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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll

Norman Fucking Rockwell!  

1,060 members have voted

  1. 1. What are your favourite tracks from NFR?

    • Norman Fucking Rockwell
    • Mariners Apartment Complex
    • Venice Bitch
    • Fuck It, I Love You
    • Doin' Time
    • Love Song
    • Cinnamon Girl
    • How to Disappear
    • California
    • The Next Best American Record
    • The Greatest
    • Bartender
    • Happiness is a Butterfly
    • hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have - but i have it

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Imagine if beyond overhyped and overrated, teenage industry plant wins AOTY on her first try while Grammyless veteran and one of the most influential and defining artists of decade sits in the audience with easily the best album. 


I feel physically ill just at the thought of watching that horror show and some people here say they would be happy for that whisperer.

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Imagine if beyond overhyped and overrated, teenage industry plant wins AOTY on her first try while Grammyless veteran and one of the most influential and defining artists of decade sits in the audience with easily the best album. 


I feel physically ill just at the thought of watching that horror show and some people here say they would be happy for that whisperer.




Does Jack not give you holidays off :/


Billie isn't my favourite out there, obvs, but she's doing something a lot of people apparently respond to. Clairo was def a plant, or something close to it, but she didn't have the necessary qualities to see it through. Billie's doing something interesting that might not be in your age range. Lana's current themes aren't in a lot of people's age range either. I think you're way too invested. Tell Jackoff i say hey.

locals only

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off course she did! but i find it a bit questionable how they only started praising her now considering that good sis started her career (soon to be) last decade... but eh to each their own i guess :hooker:

no i agree it's annoying that it's lana on this timeline is the one getting praised, but her influence wasn't that obvious the first few years after the release of BTD


also didn't y'all get warned about posting vomit gifs last week stop fucking posting that shit



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I know this is Norman discussion, but I'm kinda worried about the next album he he  :die: Is Jack producing too?

I don't know why I don't like Norman so much. Folk, psychdelic or whatever are very appealing to me, idk what happened. I still listen to it, kind of forcing to make it grow in me  :toofunny: . I guess the closest and most relatable comment I found here is the lack of imagination one. I just can't visualize something entertaining in my head, even tho I really like the music.


I just wished I liked this album. I remember when Mariners came and then Venice and then HTD acoustic and Hope... I was so sure Norman would become my favorite back then...  :sadcore2:

I hope WHF brings back that "final push" each song has.  :pray2:


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off course she did! but i find it a bit questionable how they only started praising her now considering that good sis started her career (soon to be) last decade... but eh to each their own i guess :hooker:


also, NFR did NOT age like wine :creep: :creep: :creep: ever since it came out i must've listened to the whole thing like 3 times within the past 4 month when i usually play her whole discography 6 to 7 times a DAY, and i'm certainly not the only one in this situation, TRUST ME. it just makes me so mad man... i rlly tried to listen to that album more but it just bores me to skip so many tracks that could've been so amazing if they weren't so trashed by y'alls favorite producer (@ HTD, HIAB, BAR)


i highly doubt this album won't age fine considering it's already being called one of the greatest of the decade + people are still praising it more and more with each passing day

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I know this is Norman discussion, but I'm kinda worried about the next album he he  :die: Is Jack producing too?

I don't know why I don't like Norman so much. Folk, psychdelic or whatever are very appealing to me, idk what happened. I still listen to it, kind of forcing to make it grow in me  :toofunny: . I guess the closest and most relatable comment I found here is the lack of imagination one. I just can't visualize something entertaining in my head, even tho I really like the music.


I just wished I liked this album. I remember when Mariners came and then Venice and then HTD acoustic and Hope... I was so sure Norman would become my favorite back then...  :sadcore2:

I hope WHF brings back that "final push" each song has.  :pray2:


Out of these three options, NFR chose whatever, and that's the part that is not appealing to me  :toofunny:



I also hope WHF is more cohesive as an album. The name gives me all sorts of ideas and it's the best album name since Ultraviolence..., fuck even Honeymoon. But i don't think it's even going to be called that now

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i’m in the majority and actually like nfr quite a bit,, are the lyrics asinine? yes. does the vocal production make my ears ring at times? yeah. do i cringe in pain when i hear the production on htd? absolutely. are critics just echoing each other for internet points? of course they are.


i enjoy the melodies and the lack of excessive reverb on lana’s voice enough to like this album anyway (also bc mac is an absolute masterpiece),, but it makes complete sense that some people were disappointed. i might like the album, but it doesn’t feel like a lana del rey album. it feels like a pretty good album from some other artist trying to be lana del rey by using some of her songwriting cliches, if that makes sense.

all my wounds are due to love, to love, love, love

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i highly doubt this album won't age fine considering it's already being called one of the greatest of the decade + people are still praising it more and more with each passing day



I hope it ages well and that when I'm 35 and lost all my high standards I'll re-listen to the whole album and finally be feeling it. 

i’m in the majority and actually like nfr quite a bit,, are the lyrics asinine? yes. does the vocal production make my ears ring at times? yeah. do i cringe in pain when i hear the production on htd? absolutely. are critics just echoing each other for internet points? of course they are.


i enjoy the melodies and the lack of excessive reverb on lana’s voice enough to like this album anyway (also bc mac is an absolute masterpiece),, but it makes complete sense that some people were disappointed. i might like the album, but it doesn’t feel like a lana del rey album. it feels like a pretty good album from some other artist trying to be lana del rey by using some of her songwriting cliches, if that makes sense.


I think this is really the most level-headed comment on this thread.

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Maybe it's time to come to terms with the fact that it's not majority of public/fans/critics who are cynical/in the wrong here, and that maybe it's just some of you guys who happen to have a shitty taste.

Bold of you to assume that we have shitty taste when you literally take some of your precious time to think that Jack Antonoff is a musical genius, when he's actually (at best) a decent pop producer.


Like the amount of praise around NFR is starting to look ridiculous, like it's legit getting the "Album of the century" treatment while sounding the way it sounds... more like the joke of century to me. Spare me your conspiracy theories about the album getting negative feedback within the fandom. It's literally her most beige and simple album sonically, like the level of intricacy that Lana has displayed on her first three records is nowhere to be found. It's not all bad to me, but I just do not find myself enjoying this album listen after listen, doesn't really have that much of replay values as great as you think it is. At this point it almost makes Lust for Life have interesting production and melodies creds.


I can listen to Born To Die, Ultraviolence and Honeymoon countless times and notice something new or special at every listen. NFR is not a bad album per se, it's actually pretty good, but it's also very surface level to me. Lana wants to go down that road these days and be more simplistic? That's on her. Doesn't mean that we have to pretend that her albums are not getting more simple, and from analytical and artistic point of you less interesting. At this point it almost makes Lust for Life have interesting production and melodies creds.


Like I said on the other thread, I find that her current visuals embody the album's spirit perfectly, it's cute and fun, but it's all over the place, amateur, simple.

But like I also said countless times, that's just my opinion.

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Here are some songs that reflect the sound I would love to see for LDR7



Pawn Shop Blues

Fine China 

Cherry Blossom

Yes To Heaven

Wild On You


I'm sure she's going to continue the stripped down acoustic sound, and this is what I see her going for, if she does it well. I would be happy if she finds some new people to work with. Something about Jacks production seems very surface level, it's very safe sounding. The songs I listed above do a really good job at evoking emotion and artistical depth, at least, better than NFR did. These songs are simple, straight to the point, but I wouldn't describe them as tame. Even in their simplicity they are still ambitious and beautiful. 


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Here are some songs that reflect the sound I would love to see for LDR7



Pawn Shop Blues

Fine China 

Cherry Blossom

Yes To Heaven

Wild On You


I'm sure she's going to continue the stripped down acoustic sound, and this is what I see her going for, if she does it well. I would be happy if she finds some new people to work with. Something about Jacks production seems very surface level, it's very safe sounding. The songs I listed above do a really good job at evoking emotion and artistical depth, at least, better than NFR did. These songs are simple, straight to the point, but I wouldn't describe them as tame. Even in their simplicity they are still ambitious and beautiful. 

this 100% and add Elvis, Money Honey, Get Drunk, Disco

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Electronic album with space sound like the end of west coast and screechy nosies in Venice Bitch please. That would be unexpected and an evolution.






She already missed her chance to do this in the Lust for Life era. If this came after the LFL trailer I would have been sent into eternal bliss. 

Space Witch Lana really could have happened  :defeated:

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I just wished I liked this album. I remember when Mariners came and then Venice and then HTD acoustic and Hope... I was so sure Norman would become my favorite back then...  :sadcore2:


this is exactly how i feel/felt, and why i tried so so hard to like the album at first

it's just the way i feel

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Just came across something really interesting. In the 2 hour long interview audio for Pitchfork in 2017, Lana mentions some political outtakes from Lust For Life and she talks about one particular saying it embodies the statement "war is over if you really want it". Makes me wonder if a very early version California was meant to be on LFL with drastically different lyrics or if she just recycled the lyrics. What do you think?



It's only my dark city, only my new man...

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Yes, Carlifornia is actually a very political song. It literally talks about climate change and war in the same song. It idolizes Cali as a safe state compared to rest of America. 


Some of the ignorant girlies here tried to come for me. Please.



ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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