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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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Aaaaand I’m off to actually listen to the snippet Lana shared that I didn’t get a notification of. :candy:

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  On 10/6/2018 at 10:43 PM, bored said:

I really believe that this might be the October single...


- Sonically it doesn't seem in tune with MAC, VB and HTD

- If it is part of the album and was intended for release then why scrap and reuse the music video?

- I guess this song is a little more serious, in terms of finding happiness and maintaining a positive view


-HtD is a mid-ranged vocal piano ballad, they're one in the same with RBFY and Change

-because she's dumb

-it quite literally is the most BtD "helpless fawn being taken by flawed bad boy heart breaker" with the fact that it's hard to catch butterflies..it's hard to catch happiness..this ain't that happy


but im not tryna


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Omg I just heard the HIAB snippet and I hope she didn't cut out the


Happiness is a butterfly

Try to catch it like every night

It escapes from my hands

Into moonlight


part because I LOVED these lines.


But hopefully she cut out the 'tour lyfe' part.


Overall the song sounds so gorgeous and I love how it changes in tone, ugh Lana did THAT. :hair:

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Songs (pretty much) confirmed so far


-Happiness Is A Butterfly

-Venice Bitch

-Norman Fucking Rockwell

-How To Disappear

-Mariner’s Apartment Complex


5/11 so far... we’re only missing 6 titles so far unless there’s more tracks she’s working on right now and finishing up for a January release


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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  On 10/6/2018 at 10:54 PM, HydroponicWeeds said:

Songs (pretty much) confirmed so far


-Happiness Is A Butterfly

-Venice Bitch

-Norman Fucking Rockwell

-How To Disappear

-Mariner’s Apartment Complex


5/11 so far... we’re only missing 6 titles so far unless there’s more tracks she’s working on right now and finishing up for a January release


i hope she just drops the better piano ballad and lowkey sh*ts up until nov/dec with a pre-order and let us see the tracklist then or let us wait until album release thts hopefully at the crack of 2019

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VB is such a stellar stand out I'm afraid of the other songs :( Listened to MAC only once since it got out and the HIAB snippet gives me White Mustang vibes: not bad, but completely forgettable. Still love the HTD snippet a lot tho


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  On 10/6/2018 at 10:50 PM, salvatore said:

-HtD is a mid-ranged vocal piano ballad, they're one in the same with RBFY and Change

-because she's dumb

-it quite literally is the most BtD "helpless fawn being taken by flawed bad boy heart breaker" with the fact that it's hard to catch butterflies..it's hard to catch happiness..this ain't that happy


but im not tryna


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- RBFY and Change are from Lust For Life, and this album is clearly very different from LFL judging by the 2 singles.

- I can neither confirm nor deny (but she did this with BAR and it wasn't included on the album)

- Those lyrics could be the beginning of the song and it could be about reflecting? It seems more hopeful and therefore more serious compared to say Venice Bitch

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Fuck everyone who hates the tour life lyric LEAVE LANA ALOOOONNEEEEE

How fucking dare anyone out there make fun of Lana after all she has been through.!

SHE'S A HUMAN! What you don't realize is that Lana is making you all this money and all you do is write a bunch of crap about her.

LEAVE HER ALONE! You are lucky she even performed for you BASTARDS!

LEAVE LANA ALONE!..Please. Speaking of professionalism, when is it professional to publicly bash someone who is going through a hard time.


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  On 10/6/2018 at 10:58 PM, Say Yes to Heaven said:

Fuck everyone who hates the tour life lyric LEAVE LANA ALOOOONNEEEEE

How fucking dare anyone out there make fun of Lana after all she has been through.!

SHE'S A HUMAN! What you don't realize is that Lana is making you all this money and all you do is write a bunch of crap about her.

LEAVE HER ALONE! You are lucky she even performed for you BASTARDS!

LEAVE LANA ALONE!..Please. Speaking of professionalism, when is it professional to publicly bash someone who is going through a hard time.

I can't tell irony online and knowing you it might be but if it's not then I feel better about my extreme sensitivity :toofunny: Is she really going through a hard time tho?


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  On 10/6/2018 at 10:57 PM, bored said:

- RBFY and Change are from Lust For Life, and this album is clearly very different from LFL judging by the 2 singles.

to be fair didn't she re-tease RBFY for legit no reason at the latest end of 2017 or early 2018? we've known she's been working with Jack since late 17' so who knows what the bitch did


what she shoulda did is give yosemite and bar some breaths of fresh air


matter of fact FUCK zane lowe for not bringing up RBFY, HiaB, BAR, and Yos at the interview what typa dumb hetero whore

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  On 10/6/2018 at 11:06 PM, salvatore said:

to be fair didn't she re-tease RBFY for legit no reason at the latest end of 2017 or early 2018? we've known she's been working with Jack since late 17' so who knows what the bitch did


what she shoulda did is give yosemite and bar some breaths of fresh air


matter of fact FUCK zane lowe for not bringing up RBFY, HiaB, BAR, and Yos at the interview what typa dumb hetero whore


rriiiiight? instead he got her talking about her fucking flying and boating licenses

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  On 10/6/2018 at 11:06 PM, salvatore said:

to be fair didn't she re-tease RBFY for legit no reason at the latest end of 2017 or early 2018? we've known she's been working with Jack since late 17' so who knows what the bitch did


what she shoulda did is give yosemite and bar some breaths of fresh air


matter of fact FUCK zane lowe for not bringing up RBFY, HiaB, BAR, and Yos at the interview what typa dumb hetero whore


I think it was just cos her phone was broke and she was recording the footage (I think it was around the time she was teasing the album of unreleased songs)


Yosemite really deserves a place on NFR, purely for being hyped so much during the LFL era. BAR is nice and I do enjoy it but it wouldn't be essential.


Zane Lowe mentioned those unreleased tracks quite randomly during the LFL interview and she described them as "on the cutting room floor", so perhaps he wasn't allowed to talk about the unreleased tracks?

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I actually like this new snippet a lot! The verse is very nice


What I hope she avoids is an album of bland piano ballads though. Like HIAB and HTD sound very similar (tbh you could group RBFY with these as well but I feel that song had way more emotion in its delivery so it was more than it's dry stripped back piano production)

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