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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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We should make a Best Of using screenshots, make a nice little album and post it somewhere. Let's turn our suffering into art sisters :yesnod:

I'm kinda focused on being a baddie right now. I can't really work.

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We should make a Best Of using screenshots, make a nice little album and post it somewhere. Let's turn our suffering into art sisters :yesnod:


Maybe that's her plan; to traumatise her fanbase so much that we create our own art to ease our suffering.

ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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Maybe that's her plan along; to traumatise her fanbase so much that we create our own art to ease our suffering.

A Tragedy In 2000 Acts

I'm kinda focused on being a baddie right now. I can't really work.

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@SlowGinFizzzz Can I? Or if you wanna, let us know your username 'cos I wanna RT! I'll leave your username in so she knows you're the awesome bitch who wrote it, if you have no objections. 

I mean... sure, why not lol. I'm SlowGinFizzzz on Twitter too, just tag me or something. :creep:


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I mean... sure, why not lol. I'm SlowGinFizzzz on Twitter too, just tag me or something. :creep:




Okay .. everyone RT, or save and re-post, whatever. She needs to see.




(Edited because it didn't tag SGF the first time)

ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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I mean... sure, why not lol. I'm SlowGinFizzzz on Twitter too, just tag me or something. :creep:


inb4 she blocks you for that post

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inb4 she blocks you for that post


Nahhh ... she might block ME but that's cool ... it's just an account I fuck around on, lol


It's not even nasty, though. It's very well-thought out and respectful, imo.

ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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Rant incoming: I've been a hardcore stan since 2012, loved the vast majority of her output, defended her when she said questionable things about feminism and whatnot, and continuously supported her throughout these years. However, at this point I'm just really disappointed in her, and it has nothing to do with the quality of her music declining.


As an artist, she relies on her fans buying/streaming her music and spending their money on concert tickets and merchandise, otherwise she wouldn't be able to afford multiple houses and maintain the kind of expensive lifestyle she seems to enjoy. She announced that she would be releasing an album "at the top of the year" – well it's June now and there's no album, not even a release date, and we also never got any sort of explanation or update aside from an ambiguous statement on her personal Twitter account and some bitchy comments from one of her managers, leaving us all completely in the dark. And to make matters even worse, she actually managed to affiliate herself with an openly anti-LGBTQ, misogynistic megachurch despite being aware of her huge queer following. Isn't that a punch in the face?


Yes, delayed releases are somewhat common in the music industry. Yes, other artists make fauxpas too, surround themselves with the wrong people and say stupid shit every now and then. But for me at least, this ongoing ignorance, lack of communication, and overall just disrespectful behaviour towards the fans is quite unheard of, and I can't think of any other artists treating the people who made them big this way. It's true, of course, technically Lana doesn't owe us anything. But likewise, we don't owe her anything either. I've loved her music for years, and I still do and want to continue supporting her, but I honestly don't know how much longer I can keep doing that. 


Stream Gimme by Banks and pray to Yosemite.



This is what bothers me the most, she could just made a tweet in 10 seconds saying "it got delayed but it will be coming soon kids <3" and move on, but the whole situation has been handled so unprofessionally. Whatever, I really don't care that much about her anymore, there's been better releases this year and better releases will come.


Stream Gimme by Banks and make sure to stream III when it comes out.


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I agree. She seemed more 'real' and authentic then. I've never felt or believed she is or was manufactured or the product of her father's or anyone else's money. She was more creative then too, with 'Meet Me in the Pale Moonlight,' 'Hollywood's Dead,' 'Live or Die'...the diversity and the attitude..'Last Girl on Earth.' 'Go Go Dancer.' So funny, lever and free to say, do and sing what she wanted to.


Now there's the relative withdrawal of celebrity, the moody silences, and also the PC tip-toeing so 'names' like Kim Gordan, Eminem and Lorde don't come after her again.


Personally, I think it's fair to speculate about her mental health on the basis of 'Hope,' and the influence of drugs cannot be ruled out, since she's sang about them, and even celebrated them, so much.


Whatever it is, I would like Madeline back, the LDR of BTD/P, not the 'pod people' LDR.


The quality of everything she's released has slipped and we've just accepted it because we love the powerful LDR of yore.


I knew hard times were ahead when I saw the LFL cover, with the obviously fake, evenly-spaced daisies in her hair, the rote 'hippie lace dress,' and the smile, to say nothing of the interior photos, which, for me, were third-rate and half-assed.


The true irony of this all is that the kind of image that Lana puts out of herself caters more to critics and the public's opinion of her than before. I don't know Lana personally, so I don't know if maybe she has just matured and is tired of portraying herself in a certain way, and I wouldn't blame her for that, but it does seem like she might be trying to play it safe to get the industry to take her seriously. 

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Did anyone just see her post that she deleted?


Edit, it’s back


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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No? Did you? What was it? Twitter or IG?

Twitter. Just a poem lol she posted it again after she deleted it


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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Twitter. Just a poem lol she posted it again after she deleted it




I'm so glad we get a 2019 sun graph for Los Angeles instead of any NFR acknowledgement. 


ETA: she fixed the typo from the original haiku on IG. Now says, "civil" instead of "civic"


ETA 2: also deleted the original haiku on IG. And here we were thinking that the typo was deliberate and had some hidden meaning LMAO. 

ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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someone on twitter is theorizing that the tweet alludes to NFR (or maybe the book)

am I a clown for getting my hopes up?



I don’t understand the connection of the sun picture or why the date of his birth has anything to do with it? I’m confused can you please explain so I can understand it better \•_•/


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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