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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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Isn’t Youngboy the one who was caught on camera beating up his girlfriend and literally dragged her through a hotel hallway with her shirt torn off?


Yeah, he also tried to shoot people before when he was like 16 possibly another time as well. He's definitely not very politically correct but hes had a lot of problems, I think he grew up with his grandma and something happened to him when he was like 5 or something I think he was knocked down by a car and his skull was fractures something like that anyway thats why he has those holes in his forehead and round his head they had to screw a cage onto his head to his skull would repair so he probably has some brain damage. I think he was also brought up by his grandma as his parents must not have been there, he also has 4 kids even though hes only 18 - one he isnt the real dad of but he takes care of the kid like its his own as for the first year he thought it was his kid so he continued the relationship with him.


He's a really nice rapper though and a decent singer as well, I really like his kind of R&B style of hip-hop. But I can see why people wouldnt like him.

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What kind of bottom of the barrel musty dusty cracked out cracker jacker soundcloud ass collab?? Machine gun jelly?? Who is that? I don't want any smelly white boys on this record! NFR I'm so sorry sweety that's so ugly of her


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Wasn't there supposed to be a song coming out in october that had nothing to do with the album? Maybe thats this one? Omg seriously, all the drama before we even know anything


For real though, if she pulls another stunt like Lust For Life I'm unstanning  :facepalm: I knew the album should've come out this month or next. She's bored and she's over it - she's in the studio with MGK and going to Drake concerts... She better not.

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All of the rap trashing in this thread is so ignorant. Just because it's not your genre of choice, or have a limited musical knowledge outside of Lana "Lolita" Del Rey, doesn't give you the right to stereotype and trash an entire type of music.  :facepalm:


"You can't be a muse and be happy, too.

You can't blacken the pages with Russian poetry and be happy." - Blue Banisters


I asked Asmodeus (the demon of lust) to make Miley Cyrus suffer. I am not happy with these new developments. After Miley rips off Lana's aesthetic, she bullies Lana into changing her release date. It is infuriating. 


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All of the rap trashing in this thread is so ignorant. Just because it's not your genre of choice, or have a limited musical knowledge outside of Lana "Lolita" Del Rey, doesn't give you the right to stereotype and trash an entire type of music. :facepalm:

or the people who make the genre of music. like what’s wrong with MGK?


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