it makes you feel like she's singing a lullaby to you before bedtime. I think it's refreshing to hear an artist not constantly show off their voice with every sylable, she doesn't need to because her voice is so special and different. i love listening to fine china mainly because of the way she sings



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Honeymoon is such a spotless album. I had it on shuffle and literally every song blended so well together and sounded great back to back w the transitions. Each track compliments one another perfectly. I've never heard an album that can do that before.



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I dont find her vocals in this era 'lazy' at all. To me, it's super Leonard Cohen style, filled with emotion and following the narrative. It's not lazy at all, just a very different style to what we're used to.


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I dont find her vocals in this era 'lazy' at all. To me, it's super Leonard Cohen style, filled with emotion and following the narrative. It's not lazy at all, just a very different style to what we're used to.

And that's fine and all but she's not even going to sing these songs live, she'll mumble a few lines and forget her own lyrics it makes me wonder if she even cares anymore.

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I hope she surprises us with low notes too. Her lows are super underrated. When she goes super low, it sounds gorgeous. I want more songs with low notes like in Terrence Loves You, Salvatore or Heroin.

I'll do it for the right reasons

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just curious - when do we think we will get an album cover or tracklist? and i know a few people suggested the album will be released spring of next year but knowing her and release dates i feel like its more summer/fall


shes already named a good handful of the tracks so i feel like we deserve should get the full tracklist soon


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just curious - when do we think we will get an album cover or tracklist? and i know a few people suggested the album will be released spring of next year but knowing her and release dates i feel like its more summer/fall


shes already named a good handful of the tracks so i feel like we deserve should get the full tracklist soon

I think we'll get the tracklist and the preorder in November along a last track to go with it. And the album in January and February. But she won't release the album next fall. It's WAY too far

I'll do it for the right reasons

Withstanding all the time, changes and seasons


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I think we'll get the tracklist and the preorder in November along a last track to go with it. And the album in January and February. But she won't release the album next fall. It's WAY too far


i just have my doubts because i thought lfl was gonna be released in may, but it ended up in july lol. at latest (i hope) itll be an early summer album. but im hoping for january so i can start my new year to her music


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To y'all saying her vocals are still emotional and not lazy in this era... go compare her delivery on Lust for Life to her delivery on Paradise or BTD. It's light years difference. She used to be really experimental and would push herself to match her vocal delivery with the emotional tone of the songs. The fact is she is not pushing herself at all with delivery, not experimenting at all, and just singing every song in a similar lazy/comfortable way now. You might think it sounds nice, but don't pretend like it isn't just from laziness and her sticking in her comfort zone. 


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just curious - when do we think we will get an album cover or tracklist? and i know a few people suggested the album will be released spring of next year but knowing her and release dates i feel like its more summer/fall


shes already named a good handful of the tracks so i feel like we deserve should get the full tracklist soon

I have a vibe we’ll have a short preorder/announcement release period ala Honeymoon. I think we will get tracklist reveal and preorder sometime in January with a 3-4 week period for album release.


She has been teasing a lot, too much, but I don’t see it leading up to any sort of album list reveal/release or preorder before the new year.

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For real let's not worry about when NFR will be released.


The LFL situation was self inflicted - fans leaked her lead single so everything was rushed. They then leaked BAR and she started recording new material. May 26th was never confirmed by Lana herself, only publications (so info from her team). She decided to delay the record to add more material and collabs and she informed us.


Every other album has come on time or when she said it would. Can't be doing with the hyperbolic "fall 2019 release" etc.


Jack is recording with other artists right now and we have several confirmed tracks as well as 2 singles - so its safe to say the album is near completion, if not complete.

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if you're complaining about lazy vocals on LANAboards then log off and go listen to someone else. not everything has to be about flexing vocals lmao. this isn't an ariana grande forum you stupid gays

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We need Elvis level of lyrics on the record URGH I'm listening to it rn and no matter how many times I listen to it and how much I know the lyrics already they blow my head off every single time. "You look like a Florida native, "Are you?" I said, at the rate of, slow molasses from the state of Vermont with a southern drawl" what the FUCK. Fuck me up. Her best written song ever. Couple this with breathy layered vocals, a strong melody, an interesting production, beautiful thought of aesthetics and visuals, and then YES I admit it NFR will top UV. Not before. 


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