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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll

Norman Fucking Rockwell!  

1,060 members have voted

  1. 1. What are your favourite tracks from NFR?

    • Norman Fucking Rockwell
    • Mariners Apartment Complex
    • Venice Bitch
    • Fuck It, I Love You
    • Doin' Time
    • Love Song
    • Cinnamon Girl
    • How to Disappear
    • California
    • The Next Best American Record
    • The Greatest
    • Bartender
    • Happiness is a Butterfly
    • hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have - but i have it

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3 hours ago, taco truck said:

honestly i am so confused about this conversation because is lana's entire thing not americana? :oprah2: like obviously her works incorporate american culture/ideals/politics lmao this was just the first album she explicitly stated that was the concept for the album.

All of her albums are about Americana indeed… but am I the only one that thinks it might not be as present anymore or maybe more subtle, since Chemtrails?

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57 minutes ago, Vertimus said:

Don't underestimate the power of 'group think' or 'the hive mind.' We see this every day in our own lives, like, someone asks you where you would like to go for dinner with the rest of the group, and you are the kind of person that immediately says, "Well, where does everyone else want to go? What are others thinking?"

What does this have to do with interpreting a Lana Del Rey album? No one is being hurt by any one interpretation so I really don’t see the need for dog whistling conservative talking points in a LGBTQ safe space. 

⊹ (:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅:♡:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅) ⊹ 

𓊔 I took the miracle move on drug 𓊔

⚕️ The effects were temporary ⚕️

⊹ (:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅:♡:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅) ⊹ 

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4 hours ago, Future Jazz said:

I definitely agree with @Vertimus: this album is not the social commentary people paint it to be. It’s all about her own life and it can be interpreted in relationship to modern-day society, just like any other album she made can be. There are a few references to the end of the world, but that’s really not enough to make it what it is considered to be. I think even if you tried, it’d very hard to point out even just a few “points” she makes in this album about society. The quality of the album is another question, I personally really like it

To me, it might have been an accidental thing, that Norman painted through her stories a picture of the times in general. And yet, it does give it an interesting dimension, whether intentional or not. 

3 hours ago, ultrabanisters said:

why is this thread hot 200.webp

Because it’s another round of « we love NFR » vs « this album is overrated AF » :true:

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1 hour ago, Mer said:

What does this have to do with interpreting a Lana Del Rey album? No one is being hurt by any one interpretation so I really don’t see the need for dog whistling conservative talking points in a LGBTQ safe space. 

How is anything I said "dog whistling conservative talking points in a LGBTQ safe space"? I'm gay myself, on the bi-side. I've stressed free speech here multiple times, all interpretations are acceptable. I'm debating points stated. 


And as far as I can tell, every LDR album is 'accused' of being over-rated and then defended vigorously by its admirers.

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some of you guys are being deliberately dense…

anyway, if you don’t like the album, good for you? what do you want us who love it to do? not love it? not defend an album we love? it’s okay to love it or like it. but to get on a website dedicated to discussing Lana Del Rey and specifically getting on the NFR thread to say you don’t like it and imply that you think everyone who praises it is wrong or stupid or something… that’s bold. telling people their interpretation of music is wrong or simply just caused by “groupthink,” is even bolder. you can just say what you don’t like about it. you don’t gotta be mean to those who do. hope this helps, and if it doesn’t, oh well! i won’t pretend to be genuine or civil because this conversation is getting so beyond old. 


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side-bar: “group-think” and “hive mind” are talking points often used by anti-lgbtqia+ politicians as well as just average homophobic citizens. hence the “dog whistle” comment. 


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13 hours ago, wilting daisy said:

what are you talking about? amongst lana fans, its just gotten to the point where we're finally allowed to love nfr without being accused of being a new fan or only liking things that are critically acclaimed. 

idk, if there were these people its a minority of them, but if u experienced this they are the same kind of people, but the absolute majority for the reason still unknown to me to this Day called this album a classic and was so aggressively against the ones who would disagree (and this is the problem) , it kind of ended in 2022 god bless, sure u may like any of her album but loving nfr was an essential thing for lana fan from their words, and  they were so loud with that  *****ded thing all over the internet, on lanaboards there was also this period of time but im glad it was only from these new fans who arent here anymore


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8 hours ago, love deluxe said:

side-bar: “group-think” and “hive mind” are talking points often used by anti-lgbtqia+ politicians as well as just average homophobic citizens. hence the “dog whistle” comment. 

Terms like 'hive mind' and 'group think' have existed for 7 or 8 decades--'hive mind' since the early 50s and 'group think' since 1971--and  and don't belong to anyone or any one group in particular, and shouldn't be co-opted. They certainly were not used against LGBTQIA+ persons in those eras. 


Thanks for informing me that these terms are seen by LGBTQIA+ people as 'dog whistles,' because, while gay, I do not generally conform to LGBTQIA+ politics and am not 'hardline,' and so have never heard them used in that capacity. Here in NYC, they're used all the time in a variety of capacities, especially at the workplace. Had I known, I would not have used those specific terms, but the idea/ideas behind them are still absolutely valid and accurate. 

4 hours ago, lanaismamom said:

idk, if there were these people its a minority of them, but if u experienced this they are the same kind of people, but the absolute majority for the reason still unknown to me to this Day called this album a classic and was so aggressively against the ones who would disagree (and this is the problem) , it kind of ended in 2022 god bless, sure u may like any of her album but loving nfr was an essential thing for lana fan from their words, and  they were so loud with that  *****ded thing all over the internet, on lanaboards there was also this period of time but im glad it was only from these new fans who arent here anymore

Exactly. It's been as if you don't follow the NFR! drumbeat, you must be silenced and crushed. 

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9 hours ago, love deluxe said:

some of you guys are being deliberately dense…

anyway, if you don’t like the album, good for you? what do you want us who love it to do? not love it? not defend an album we love? it’s okay to love it or like it. but to get on a website dedicated to discussing Lana Del Rey and specifically getting on the NFR thread to say you don’t like it and imply that you think everyone who praises it is wrong or stupid or something… that’s bold. telling people their interpretation of music is wrong or simply just caused by “groupthink,” is even bolder. you can just say what you don’t like about it. you don’t gotta be mean to those who do. hope this helps, and if it doesn’t, oh well! i won’t pretend to be genuine or civil because this conversation is getting so beyond old. 

Look, GeminiLanaFan answered someone's question about NFR!, and, in good faith, stated the generally-accepted opinion of the album and its theme, and I challenged that on a factual level, because I think it's incorrect, and that many people have just repeated the same thing over and over and over without thinking or checking to see whether it was actually accurate. 


Just like the ''Blue' is Joni Mitchell's best album" phenomenon that was, as I understand it, essentially started by Brandi Carlisle about a decade ago. The psychological phenomenon of "jumping on the bandwagon" is a century old, it's a real thing that we can and do observe daily, such as 'trendiness' in matters of dress, politics, or the color you paint your kitchen, so why do you think it doesn't happen here sometimes? Of course it does. I've pointed out numerous times how much 'sociology' one can observe in boards and chatrooms, just as you can in parks, beaches, at the airport, or bus depots


Why it's so terribly offensive to point that out, I don't know. We are all subject to human nature, obviously. 


That's all. I never said I don't want people to love or cherish NFR!. Obviously, a great many people do. But I think most of the claims made for it are inaccurate as presented. 



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11 hours ago, love deluxe said:

anyway, if you don’t like the album, good for you? what do you want us who love it to do? not love it? not defend an album we love? it’s okay to love it or like it.


Please this was so wholesome


Anyway, Lana Del Rey is a true album artist, all her albums have sparkled endless conversation on the Internet, and NFR! was her most discussed record ever since Born to Die (wasn't it the most-discussed album of the whole 2019, according to Metacritic?). These "It's a classic" vs "It's overrated!" wars are always happening with artists like her. I literally quit the Kendrick Lamar Reddit bc of the "new Kendrick vs old Kendrick" wars lol.


There's only very few artists where fans agree on their "best" or "worst". It's unbelievable the differences in opinions in Lana's fanbase.

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15 minutes ago, PARADIXO said:


Please this was so wholesome


Anyway, Lana Del Rey is a true album artist, all her albums have sparkled endless conversation on the Internet, and NFR! was her most discussed record ever since Born to Die (wasn't it the most-discussed album of the whole 2019, according to Metacritic?). These "It's a classic" vs "It's overrated!" wars are always happening with artists like her. I literally quit the Kendrick Lamar Reddit bc of the "new Kendrick vs old Kendrick" wars lol.


There's only very few artists where fans agree on their "best" or "worst". It's unbelievable the differences in opinions in Lana's fanbase.

Exactly. I'm a huge BB fan except for the title track, and I've not been offended by all those who discount, dislike, or hate it, or the member here who continues to mock me for loving 'VFR.' 

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Nothing could ever top this album lbr


The first 3 tracks alone are better than any discography and the album has so much more to offer such as FIILY, Cinnamon Girl, California, The Greatest... This is a cultural reset it's her Blackout

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