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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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My guess is that we are getting the preorder this month or early next month and that's when we will see what the album cover is?

You call me lavender, you call me sunshine.

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you know whats good being let down by lana for so long?


we don't expect any kind of news. maybe one day soon we will will hear something official and we will be pleasently surprized. our heart has been broken to many times to care anymore.


The summers hot and i've been cold without you... watch me: https://www.youtube.com/thisisruskoatqq1.jpg

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My guess is that we are getting the preorder this month or early next month and that's when we will see what the album cover is?


I'd like to believe you, but you're trusting a woman who drives like this:






No wonder we haven't heard anything else about her pilot's licence; she probably attempted to fly the plane in a similar manner.

ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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I'd like to believe you, but you're trusting a woman who drives like this:



Ok maybe I'm tweaking the house down right now but like holy shit what if Lana dies before she gets to release NFR. Her driivng is fucking atrocious. Sjhes gonna fucking Paul Walker guys omg



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i've thought about her dying in a car accident so many times jesus christ i know this is horrible but this puta filmed herself while driving idk how many times and her position when she's driving makes her seem like she's on crack

$20 she's pulled some shit like this




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Why are we still calling Lana “puta” can we drop that already? None of us have a right to keep calling her a “bitch” and it’s kind of really disrespectful? It’s just getting really old all the negativity from some of these threads it’s making me sick... I’ll prolly go on another week or two break from here honestly


Inb4 someone says “ShE’s DiSrEsPeCtEd Us FiRsT” no the fuck she didn’t. We’re all just impatient, nosy bastards who want to hear more more more... stan culture is getting old af


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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Why are we still calling Lana “puta” can we drop that already? None of us have a right to keep calling her a “bitch” and it’s kind of really disrespectful? It’s just getting really old all the negativity from some of these threads it’s making me sick... I’ll prolly go on another week or two break from here honestly

Inb4 someone says “ShE’s DiSrEsPeCtEd Us FiRsT” no the fuck she didn’t. We’re all just impatient, nosy bastards who want to hear more more more... stan culture is getting old af

puta means beautiful in Spanish


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puta means beautiful in Spanish

You don’t seriously think...? I know Spanish (and technically it’s whore but whatever, everyone who’s spoke Spanish around me used it as “bitch”)


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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Can someone explain to me what the no surprise thing is about? I miss most posts because I’m at work & these people think I’m here to actually work. How disrespectful

No Surprises is a Radiohead song that allegedly Lana covered and got into circulation. However there are claims it was faked so who knows right now if it's legit or not



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who cares lol it's not like she's lurking on this thread anyway. she knows we love her and that a little drag from times to times never hurt no one. it's affectionate :P

Calling someone you absolutely don’t know at all a “puta” or bitch or whore is affectionate? I have to laugh...


No it’s not like she’s here lurking but if my fans called me names and shit like that I’d— idk... we’re supposed to be fans and yet we’re calling Lana names... and saying it’s affectionate... even if Lana DID lurk on here, it’s just rude. You don’t know her like that at all, and neither do I, but I’m sure she wouldn’t appreciate being called a bitch or whore...


It’d be pretty discouraging knowing my fans are calling me shit, I’m just saying


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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If Lana died in a car accident I don’t know what I’d do. Probably run down the street screaming and crying. Omg I’m panicking thinking about it. It sounds so pathetic for a ‘musician’ who I’ve never personally met.

Arches are Illusions solid at first glance

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