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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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i hope NFR doesnt even chart


i hope it sells only 50 copies


i hope it leaks a whole two months before its release


i hope people dont stream it on any service


i hope no bookstore wants to sell her poetry book


i hope theres a manufacting error and each copy is titled "My Ass Bent Backwards Over the Grass"


I hope Robert Frost rises from the dead, creates a twitter account, and tells Lana to never attempt to write poetry again


I hope Stella leaks both NFR and the poetry book


I hope Ashley and Alex find the only existing copy of the poetry book and throw it away



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Honestly, Doin' Time is perfect for her to cover because of these lyrics (which she should change to first person when she sings them):


I've come to tell you that she's evil most definitely
Ornery scandalous and evil most definitely
The tension is getting hotter
I'd like to hold her head underwater


I've put it into my current playlist and I sing that part extra loudly. 

ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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up till Lust for Life, i thought Lana was deeper than she is. i thought she was satirizing like white girl culture, pointing out how its set up for people to be unable to live up to expectations, to try to find their worth thru shitty relationships with shitty men... but then i realized, nope my analysis was just my projection, and that's just who she is. and her trying to be overtly political on LFL made me realize she's ignorant af. im turning in my stan card.

Funny, this is the exact same process I went through with LFL as well. Thought she was this clever, kitschy satirist/performance artist, but then realized that she's been being serious this whole time lmao. Probably why I'm personally not tooo hungry for NFR, because my interest in her is more casual these days. Still makes me sad how soured the NFR project has become, because I was obsessed with MAC after it came out and thought HTD was pretty promising.


Truthfully, I think she's more or less exposing the real Elizabeth Grant to us and shoving it in our faces because she's sick and tired of the obsessive fan fervor that comes with the enigmatic Lana Del Rey persona. Destroy the mystique, stifle the fascination. Probably not going to work on the crazier stans, but whatever


i hope no bookstore wants to sell her poetry book


i hope theres a manufacting error and each copy is titled "My Ass Bent Backwards Over the Grass"


I hope Robert Frost rises from the dead, creates a twitter account, and tells Lana to never attempt to write poetry again


Can't even unironically disagree with this tbh

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Honestly I'm gonna sound harsh, but to all the people who wish a flop for Lana and many other bad things, you're trash. WE DON'T KNOW WHY SHE DELAYS THE ALBUM SO MUCH. Can't you guys understand she has a life??? Try to have some empathy and think about it! It's becoming ridiculous to hope for so much negativity. I'm so sorry but it's seriously disgusting to see Lana being dragged down like that. Never thought I'd have to say that, but it's too much. Some of you are so cruel, it's unbelievable. Lana is human, she's not a machine, let's not forget it.

I'll do it for the right reasons

Withstanding all the time, changes and seasons


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I understand what you're saying, and I 100% agree about becoming too emotionally invested/frustrated over someone else's life/decisions. That's not healthy or productive. However ...


I don't think that discussion of her friends is irrelevant, given that they are part of her new ... lifestyle (if we could call it that) and that that lifestyle seems to be, at least partially, the reason for the NFR delay. As I said, it's her life, and her decisions, but as a public figure, she can expect to have those decisions scrutinised and seeing as this is a discussion board, I don't feel that it's wrong to do so here.


I'm hoping the cover is a reproduction of one of Norman's works ... there are so many good options ... like that one someone posted awhile ago with a woman slumped against a wall with a book in her lap. She could replace all the objects with objects pertaining to her and it'd be sooo much fun to see.


Yeah, I get what you're saying and in this drought I guess we have resorted to discussing her "lifestyle". But we literally don't know whether her friends are the reason for the delay of the album; it's a wild assumption. If you could even call it a delay at all (considering that ThErE iS nO pLaN). 


When I come here to check this thread, I expect to read about NFR related stuff. I don't think that's an unrealistic expectation. If people really want to discuss things such as her friends, her drinking matcha tea or whatever, then make a thread for it. 


OT: A reproduction of a Norman Rockwell painting would be amazing! I'm not sure if she would actually do that, because of her own artistic vision

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which sucks since one of the things that differed lana from other artists was how close she was to her fans

can't blame her though... the good sis must have had it after they broke into her house so many times :rip:


And stole her cars....and stalk her....


Can you blame her? 

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we all know lana’s tired ass brand of white feminism as shown by her lack of ever speaking up on social issues or making a public statement on coming out day and thinking feminism is “boring” till trump was elected and it was now popular to care.

not saying i need her to making statements on social issues, i’d rather her not bc half the time she doesn’t know what she’s talking about or is just spewing things everyone else has said a million times before, but to say she’s anywhere at all near being “queer” is a reach. :crossed:

anyway inb4 interscope sees the money grab in this and has her add some random ambiguous song with queer baiting into nfr a la ariana grande. jk they don’t give a shit about her career anymore!

edit: also this skirtsandsuits girl is pissing me off with how she’s just deleted the comments on that beverly hills post to keep her ugly over saturated “”””aesthetic”””” rather than take it down or apologize and say she didn’t know. it speaks volumes... i’m sure she’s also the type of girl to also want “a gay best friend to go shopping with zomg!!!!1” :stareney:

I agreed with you up until you started talking about her making statements. This doesn’t make sense. You complain that she doesn’t make statements, but then say you think if she did make statements she doesn’t know what she’s talking about. THIS IS WHY SHE DOESNT GIVE STATEMENTS. Because people say exactly this. “Oh create an issue you “believe” in so I feel good about liking you!” And then they do and you hate what they have to say just to go to twitter and complain there or here or tumblr, wherever. (I’ve not seen you do this but that’s what this sounds like....)


Why even bother when you’re fully aware nobody else cares what you have to say about politics or social issues? You could try, but you’re damned if you do, damned if you don’t. So it’s best just to keep your mouth shut, less people would take offense to staying quiet. It’s basic marketing for your brand, that’s where her managers ACTUALLY step in and tell her just to ignore certain things just to stay out of the animosity.


& tbh this might be why she thought twice about the political tracks on L4L (and hopefully kept away from politics on NFR too, I don’t care to hear it and I’m just happy not knowing who she supports or doesn’t support, its nothing I give two shits about)


Btw I dont mean to sound like an ass I just wanna point out how this sounds to me and how it’s contradictory and how it could explain why she’s the way she is, especially after Brooklyn Baby. “They think I’m too dumb to sing”


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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I agreed with you up until you started talking about her making statements. This doesn’t make sense. You complain that she doesn’t make statements, but then say you think if she did make statements she doesn’t know what she’s talking about. THIS IS WHY SHE DOESNT GIVE STATEMENTS. Because people say exactly this. “Oh create an issue you “believe” in so I feel good about liking you!” And then they do and you hate what they have to say just to go to twitter and complain there or here or tumblr, wherever. (I’ve not seen you do this but that’s what this sounds like....)


Why even bother when you’re fully aware nobody else cares what you have to say about politics or social issues? You could try, but you’re damned if you do, damned if you don’t. So it’s best just to keep your mouth shut, less people would take offense to staying quiet. It’s basic marketing for your brand, that’s where her managers ACTUALLY step in and tell her just to ignore certain things just to stay out of the animosity.


& tbh this might be why she thought twice about the political tracks on L4L (and hopefully kept away from politics on NFR too, I don’t care to hear it and I’m just happy not knowing who she supports or doesn’t support, its nothing I give two shits about)


Btw I dont mean to sound like an ass I just wanna point out how this sounds to me and how it’s contradictory and how it could explain why she’s the way she is, especially after Brooklyn Baby. “They think I’m too dumb to sing”


I maintain that she's terrible and awful at social and political statements and songs, which is why it was so distressing to see that she recently followed CNN Politics. I mean, it's good that she's (perhaps) trying to educate herself, but my preference is still for her to STFU about social and political issues because it's always a fucking disaster. Some people just aren't good at it, and she's one of them.


Musically, I would really prefer that she just did not.


Remember when she talked about Coachella and she was all, "I woke up one day and there were NORTH KOREAN MISSILES pointed at California" (or whatever, I'm dramatising)? Well, when I read that NFR quote about how she and Jack would talk about whatever news headlines they'd heard that day, about Trump being president, etc. I just thought, "oh, fuck no ... not again." I have my suspicions that one or two tracks will be political and they will almost certainly be my skips.



ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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I maintain that she's terrible and awful at social and political statements and songs, which is why it was so distressing to see that she recently followed CNN Politics. I mean, it's good that she's (perhaps) trying to educate herself, but my preference is still for her to STFU about social and political issues because it's always a fucking disaster.


Remember when she talked about Coachella and she was all, "I woke up one day and there were NORTH KOREAN MISSILES pointed at California" (or whatever, I'm dramatising)? Well, when I read that NFR quote about how she and Jack would talk about whatever news headlines they'd heard that day, about Trump being president, etc. I just thought, "oh, fuck no ... not again." I have my suspicions that one or two tracks will be political and they will almost certainly be my skips.



Yeah, I’ll be skipping whatever political tracks are on it. I can’t live in such a negative headspace 24/7 and I’m glad there’s other people who maybe like it but I’m good lol glad you see it the same way. BUT doesnt she have a degree in philosophy? Doesn’t that relate to sociology and social problems? Doesn’t that mean there’s a certain amount of research she’s done on social issues? Maybe at least 12-15 years ago or whenever it was when she was in college. I just think we shouldn’t underestimate someone who’s aware of the “Oh she’s dumb” talks about making statements. That’s the best part is that she knows lol I felt like we for the most part dodged a ballet last round... now that I know she follows CNN, I don’t want political shit... please no...


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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Honestly I'm gonna sound harsh, but to all the people who wish a flop for Lana and many other bad things, you're trash. WE DON'T KNOW WHY SHE DELAYS THE ALBUM SO MUCH. Can't you guys understand she has a life??? Try to have some empathy and think about it! It's becoming ridiculous to hope for so much negativity. I'm so sorry but it's seriously disgusting to see Lana being dragged down like that. Never thought I'd have to say that, but it's too much. Some of you are so cruel, it's unbelievable. Lana is human, she's not a machine, let's not forget it.


Point taken but is anyone really serious? Because I'm just fucking around, and I can't speak for others but I suspect that they are, too. I wouldn't be here if I genuinely disliked sis. Quite frankly, our comments are much, much kinder than her Instagram comments ...

ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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i hope NFR doesnt even chart


i hope it sells only 50 copies


i hope it leaks a whole two months before its release


i hope people dont stream it on any service


i hope no bookstore wants to sell her poetry book


i hope theres a manufacting error and each copy is titled "My Ass Bent Backwards Over the Grass"


I hope Robert Frost rises from the dead, creates a twitter account, and tells Lana to never attempt to write poetry again


I hope Stella leaks both NFR and the poetry book


I hope Ashley and Alex find the only existing copy of the poetry book and throw it away



This looks like the "anger" part of the 5 steps of grief.

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I'd actually like to really know what Ben's opinion is on this whole record thing. That and how much he'll take from the 1 dollar sales of her poetry book 


the Tap management is now ONLY focusing on their only cash cow Miss Dua Lipa.


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This isn't NFR-related but I just want to share with all my absolute bewilderment - I was so frustrated the lady at coworking space didn't played Young & Beautiful in full that I decided to put my earbuds on and listen to it, and when it finished and I removed my earbuds, Born To Die was playing. And now they're playing Radio. And I'm shook to the fucking core

Not my coworking space trying to put Lana on longest artists on Billboard by streaming Born To Die, I'm crying we support local communities

AND NOW THEY'RE playing High By the Beach and I'm the only customer in there and I'm pretty sure they noticed my Honeymoon vinyl sticker on my laptop because they can see me crying irl and bopping and they did it for me (but not for free unfortunately)

OMG and now they're playing Love I'm sorry but I'm having a fucking MOMENT over there, I always forget that other people actually like Lana irl, it feels like a concert best day of the year so far  :crai:  :crai:  :crai:


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