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2020 USA Democratic Presidential General Election

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There is no one else with the motive or arrogance like Lana Del Rey so who the hell else would it be!

Not sure, but like, I could see Trump saying stuff like that LMAO:

More like communists who expect everything to be handed to them by the state. God forbid anyone goes out and gets a job and earns a salary. Nothing is “free”.


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I am Facebook friends with Chris Gehringer who is Lana’s mastering engineer and I will tell him about this and what goes on on here. He will tell Jack. Jack will tell Lana. Lana will then call out the out of control fans with her typewriter.

OMG comrades, this might be our chance to get Lana to record the Communist Manifesto for us! We winning!


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Not sure, but like, I could see Trump saying stuff like that LMAO:



Well, actually funny you mention that because I actually right his twitts formulating all the deliberate spelling mistakes and everything as an epic trolling of those that need a wake up call and who need to come to the realization that they truly can't fathom or even begin to understand yet what is actually truly happening all around them everyday for the last two decades. Don't lose hope. 

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War criminal? Give me a break!!


God is everyone on here some kind of far left wing socialist? Is there no middle ground? I’m a democrat and I can’t believe half the stuff I am reading on here.

american (in PoliSci) to fellow american.... you do realize you're talking to Europeans and South Americans that are actually socialist/far left right? Most of who have never been to the US and view the US for what it actually is 



and by textbook definition, Obama is a war criminal. it pains me too but please let start separating charisma and actions in people wo are presidents more. it is ironic to call W. Bush a war criminal and not obama even tough they both did the same thing in the Middle East. Obama barely never ending the Middle East mess was a disrespect to his campaign promises of 2008 and his supporters 



just a tought:


people complain about the big politicians at the top of the chain but then dont vote in local elections. Y'all (no one here specifically, just people in general) do realize politicians have to climb their way to the top by being voted into these positions right (unfortunately except for trump's case)

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They're all puppets of a shadow hand, on invisible strings dancing like fools for even bigger tools.


The sooner you see it for what it is, a huge lie and puppet show the sooner this farce can end.


Just unfortunate so many celebs think they know what they are talking about when they have no clue whatsoever. 


But we forgive them and wish them well and just wish they would just stick to doing what they know or actually wake up. 

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Kamala Harris is not a cop. She is a prosecutor. They are not the same jobs. She went to law school. Last I checked you don’t need to go to law school to be a cop.


So that makes Russia okay?


As for destabilizing the Middle East, last I checked the UK and France did a lot to make problems over there when they were colonial powers. Russia has created problems in the Middle East too. They support Assad and they invaded Afghanistan in 1980. So now Russia isn’t innocent either.


And btw, China is taking over Africa and creating lots of problems there. China also gave the world this Pandemic too by the way.


Kamala Harris was part of the same justice system that has destroyed the black community.


These are not right wing conspiracies. I got bad news for you; anything that isn’t socialist isn’t a right wing conspiracy. Kamala Harris has a 100% rating from the HRC (the leading LgBT rights group). So explain that?


Also, dismissing my position as part of the LGBTQIA community is kind of problematic.


So again, what is the solution? Are you going to not vote at all?


War criminal? Give me a break!!


God is everyone on here some kind of far left wing socialist? Is there no middle ground? I’m a democrat and I can’t believe half the stuff I am reading on here.



I am a Marxist-Leninist and I say that Barack Obama was a war criminal. He blew people up with his little fleet of drones.


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american (in PoliSci) to fellow american.... you do realize you're talking to Europeans and South Americans that are actually socialist/far left right? Most of who have never been to the US and view the US for what it actually is 



and by textbook definition, Obama is a war criminal. it pains me too but please let start separating charisma and actions in people wo are presidents more. it is ironic to call W. Bush a war criminal and not obama even tough they both did the same thing in the Middle East. Obama barely never ending the Middle East mess was a disrespect to his campaign promises of 2008 and his supporters 



just a tought:


people complain about the big politicians at the top of the chain but then dont vote in local elections. Y'all (no one here specifically, just people in general) do realize politicians have to climb their way to the top by being voted into these positions right (unfortunately except for trump's case)

As for South America, socialism is working out really well for South America. Venezuela is essentially a failed state. Bolivia is a mess. Brazil is in really bad shape. Now I know Lana has a ton of fans in Latin America yet the come on here and complain about America. If they hate America so much why do they embrace Lana who is an American and is certainly not a socialist? If America is so evil, then why does the rest of the world listen to our music, watch our movies etc?


As for Europe, I have family there and none of them are socialist.


The fact that someone on here just identified themself as a Marxist-Leninist speaks volume.


So if most of the people on here are not even American, do they have any business saying that we shouldn’t vote? And if so many on here are from South America (which is in really bad shape) maybe just maybe they should worry about their own countries and fix their own countries. If they do that then maybe America won’t have to do it for them. I really don’t want us to have to invade Venezuela. Frankly we don’t have the time and money for it.

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yeah like TRENCH said, voting in local elections is under-emphasized. presidential election is important, but def overvalued

Yeah, the big race in my state is between Sen. Ed Markey (yay) and Rep. Joe Kennedy III (boo). But I guess that's because I'm in the liberal heartland of the US, and it's just assumed that everyone here is gonna vote for Biden.




Is it just me or did HRC feel so much more likable than Biden ever did? I mean, sure, she had as many scandals and controversies as he does, but at least she was never directly implicated as a predator... I guess the DNC is hoping that Trump's wrongdoings will outweigh Biden's controversies, but in 2016 Trump's potential to do wrong didn't outweigh HRC's lessor controversies, so I'm worried about that.


I think that the real general election cycle will begin sometime in mid-September. I definitely see some rather last minute dirt being released on each of the candidates a la the Trump tape/HRC's emails. And honestly? I see Trump more likely to adopt at least one progressive policy before the general. Whether it's DACA citizenship like he's been teasing, or something like M4A, I definitely see him doing something like this in September/October to juxtapose Biden's do-nothing, change-nothing platform. The unemployment executive order shows that he's stepping in that direction, and although he failed miserably and has thousands of deaths on his hands, we know now that as a politician he is the type that will spin every failure of his into leverage for his own personal gains. I hate when people imply that he is some sort of dummy because it almost feels like it absolves him of any wrongdoing. He is very calculated. Let's not call him an idiot, let's call him a fascist who is playing a long game. 


But anyways, if Trump does that, I fear that the Biden campaign would be more likely to point fingers and say "wow, what a power grab! That is not presidential!" and argue of the morals/ethics of the action itself. If Trump uses his current power to try and sway the election using a progressive action (even if it is out of his authority, as it has been reported with his talks of DACA citizenship), then the smart thing for the Biden campaign to do would propose a reform to what Trump did. For example, if Trump implements a last-minute progressive policy, an appropriate response from the Biden campaign would be along the lines of: here is an alternative approach to the policy, which has been collaborated with X, Y, Z members of Congress, and works out the kinks in Trump's action. Unfortunately though if Trump does something like that the Biden campaign will just go onto Twitter and send out some gif of Biden in sunglasses with some sort of moral-high ground caption.


I think I need to lower my faith in electoral politics, or at least the Biden campaign. 

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Yeah, the big race in my state is between Sen. Ed Markey (yay) and Rep. Joe Kennedy III (boo). But I guess that's because I'm in the liberal heartland of the US, and it's just assumed that everyone here is gonna vote for Biden.




Is it just me or did HRC feel so much more likable than Biden ever did? I mean, sure, she had as many scandals and controversies as he does, but at least she was never directly implicated as a predator... I guess the DNC is hoping that Trump's wrongdoings will outweigh Biden's controversies, but in 2016 Trump's potential to do wrong didn't outweigh HRC's lessor controversies, so I'm worried about that.


I think that the real general election cycle will begin sometime in mid-September. I definitely see some rather last minute dirt being released on each of the candidates a la the Trump tape/HRC's emails. And honestly? I see Trump more likely to adopt at least one progressive policy before the general. Whether it's DACA citizenship like he's been teasing, or something like M4A, I definitely see him doing something like this in September/October to juxtapose Biden's do-nothing, change-nothing platform. The unemployment executive order shows that he's stepping in that direction, and although he failed miserably and has thousands of deaths on his hands, we know now that as a politician he is the type that will spin every failure of his into leverage for his own personal gains. I hate when people imply that he is some sort of dummy because it almost feels like it absolves him of any wrongdoing. He is very calculated. Let's not call him an idiot, let's call him a fascist who is playing a long game. 


But anyways, if Trump does that, I fear that the Biden campaign would be more likely to point fingers and say "wow, what a power grab! That is not presidential!" and argue of the morals/ethics of the action itself. If Trump uses his current power to try and sway the election using a progressive action (even if it is out of his authority, as it has been reported with his talks of DACA citizenship), then the smart thing for the Biden campaign to do would propose a reform to what Trump did. For example, if Trump implements a last-minute progressive policy, an appropriate response from the Biden campaign would be along the lines of: here is an alternative approach to the policy, which has been collaborated with X, Y, Z members of Congress, and works out the kinks in Trump's action. Unfortunately though if Trump does something like that the Biden campaign will just go onto Twitter and send out some gif of Biden in sunglasses with some sort of moral-high ground caption.


I think I need to lower my faith in electoral politics, or at least the Biden campaign. 


I live 10 minutes to an hour and a half from where you live, depending on where you are in the state


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On 8/14/2020 at 12:02 AM, AlexParliament said:

As for South America, socialism is working out really well for South America. Venezuela is essentially a failed state. Bolivia is a mess. Brazil is in really bad shape. Now I know Lana has a ton of fans in Latin America yet the come on here and complain about America. If they hate America so much why do they embrace Lana who is an American and is certainly not a socialist? If America is so evil, then why does the rest of the world listen to our music, watch our movies etc?

As for Europe, I have family there and none of them are socialist.

The fact that someone on here just identified themself as a Marxist-Leninist speaks volume.

So if most of the people on here are not even American, do they have any business saying that we shouldn’t vote? And if so many on here are from South America (which is in really bad shape) maybe just maybe they should worry about their own countries and fix their own countries. If they do that then maybe America won’t have to do it for them. I really don’t want us to have to invade Venezuela. Frankly we don’t have the time and money for it.

I'm not trying to start another fight, but seriously? Writing a post telling people to mind their own business after proclaiming that you Facebook messaged Chris Gehringer about this site - the mind boggles, honestly.

Personally, I think you've got a nerve showing up here again after repeatedly saying you were leaving, and after attempting to bring the site into disrepute (despite the fact that that attempt was immature and futile) by harassing one of Lana's mastering engineers about it.

Completely and utterly disrespectful considering all the work and money that Elle, and others, put in to keep this site up and running. I have numerous words that I'd use to describe you, but I think it's obvious to everyone on this board what you are, so I don't need to type them.


ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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On 8/13/2020 at 4:02 PM, AlexParliament said:

As for South America, socialism is working out really well for South America. Venezuela is essentially a failed state. Bolivia is a mess. Brazil is in really bad shape. Now I know Lana has a ton of fans in Latin America yet the come on here and complain about America. If they hate America so much why do they embrace Lana who is an American and is certainly not a socialist? If America is so evil, then why does the rest of the world listen to our music, watch our movies etc?


As for Europe, I have family there and none of them are socialist.


The fact that someone on here just identified themself as a Marxist-Leninist speaks volume.


So if most of the people on here are not even American, do they have any business saying that we shouldn’t vote? And if so many on here are from South America (which is in really bad shape) maybe just maybe they should worry about their own countries and fix their own countries. If they do that then maybe America won’t have to do it for them. I really don’t want us to have to invade Venezuela. Frankly we don’t have the time and money for it.

So after the US bombed the entire Middle East, destroyed whole countries, and killed thousands and thousands of people there, which by the way also led to the refugee crisis (that mostly Europe and obviously Middle-Eastern countries had to deal with, and not the US), got involved in the inner political affairs of sovereign countries (Venezuela for example, as well as the EUROPEAN Nordstream pipeline that y'all have a problem with), and is now more or less openly trying to destroy the European Union by creating conflict among the member states, you are surprised that people from all over the world frightenedly look at the upcoming US election, worried that it's gonna be even worse than the 2016 shitshow? PLEASE get a grip! 


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13 minutes ago, SlowGinFizzzz said:

So after the US bombed the entire Middle East, destroyed whole countries, and killed thousands and thousands of people there, which by the way also led to the refugee crisis (that mostly Europe and obviously Middle-Eastern countries had to deal with, and not the US), got involved in the inner political affairs of sovereign countries (Venezuela for example, as well as the EUROPEAN Nordstream pipeline that y'all have a problem with), and is now more or less openly trying to destroy the European Union by creating conflict among the member states, you are surprised that people from all over the world frightenedly look at the upcoming US election, worried that it's gonna be even worse than the 2016 shitshow? PLEASE get a grip! 

Preach, bby ?

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On 8/13/2020 at 10:02 AM, AlexParliament said:

As for South America, socialism is working out really well for South America. Venezuela is essentially a failed state. Bolivia is a mess. Brazil is in really bad shape. Now I know Lana has a ton of fans in Latin America yet the come on here and complain about America. If they hate America so much why do they embrace Lana who is an American and is certainly not a socialist? If America is so evil, then why does the rest of the world listen to our music, watch our movies etc?

Consider educating yourself before you speak. Learn about imperialism and cultural imperialism


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On 8/13/2020 at 3:02 PM, AlexParliament said:

As for South America, socialism is working out really well for South America. Venezuela is essentially a failed state. Bolivia is a mess. Brazil is in really bad shape. Now I know Lana has a ton of fans in Latin America yet the come on here and complain about America. If they hate America so much why do they embrace Lana who is an American and is certainly not a socialist? If America is so evil, then why does the rest of the world listen to our music, watch our movies etc?


As for Europe, I have family there and none of them are socialist.


The fact that someone on here just identified themself as a Marxist-Leninist speaks volume.


So if most of the people on here are not even American, do they have any business saying that we shouldn’t vote? And if so many on here are from South America (which is in really bad shape) maybe just maybe they should worry about their own countries and fix their own countries. If they do that then maybe America won’t have to do it for them. I really don’t want us to have to invade Venezuela. Frankly we don’t have the time and money for it.

Imagine how dense you must be to compare the criticism of American imperialism to... watching American movies? Is this a joke? Telling non-Americans to not get involved in American politics when this concerns us too is ignorant. I might live in a European country but considering the the amount of civilians who have died in my native country from American drone strikes, I know I have a say in "your" politics. The fact that you think America "fixes countries" is laughable, when all the countries you've invaded have ended in a civil war, leaving a power gap for a new terrorist group to emerge for the American gov to fund and then point fingers at other people again. American politics affects the whole world, considering you think the USA is the most important country in the world I'd have suspected that you knew this already. Get your head out of your ass for once. In fact leave again, for the love of God. No one here likes you and every time you make a post you just come off as a pretentious know-it-all rich kid. 

Edit: I'm sorry but "I really don't want us to have to invade Venzeuela"??? Like genuinely who do you think you are... People have told you multiple times to go and educate yourself, so I suggest you go and read up about the US's role in destroying Venezuela.

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3 hours ago, RormanNockwell said:

I'm not trying to start another fight, but seriously? Writing a post telling people to mind their own business after proclaiming that you Facebook messaged Chris Gehringer about this site - the mind boggles, honestly.

Personally, I think you've got a nerve showing up here again after repeatedly saying you were leaving, and after attempting to bring the site into disrepute (despite the fact that that attempt was immature and futile) by harassing one of Lana's mastering engineers about it.

Completely and utterly disrespectful considering all the work and money that Elle, and others, put in to keep this site up and running. I have numerous words that I'd use to describe you, but I think it's obvious to everyone on this board what you are, so I don't need to type them.


omg u dont mean to start a fight but u decided to quote an old post after they've apologized to do nothing but personally insult somebody, without actually saying ur insults so u dont get a WP,  WTF LOL

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I think that the socialism/communism discussion is definitely off topic, considering that the 2020 election does not involve socialism/communism. This is an election between a far-right party and a center-right party. I definitely would have said in 2016 that the Democrats were a centrist party, but unfortunately the nomination of Biden definitely speaks to how the Democrats are moving more and more right with respect to class solidarity as their base moves more and more left.

The Democratic strategy of appealing to right-leaning centrists just really does not make any sense to me. A centrists that leans would likely vote with the extremist of the same leaning rather than a centrist of an opposite leaning. We saw this with Trump in 2016. The moderate Republicans rejected Trump and Trumpism, but they ultimately voted with their party. The DNC should simply let a primary play out organically without actively trying to curtail the left-leaning candidate, as I'm sure the #VoteBlueNoMatterWho Brigade will vote with a progressive, left-leaning candidate to a greater extent than an uninspired progressive who feels excommunicated from the Democratic Party would vote for a center-right candidate like Biden.

The DNC running a centrist over and over again is gonna start giving me "how many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man?" - the primary polls that look like Cuomo is going to be a rising star in 2024 do not sit right with my spirit. Also, though, progressives need to rally behind one candidate in 2024. I do think one of the greatest downfalls of the 2020 primary was simply the infighting between the Bernie/Warren supporters. Both of them were candidates with great policy stances and with personal flaws that were troubling, yet neither of which were as terrible as Biden...yet the infighting between these two progressive campaigns cost us a progressive nominee methinks. Meanwhile the #VoteBlueNoMatterWho crowd was very "bitches be like: I can't stand her fake ass... *candidate who they supported drops out* ...me & the bestie!!!" But anyways, I'd definitely support Nina Turner in a 2024 primary. 

I just hope that the DNC isn't opening space in the Democratic Party to realign the party to include anti-Trump centrist Republicans meanwhile excluding progressive/left-leaning (former-)Democrats. If this is the ultimate goal of this seemingly near-sighted strategy, it makes me really worried that they're simply aiding the US in going towards the right, and allowing the Republican Party to open itself up to more and more right-wing extremists. We need a left-leaning candidate on the national, presidential-scale in the Democratic Party, otherwise every election (until global warming causes this planet to expire within the next century) will be a corporate politician versus increasingly more blatant fascists. 

Lastly, I fear that Trump already has the 2020 election. Rather, I'm afraid that there is no election. The USPS is being torn apart. This election is illegitimate, and our best bet to saving democracy is electing a progressive Democrat in 2024 when the pandemic is hopefully gone and we can go out and vote in person.

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