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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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Shall I try to do another guessing?


Jk but what was your prediction that came true again? I didn't know we all had magical powers :creep: Even though we all know Terrence Loves Me is the strongest when the bitch predicted that fight with Ben


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Your psychic predicted something in September, correct? To me, you do win first place lol

Yes. That was the one. :smile: predicted it in May. 4 months ahead of time

"And when you see my face on every billboard and TV screen, you'll regret the day you walked away" :lanahairflip3: :legend:

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Yes. That was the one. :smile: predicted it in May. 4 months ahead of time

Oh a legend :oprah:

I don’t need spirits to tell me this era is a mess.


And Lana won’t be talking to these insta baddies in two months time. Bookmark me.

The Sun (Tarot Card)


Meaning: The card portends good fortune, happiness, joy and harmony. It represents the universe coming together and agreeing with your path and aiding forward movement into something greater.


Reversed card (keywords): False impressions, Lack of clarity, Low Vitality, Sadness


It makes much more sense as a reversed card :awkney:


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Who performed a sacrifice that made Lana post again? Do that more!


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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MTV and a bunch of other websites announcing the March 29 date was very sloppy. 


It's not like we made up a date based on horoscopes or some shit...

that's true but yall decided to believe something that wasn't confirmed by Lana or her team. 



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Lana LITERALLY liked a tweet mentioning the March 29th date in the title! She unliked it though recently

I didn't realize liking a tweet meant she said she confirmed it was coming out March 29

Seriously, unless Lana HERSELF tweets a date, you shouldn't believe it



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Remember that time Lana thought she could temporarily bring peace to Palestine with her concert?

Ohmygod I can't believe I'm doing this, bc I'm not all too informed about this situation, confirmed, no one spit on me with ur keys, but if ur talking about the Meteor Festival, I thought that the sentiment would've been nice. I think sometimes it really takes just one person w a platform to supplement a conversation that obviously needs to be discussed more..


I mean I think I can say that I understand politics a little, and how perspectives are compiled, but really, a moment where a singer would sing of love and togetherness could've been so powerful. Might've inspired others to join and start a trend to soften the fuckers in charge imo


There were probably safety concerns, but sometimes I like to think that we could fucking join our multiple perspectives to wholesomely come up with solutions from multiple angles rather than staying on our own separate sides. We're human first, and it irks me how we think more on the different details about ourselves than remembering how much more we're the same, w the same fundamental needs


Imagine Love being sung? God I'm a sucker for those coming together moments like damn


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I just can't wait for people not to let their religions and heritage and nationalities dictate who they are and then we can all unanimously move forward as a whole, with one government, in order to achieve a true utopia free of shame, free of judgment, free of pride, free of hate and free of religious garbage. We'll all believe in a higher power, whatever that may be, without the need to make it the meaning of our lives. We'll finally find true meaning. It'll be beautiful. A new world order. But until then... :awkney:


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I just can't wait for people not to let their religions and heritage and nationalities dictate who they are and then we can all unanimously move forward as a whole, with one government, in order to achieve a true utopia free of shame, free of judgment, free of pride, free of hate and free of religious garbage. We'll all believe in a higher power, whatever that may be, without the need to make it the meaning of our lives. We'll finally find true meaning. It'll be beautiful. A new world order. But until then... :awkney:

I have the very strong belief that it's all gonna be okay when the middle aged people currently in power all retire and our own generations take the wheel.

Change will be so so rapid hwen that happens, we won't believe our eyes, and we'll be so happy.

I love this kind of hope, when I know my generation is overall going to do so much good instead of bad.

But also, don't want to make this thread sappy. Soz

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Lana & Israel

Lana & Kanye

Lana & Azealia

Lana & Hillsong

Lana race scandal w/ HIADT lyric

Ben fighting with fans

Lana vs California wildfire burning her house


I love this is her most controversial/tragic era in terms of headlines and issues and scandals ever while being her most lacking in communication and promotion :rip: 


just another example of how Honeymoon outsold every other era

-Quick release from tease to premiere

-No pushback

-Concise and gorgeous

-Aesthetic and directed

-Feature MVs

-Billboard controversy that sparked fanflames

-Music video premiere with the best live rendition of West Coast

-Little promotion but cute kitschy instagram posts & videos

-Honeymoon acct

-No controversy or scandals

-Lots of pasta

-Quickly revealed tracklist

-That video of her unwrapping a headscarf and putting glasses on and saying it's her disguise

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I have the very strong belief that it's all gonna be okay when the middle aged people currently in power all retire and our own generations take the wheel.

Change will be so so rapid hwen that happens, we won't believe our eyes, and we'll be so happy.

I love this kind of hope, when I know my generation is overall going to do so much good instead of bad.

But also, don't want to make this thread sappy. Soz

I truly can't wait! As crazy as the media likes to portray our generation, we're really all about love. They try and make it seem like we're eating Tide pods and ODing on drugs when in reality there's so many young protesters and organizers for change, etc. As bad as it sounds, our parents and grandparents generations were sheeps. We are the shepherds who know something is wrong and want to bring change. :heart:


Don't forget the older generation that's still in power right now is the same generation who doesn't want to stop chopping down forests and getting fuel for gasoline cars because it makes them so much money. But in due time, when we get our chance, we will shine on and be the light our parents have casted out for so many years. :blush: :blush2:


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also: when her bangs were cute

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