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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll

Norman Fucking Rockwell!  

1,060 members have voted

  1. 1. What are your favourite tracks from NFR?

    • Norman Fucking Rockwell
    • Mariners Apartment Complex
    • Venice Bitch
    • Fuck It, I Love You
    • Doin' Time
    • Love Song
    • Cinnamon Girl
    • How to Disappear
    • California
    • The Next Best American Record
    • The Greatest
    • Bartender
    • Happiness is a Butterfly
    • hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have - but i have it

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soooo everyone endlessly repeating the same shite ab how NFR is Lana's "magnum opus" and swooning over mediocre Lana choons are coming for people sharing critical opinions of NFR based in actual music critique with valid reasoning?  the hypocrisy is more pronounced than Lizzy Grant's life.  seriously theres posts on every fucking page repeating the same thing trying to shut up anyone who doesnt see NFR in a purely positive sycophantic light.  that's more annoying than a differing opinion with interesting reasoning to back it up.


anyway, has the music video leaked yet?

Norman Fucking Rockwell crowns yet another year-end list, this time by Q Magazine. Congratulations Lana & Jack!





ah yes, critics are always right and mass public opinion is always good.  that's why Donald Trump is president, Taylor Swift is a pop icon, Vincent Van Gogh never got recognized till he died, Jesus was murdered by a mob, the Tories are destroying the UK through public support, Nick Drake was never popular in his lifetime, etc etc etc, right??  Some people will never get it

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that new music video clip. i'm sorry I don't want to be a hater but why the hell are those 2 girls getting screen time. it doesn't look good and its not interesting. does anyone like/care for them? if so id like to hear your perspective so maybe I can lean into it too...

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Bartender aged like wine :godlaugh: 


"Swan Song. It’s on my album Honeymoon. It’s the antithesis of hopefulness. It’s about trying to find beauty in giving up. If I had my way, I would continue to persist in all areas of my life, but it can be quite challenging because I can be too trusting too soon."


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If me posting album's accolades in album's thread is upsetting to some of you, I suggest seeking professional help!

I'd suggest u make a thread, I kinda wanna see how long it goes for lol 

@@Jared I'll find some applause gifs for fun mhm mhm 

that new music video clip. i'm sorry I don't want to be a hater but why the hell are those 2 girls getting screen time. it doesn't look good and its not interesting. does anyone like/care for them? if so id like to hear your perspective so maybe I can lean into it too...

As someone who loves pissing off my friends out their asses, I think Lana likes doing it too, her to her fans I find it endearing lmao but I mean, hey the importance of human connection, shared experiences and having fun w peeps who are there for you. Shoutout to the one user, I gen forget who it was who mentioned one of the dancers eye raping the camera un/quote hahahahahahahaha


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I normally don't @ people but I'm kinda annoyed at how incredibly boring and stale this got


@Jared, we all already know you adore Jack's production and all, but we don't need to hear about it 3 times on every single page

@MXDH, we all understand where you're coming from and I know it's just criticism (although highly nit-picky I feel like), but we don't need to see it on every other page


We get it guys, move on. We know it's your right to express your opinions but you guys have expressed the same goddamn opinions back and forth for the last who knows how many pages

Or I guess you guys can continue, I'm not that mad at the end of the day, do your thing lol


Also, NFR is an amazing album that still deserves it's praise. It's not her very best of course, but still 


I was honestly about to write you a long ass post about how I'm sorry if I've offended or annoyed people on this thread with my opinions on Lana, Jack, the production, the visuals, the tour setlist, Lana's antics, etc. But I went to think about it and you know what? I'm not sorry. 


I'm not sorry for one bit that I don't give into the circlejerk-ish ways of some of the users on this thread. We're all fans of Lana, but that doesn't mean we all appreciate the same thing. She has literally hundreds of unreleased songs in her catalog, as well as 6 officially released studio album that are drastically different, and one EP for people to enjoy. We all appreciare Lana's work on different level and that's how it should be.


I honestly can't with some of y'all, which I assume would literally be at the forefront of discussions about freedom of speech, but whenever they see a lot of comments from the same users they are like "ahhhh ok we get it you don't like the album, now shut up". I've honestly been quoted by at least five users since yesterday for that. Well flash news: I won't stop sharing my personal thoughts on the album for you guys to stop whining. If you don't like my comments, scroll past them, no one is forcing you to read what I or other people have to say about the album.


I've never once blocked/muted anyone on this thread, not even that Jared dude, you know why? Because I genuinely feel like people have the right to write whatever they want, even though I don't agree with what's being written. Also, quite frankly, I find that to be completely harmless, if you can't properly articulate your opinion about something and resort to parrot critics, I don't know it kinda makes me feel validated lol.


Bottom line, aaall of this are my opinions. This is the NFR thread and I'm discussing NFR, whether or not you find me repetitive or annoying, I'm not going anywhere. 

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that new music video clip. i'm sorry I don't want to be a hater but why the hell are those 2 girls getting screen time. it doesn't look good and its not interesting. does anyone like/care for them? if so id like to hear your perspective so maybe I can lean into it too...

I like the girls, Ashley and Alex are super sweet and fierce girls. It's sad your attitude towards everything Lana releases is so bad. Let the girls live and love. Their art has nothing to do with your judgemental being.

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After listening to that orchestral version of NFR I can safely say this song is Lana's best opener  :defeated: sorry Love

lol why was love at any point ever your favorite lana opener when kill kill, born to die, ride, cruel world, and honeymoon existed

Lana Del Rey Honeymoon GIF

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The only thing about California that bothers me is how that song is a Ultraviolence reject lmao but other than that I stan!

But it's not an UV reject, it was written and recorded in 2017, and later Jack added production to it when Lana decided to include it in NFR.

I'll do it for the right reasons

Withstanding all the time, changes and seasons


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But it's not an UV reject, it was written and recorded in 2017, and later Jack added production to it when Lana decided to include it in NFR.


lmao i thought the song was written and recorded back in 2013 oh well

into your eyes tumblr_olomd1pIFG1u8tvjvo2_500.gif my face remains

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can we also pls get a live studio performance of Love song or something. I see trellises. flowers on em. the color orange, like a fucking egg yolk sun before the morning starts in the background, w silver clouds horizontally draping around it green lighting like how the skies do before the sun sets c'mon c'mon can we talk w her tech crew RBNDTEp.gif


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can we also pls get a live studio performance of Love song or something. I see trellises. flowers on em. the color orange, like a fucking egg yolk sun before the morning starts in the background, w silver clouds horizontally draping around it green lighting like how the skies do before the sun sets c'mon c'mon can we talk w her tech crew RBNDTEp.gif

mmm nope!


Here, take this handmade Chuck video featuring her oh so lovely dancers eye-fucking the camera, sprinkled with silly rain and bambi edits x

~~~My body is stuck in the ocean ugcs3%2Fv3%2Fproject_attachments%2FGC6xU My mind is lost in the universe*** 

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mmm nope!


Here, take this handmade Chuck video featuring her oh so lovely dancers eye-fucking the camera, sprinkled with silly rain and bambi edits x

fun factoid I actually bought some mickey polaroids just to commemorate that night w friends nd peeps I met. Thought it was cute, goes w the disney but realistic(?) view but onto more pressing matters were u the one who coined that bc I'm still laughing about it  :lmao:  we're getting what we're getting tho I g- wait why am I complaining it's a fuckin 14 min vid, as long as Claire de lune stays out of it, nd girls dancing underwater i think i'll b ok -


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fun factoid I actually bought some mickey polaroids just to commemorate that night w friends nd peeps I met. Thought it was cute, goes w the disney but realistic(?) view but onto more pressing matters were u the one who coined that bc I'm still laughing about it  :lmao:  we're getting what we're getting tho I g- wait why am I complaining it's a fuckin 14 min vid, as long as Claire de lune stays out of it, nd girls dancing underwater i think i'll b ok -



Also, I'm not mad at all at the video we're getting, just thought the difference between what you were saying and what we'll get is pretty damn funny

~~~My body is stuck in the ocean ugcs3%2Fv3%2Fproject_attachments%2FGC6xU My mind is lost in the universe*** 

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