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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll

Norman Fucking Rockwell!  

1,060 members have voted

  1. 1. What are your favourite tracks from NFR?

    • Norman Fucking Rockwell
    • Mariners Apartment Complex
    • Venice Bitch
    • Fuck It, I Love You
    • Doin' Time
    • Love Song
    • Cinnamon Girl
    • How to Disappear
    • California
    • The Next Best American Record
    • The Greatest
    • Bartender
    • Happiness is a Butterfly
    • hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have - but i have it

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Lana was being over-sensitive with her unprofessional reaction and saying she never used a persona is obviously a lie.


Agree, but also I read that thinkpiece in its entirety and Ann definitely tried to pass it off as an album critique, but it was more or less of the same redundant bullshit that people have been saying about Lana for years now, but at the end it was like "Oh and btw critics are finally softening up to you and gave you good reviews for your last album, bye".Β 


Lana pretending she doesn't have a "persona" is annoying, because I venture to say that every songwriter ever, in a way, have one. But at the same time, I feel like Lana's reaction was valid, simply because she has been at the receiving end of so much hatred and animosity from these critics since she first hit the stage as "Lana Del Rey", so for some people to still question her authenticity and call her whole gig "uncooked", her being angry, although it might've sound a bit petulant, it was valid.

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"Swan Song.Β It’s on my album Honeymoon. It’s the antithesis of hopefulness. It’s about trying to find beauty in giving up. If I had my way, I would continue to persist in all areas of my life, but it can be quite challenging because I can be too trusting too soon."


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If this ends up being true -although it truly seems like a fan-started rumour-, I'll be happy for her finally getting recognition, but also so fucking upset about the critics having ghosted all her previous work, which I think she's put quite more effort in than she has on NFR.

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Critics having ghosted all her previous work, which I think she's put quite more effort in than she has on NFR.


Agree, it's great that she finally receives acclaim and accolades for her work, but it kinda feels too little too late. NFR! surely was a great release this year, but it's pale in comparison to her first three records, it's legit her most subdued album.Β  :rip:

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It is simply not true to claim that critics have ''ghosted'' Lana's past work. She has had numerous albums that haveΒ received fair share of acclaim.


To say her past albums deserve the acclaim NFR is getting is to ignore the obvious growth she has had as an artist and songwriter.Β 


It was obvious from the get-go that NFR would be a masterpiece, something on a whole another level.


There is noΒ conspiracy.





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It is simply not true to claim that critics have ''ghosted'' Lana's past work. She has had numerous albums that haveΒ received fair share of acclaim.


To say her past albums deserve the acclaim NFR is getting is to ignore the obvious growth she has had as an artist and songwriter.Β 


It was obvious from the get-go that NFR would be a masterpiece, something on a whole another level.


There is noΒ conspiracy.




I would honestly agree with you if NFR! was actually on an another level comparitively to her past releases, but it simply is not. The production and mastering of her past releases felt more cohesive and meticulous (except LFL) than what ended up being on NFR!. I still see NFR!Β as being the weaker album overall from a production point of view, there's is no highlight moments production wise on this record, or at least not for me.Β The album just lacks that "oomph"Β that the other albums had, it definitely lacks this sort of mix between intensity and/or mystery/mysticism or weirdness you'd find in a Lana album or song. Sorry to bring this up again, but I'm genuinely upset how most of the album has this dry, flat and tinny tone about it, so much for someone that says she spent months and months mastering records.


I'd say that Get Free is probably the last Lana song on which Lana actually sounded like the Lana of her first records, the construction of this track is so "weird" yet interesting. Can't really say the same about the vast majority of songs on NFR!.


There has definitely been growth on Lana's part, to me it feels like everything past Honeymoon, she stripped away the so called "Del Rey" persona in her music and lyricism. Agree, that she sounds more earnest on some songs onΒ NFR!, but as for others I wouldn't say that lyrically it's her most interesting or mature album (that would be hands down Honeymoon) there are definitely songs that sound a little lyrically "basic" on NFR!. Like to me Venice Bitch... I like the song, but I definitely feel like the hazy/dry musical outro basically exists to beef up what was at the beginning a pretty weak song. The "Oh god miss you on my lips, it's me your little Venice bitch" and "woah woah for-ever", it might be 10 minutes long, but I don't see it as being career defining like some other fans. Not to mention her infamous and cringy "babies on the tour lyfe" lyrics in Happiness Is A Butterfly...


You're right though Jared, there is no conspiracy, critics just want to hear more or less the same, for a lack of a better word, basic or less extravagant and/or weird stuff. Or at least not from someone like Lana, who up until fairly recently was like a black sheep in the music industry.

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^ and all the lyrics referencing other lyrics or artists are super cringy. I, the listener, should not be feeling second-hand embarrassment while listening to music. But it's exactly how I feel when listening to NFR


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^ and all the lyrics referencing other lyrics or artists are super cringy. I, the listener, should not be feeling second-hand embarrassment while listening to music. But it's exactly how I feel when listening to NFR

She references other lyrics and artists on literally every single album of hers. Maybe you didn’t catch them all, but this isn’t something exclusive to NFR. I wonder how many of you would find her music altogether cringey if you noticed more of her references. At this point, the references are part of that relatable spark in her words. References have always been woven into her artistry. But I understand how it can be a rude awakening to notice them now if you haven’t noticed them before. But they’re there.


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Sincerely, all I get from Max and some other members posts is a clear frustration withΒ Lana for abandoning aΒ veryΒ specific sound that made her so great for you guys, and it clearly clouds your judgement when it comes to NFR. That's why a lot of your criticism regarding NFR comes off as grasping at straws or doesn't make any sense at all.






Anyhow, here's something for those fans on twitter who are daydreaming about the Grammys. Not saying Lana doesn't stand a chance, but just to clear your mind.



Cabello has taken out a 40-foot highway-side billboard with her image and the words β€œFor Your Grammy Consideration”

β€œIt’s politics,” says one manager who’s been involved in the solicitations firsthand (Among packages he received was a Taylor Swift β€œVIP box,” which he suspects her team sent to thousands of industry insiders around the nomination period.) β€œ

There are also back-channel methods. Monique Grimme, co-owner of New Jersey indie label Bongo Boy Records, networked, gained access to a voter-only message board and several secret Facebook groups, and compiled a list of 8,000 probable voters. Clients can pay $125 for her to send an e-mail blast to her list, highlighting a group or artist. She says successes include indie performers like Fantastic Negrito, the Oakland singer who won 2017’s Best Contemporary Blues Album.

Some even pay for access to mailing lists that claim to reveal Grammy’s secret voters. The lines of decorum and class are being broken down.

The singer from β€œA Star Is Born,” as played by Lady Gaga, is on a massive billboard in front of the Chateau Marmont. It’s the exact spot where a similar advertisement appeared in the film.

β€œA lot of it has to do with spreading the word and individual relationships that we have with voters,” said Lawrence Lui,







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Honestly, all I get from Jared and some other members here, is that they think of Jack Antonoff as some sort of second coming over christ that saved Lana's career. Which is just baffling.


Lana released three drastically different albums that sound nothing like the other, it's got nothing to do with the sound she went for, but the road, or execution she took to get there. Some of you guys just can't deal with the fact that there's an obvious downgrade in terms of sound quality on this record and pretend like this "adds" to the so called "charm" of the album, but in actuality just make it sound cheaper. To pretend like we want Lana to stick to a certain sound/style is just ridiculous. Is it just too much to understand that we want something that just sounds decent and not of lesser quality, from someone that actually released albums in the past that fit that very description?Β 


Β BountifulDefensiveCanvasback-size_restri

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primarily j*red but


He's just overwhelmed that critics recently woke the fuck up and finally gave Lana a long overdue round of applause, that all of a sudden this is it, this is Lana's most interesting record. Doesn't matter that the album as a questionable production/mastering and weak lyrical moments, it's whatever. All of her other albums don't mean crap and all aged like sour milk and were never even good to begin with. If you happen to think NFR! isn't all that great, you're delusional and somehow you're holding on to this old idea of what Lana should and has to sound like... oof. It's kinda sad tbh.

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She references other lyrics and artists on literally every single album of hers. Maybe you didn’t catch them all, but this isn’t something exclusive to NFR. I wonder how many of you would find her music altogether cringey if you noticed more of her references. At this point, the references are part of that relatable spark in her words. References have always been woven into her artistry. But I understand how it can be a rude awakening to notice them now if you haven’t noticed them before. But they’re there.


um I know her references aren't anything new. Your post comes off as very condescending.Β You are not apart of a select group of people who have noticed them. Maybe you feel a "spark", but there is a difference between doing it gracefully (which we know she is capable of doing) and just listing every 60s song you can think of. She has done it in ways that were subtle and charming and made sense, but in NFR she just tosses them out randomly.Β 


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um I know her references aren't anything new. Your post comes off as very condescending. You are not apart of a select group of people who have noticed them. Maybe you feel a "spark", but there is a difference between doing it gracefully (which we know she is capable of doing) and just listing every 60s song you can think of. She has done it in ways that were subtle and charming and made sense, but in NFR she just tosses them out randomly.

I don’t think I’m part of a select few who get it. Honestly I assumed everyone got the references because they’ve always been random and obvious. If you noticed the references before, then I don’t get the issue with them now. But who cares, if you don’t like it, I’m not here to change your mind.


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