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Lana spotted at Hillsong again - January 30, 2019

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low-key bothers me that she is kinda using our money to (possibly) be giving donations at that church  :crossed:


not to drain any of the meaning behind this, but it's not our money once we spend it

technically most of her money is provided by us in some factor which then gets added and the check gets cut so it's kind of weird to assume the $$ you specifically spent is still yours


also i know that one of the women (the one whose birthday it was) is named sarah and appears to be a blogger of some fashion

insanity laughs under pressure -- we're cracking

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not to drain any of the meaning behind this, but it's not our money once we spend it

technically most of her money is provided by us in some factor which then gets added and the check gets cut so it's kind of weird to assume the $$ you specifically spent is still yours


also i know that one of the women (the one whose birthday it was) is named sarah and appears to be a blogger of some fashion


well its still money we're sending her way that she (may) be using to help that church 

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Her instagram posts have had comments turned off for a few months now - nothing to do with this. 


Having said that, this is pretty gross, and kind of in keeping with her obliviousness when it comes to politics that can't be summed up by a t-shirt slogan.


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not to drain any of the meaning behind this, but it's not our money once we spend it

technically most of her money is provided by us in some factor which then gets added and the check gets cut so it's kind of weird to assume the $$ you specifically spent is still yours


also i know that one of the women (the one whose birthday it was) is named sarah and appears to be a blogger of some fashion


i get what you mean, but it still stings that a woman with a largely gay fanbase is potentially using profit she receives from us to support organizations that rally against us

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not to drain any of the meaning behind this, but it's not our money once we spend it

technically most of her money is provided by us in some factor which then gets added and the check gets cut so it's kind of weird to assume the $$ you specifically spent is still yours


also i know that one of the women (the one whose birthday it was) is named sarah and appears to be a blogger of some fashion

makes sense, Sarah is an Aquarius and they're the second worst sign out there so she must be part of that church



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whaddup my INTP Taurus sister! we twins or something?


shit we might be, both INTP, Taurus, strong jawlines

damn I didn't know I had a brother lmfao

anyway back to the topic at hand, Lana what the f***



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I always see Lana as hanging out with like classy girls with intelligence (marina marina marina), like lecturers and professors and she sits talking about physics with them and philosophy at the coffee shop and shit like that. Not a bunch of trashy hood girls who date rappers or Catholic bloggers with shit for brains.

Arches are Illusions solid at first glance

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I always see Lana as hanging out with like classy girls with intelligence (marina marina marina), like lecturers and professors and she sits talking about physics with them and philosophy at the coffee shop and shit like that. Not a bunch of trashy hood girls who date rappers or Catholic bloggers with shit for brains.

"I wanna be a badie for now"

I didn't think she meant it literally  :toofunny:


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90% sure its a cult... literally not joking

The way the celebrities talk about it- I get cult vibes. I studied cults for a sec in college, and religion in general can be used to manipulate vulnerable people. Real talk- celebrities are endorsing it, so either they’re too dumb to realize it or not, but they’re being used by the church to get more recognition and get more ordinary people to join them. I’ve always trusted my instincts, and I never liked the group of celeb women she started hanging out with recently. The “insta baddie” jokes- yeah, Lana can be silly like that sometimes- but the people she’s now surrounding herself with give me shallow, vapid influencer vibes. Like they’re gravitating toward this church along with other big celebs because they’re trying to find something “meaningful”. It isn’t that obviously. Hillsong has malicious intentions and it really gives me an impression of it being a cult so I won’t be surprised if more tragedy behind the scenes is revealed later on. Lana really thought she progressed and cut toxic people out of her life, but that isn’t true since she’s now involving herself in her new friends’ interest.

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does anyone know who the other girls were?


also where my Taurus bitches at ayeeeee  :creep: 


why are we the same person bitch wtf

I'm a Taurus as well


Taurus here :D


who else is a Taurus? #blocked. dating two of you'se gave me depression and mental breakdowns :xgiggle:  :xcry:

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The way the celebrities talk about it- I get cult vibes. I studied cults for a sec in college, and religion in general can be used to manipulate vulnerable people. Real talk- celebrities are endorsing it, so either they’re too dumb to realize it or not, but they’re being used by the church to get more recognition and get more ordinary people to join them. I’ve always trusted my instincts, and I never liked the group of celeb women she started hanging out with recently. The “insta baddie” jokes- yeah, Lana can be silly like that sometimes- but the people she’s now surrounding herself with give me shallow, vapid influencer vibes. Like they’re gravitating toward this church along with other big celebs because they’re trying to find something “meaningful”. It isn’t that obviously. Hillsong has malicious intentions and it really gives me an impression of it being a cult so I won’t be surprised if more tragedy behind the scenes is revealed later on. Lana really thought she progressed and cut toxic people out of her life, but that isn’t true since she’s now involving herself in her new friends’ interest.

I mean wasn't Lana part of some alcoholics anonymous cult in New York? I remember there being a lot of info on that somewhere on LB, it was part of the "life guru who believed in tearing girls down to rebuild them". They don't say history repeats itself for nothing. If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything, and it seems Lana is VERY unsure of herself lately.


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who else is a Taurus? #blocked. dating two of you'se gave me depression and mental breakdowns :xgiggle:  :xcry:

not our problem you can't handle our kind 


fr im sorry you went through that, I hope you're better now! <3


I mean wasn't Lana part of some alcoholics anonymous cult in New York? They don't say history repeats itself for nothing. If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything, and it seems Lana is VERY unsure of herself lately.

Alcoholics Anonymous isn't a cult lmfao it's a support group



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not our problem you can't handle our kind 


fr im sorry you went through that, I hope you're better now! <3




tell ur fam to stop being indecisive, stubborn babies xx 



sksks jk, and thanks ive been much better only starting last Fall. I dated them back to back in 2016 and that wasn't a good choice


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