Lad 8,804 Posted December 14, 2019 Hello everybody, I am very pleased to come back - after skipping a year - and welcome you / introduce you to the Lipsters Awards 2019! While I wasn't available to host these renowned awards last year, my dear friend @@Say Yes to Heaven took charge of the project and allowed us to come back for a fourth incarnation. Thanks to that, today I can say we are returning for a fifth consecutive year! And many more to come, I hope. Uhm, chile... anyways so If you are new to the Lipsters Awards let me kindly copy and paste the same description I've used every single year: The Lipsters Awards 2019 are a forum event made for us, the LanaBoards community, to have a good time and reflect on the big online personalities that shined through 2019. Users nominate each other in several categories, and the winners get announced in our iconic Ceremony, which this year will take place on January 18th. Enough said, it's time to introduce you to this year's categories. Some may be familiar, some have been revamped, and some are debuting tonight. DISCLAIMER: REMEMBER THIS IS ALL FOR FUN. DON'T THINK IT'S PERSONAL IF YOU GET A NOMINATION IN A CATEGORY YOU MAY CONSIDER "NEGATIVE". I ASSURE YOU THERE'S NO REAL HATE AGAINST YOU. ANY MAJOR ISSUE MAY RESULT IN THE REMOVAL OF SAID CATEGORIES (all of them) NEXT YEAR.And we all know it wouldn't be half as entertaining. As in tradition, we’re kicking off the Lipsters Awards 2019 with the title for the Most Active member around here. A little self-describing, this award is designed for those members who make LanaBoards a better place by contributing... a lot! Let’s give them back every single second of their life they’ve spent in this very nice website in the form of a cute, little award! Ever see that user with a Lorde song as display name? Good, tell them to wait for the next category. The Best Username award is reserved for those Lipsters whose intellect may very well not be spent on school or work, but rather in crafting an incredible username to brighten our days every time we see them around. Is your given name Bekim? Do you think that’s cute enough to use it as your handle in every single social media platform including LanaBoards? We got you girl! Let’s be honest, we all have that very first email that goes – and that might be the case for the little Lipster awarded with the title of Worst Username! We all love Lana Del Rey around here... okay, now you can nominate me for Biggest Liar. This award – which we’re giving out earlier than in previous ceremonies – is reserved for those hardcore fans that breathe Miss Lana Del Rey. Do you know anyone who has broken into Lana’s home and stolen her cars? Anyone who goes to every single tour date as if Lana’s shows haven’t turned into an hour long “Do Not Vape” advert? Anyone who has dug old Lizzy Grant pictures that no one but that one member cares for? This is your chance to award them for their loyalty! Let’s not forget about the sweethearts in this website! We have this member in a special place in all of our hearts. They never bother to say anything mean nor rude to any of us and spread love and positivity through their posts! They take everyone’s opinions and won’t argue with those who don’t take theirs. While being sassy is almost a rule around here, there are members who cross the line and actively go out of their way to post negative content. But they're also part of this place, so they also deserve to get rewarded! Do not take this award in a negative light, maybe it's a sign that you need to be kinder and stop saying Lana's earlobes are way too low on her face. Was Ava Max the top streamed artist on your Spotify Wrapped 2019? If so, this is the award for you! Obviously, we all have somewhat of a good taste in music considering the fact that we’re currently on a Lana Del Rey forum, but do you ever see someone who simply encompasses good taste? They listen to all the right songs, give the best descriptions, their ratings somehow always match your own? You finally have an opportunity to recognize that one member who has the Best Taste on LanaBoards! It’s that time of the year to give @@Terrence Loves Me their annual recognition! The award for Worst Taste is reserved for those members who leave a lot to be desired in the taste department. Wether it be the fact that they’re republican, stan Kim Petras or hate on Resistance - let’s recognize their choices! Making its big return thanks to plenty of users who were interested in this category, we welcome back our award to the best Blogger out here! This is a title made for those users who always post interesting entries in their own little personal space that this site allows us to have. Status Updater: As its name describes, this is the award for that member who always posts the most entertaining status updates! The status bar is one of the most iconic sections of LanaBoards, so this award is a must have! As its name describes, this is the award for that member who always posts the most entertaining status updates! The status bar is one of the most iconic sections of LanaBoards, so this award is a must have! Because boomers deserve to be recognized as much as us people that still have more than 5 years left on this world! Okay, this isn’t really what this category is about. The Veteran Member award is for those users who have been here the longest – and for some reason – still haven’t decided to leave this BEAUTIFUL website! LanaBoards has been going strong for 7 years now, and the veteran members are still as loyal as they were the first day! This category goes have a requirement: Do not nominate accounts that were created after December 31st, 2016. While there are members out there who you cannot avoid at any cost, there’s also the odd member who is active and has great contribution but is rather not as known as other lipsters. This is your chance to show that member how much you appreciate them and let them know that they TOO count and deserve to be recognized! Here in LanaBoards we also celebrate those who are gone, like Lana’s career or Yosemite’s chances of being released. The posthumous award for Best Banned Member is given to the memory of those rebellious spirits who got banned fighting for their cause, wether it was posting scat gifs or hacking the status update bar. Let them know that we think they left us way too soon and maybe they’ll come out of the shadows to accept this award, because deep down we already know they already have an alt account! There are plenty of users here who make you wonder: why the frick are they in a place called LanaBoards if they hate Lana Del Rey so much? Yeah, I don’t understand either. But the Lipsters Awards – as charitable as we’ve always been – have found them a purpose: being able to hold the title of Biggest Lana Hater! It’s time to show them that even though they hate Lana, most of us secretly do too we give them LOVE. Over the years, this forum has gained an increasing amount of users and threads and not all of these threads have pertained to Lana, which brings a community of users here solely for the entertainment section. This category is for them, so someone please notify the Charli XCX thread they can click on another tab for once in their lives and support the awards and MAYBE I’ll consider getting someone to leak Rain Over London so that one user can finally shut up! Some members crave attention - and it’s finally time to give it to ‘em! This award is designed for those members who are always screaming “ME ME ME” for the sole reason of seeking attention! Wether it be creating alt accounts to defend your 15 seconds leak of some LQ The Good Life snippet or running the @borntoshade account on Instagram, we got you covered! The Lipsters Awards WILL give you the attention you want! While unleaked content has gotten less and less common as the time goes by – allegedly – there’s still people out there who have new Lana Del Rey material (or maybe someone else?) and share it for the world! It’s time to show your appreciation to those users who have publicly posted stuff that makes Lana change an entire era over it, that got Lana to comment “you’re not a legend” on their instagrams, or have gotten Ben to threaten them with a random name and address he found on Google so they think he’s actually doing his job... BUT they did it all to please us little Lipsters! Is your name Moy? Have you publicly stated Chuck Grant is a good photographer? Did you say Fuck it I love you video was coming out on a certain date but it didn’t happen? If so, this is the award for you! Remember that Lana Del Rey herself is able to be nominated for this award because – well, obvious reasons. Now, there are underrated members - but there’s also members who are completely unknown to the majority of people! Let it be iconic legends like GagaOopsy that left without a reason, or users who are currently active but haven’t made waves yet. This is your opportunity to let those users know: hey, we remember you! Perhaps this is the award for that LanaBoards friend of yours who is as irrelevant as Slayyyter but still deserves a mention, unlike Slayyyter. This award is the current iteration of multiple defunct categories: Most Triggered, Sassiest Member, Most Extra. At the end of the day the exclusive elite Lipsters Awards committee realized those titles were pretty similar, and we decided to mash them all up into one big award, starting last year. The Drama Queen award is given to those members who cause a scene for literally anything. It could be a good, funny drama queen or a sensitive drama queen, they’re all welcomed here! God save our young blood! What an awful song, but a rather fitting description for this award. There are Lipsters out here that are still pretty new but have managed to write LanaBoards history. They might be a little goo green to be Lipster of the Year, but they still deserve the same recognition! You can only nominate users who joined this site in the past two years, so no accounts older than January 1st, 2018. This year we have rebranded many of our named categories to keep up with the times! First up is the category previously known as The Margaret Perrin Award, given to those members who serve as Peace Keepers in this community. While Miss Greta has caused pretty much chaos and controversy, she still fighting for a good cause. For years, the Guardian interview was the most controversial thing Lana had done in her career. This year she topped herself by attending an homophobic church! And that’s why we’ve renamed the award for the Most Problematic member – to honor Lana’s awful decisions. This award is for those members who spark the fire with every single one of their posts, consciously or not. Consciously, most of the time. The Be My Daddy Award is for those members who rock the Pictures of You thread and get us hot like the tropics! Don’t let its namesake confuse you, this title is given to the Hottest Member of LanaBoards, regardless of gender or identity. You may remember this category as the Delete It Fat Award, but it has since been revamped! Do you ever see that one user posting on a thread and go “Oh lord... again? A fucking gain?” This title is reserved for those members who personally annoy you and you find kind of bothersome. Don’t worry, nominations are kept a secret, so no one will know who you voted for! Feel free to convert your annoyance into something positive, and let this member win an award – who cares if it’s not as positive as say, Nicest Member BUT it’s still an award! [NEW] Introducing a new cross-over category, this award is for those Lipsters that shine outside LanaBoards! Many Instagram fan accounts are notorious in this community, and it’s time to recognize them! While some heifers have created some ripoff Instagram awards, I think those poor little Instagram Lipsters deserve the REAL deal! Since the beginning this prestigious recognition has been known as The Big Eyes Award, but this year we have decided to bring some fresh air to it by now giving it a new namesake as a way to honor Lana’s most recent and critically acclaimed album. This title is reserved for those members that create art: let it be graphic design, OnlyFans, music or (a lesser known art) video editing. Every single one of those artists count. Let them know that even if they think their poetry is bad and they blame the news, and though we can’t change that we CAN change their mood, by recognizing their talent! Are you that one user who posts on the MARINA thread three times a day about how awful Love + Fear is? Perhaps you’re that user in the Charli XCX thread begging for Rain Over London? There’s also an award for you! This is the award designated for that member who lacks originality and is constantly posting the same old tired hot take. Imagine how tired we are. Long gone are the days of constant posting of Christina Lucci gifs all over the forum. But her memory lives on and on. Through a charitable non-profit organization – the Christina Lucci Foundation – the Lipsters Awards committee have managed to open 27 STD clinics and also fund year after year this extravagant award, reserved for the Sluttiest Member! Take that as you will. The counterpart of Lipster of the Year, this award is given to that member that shined the brightest - but perhaps not in the best light. Clown of the Year 2019 is reserved for those members who exhibited clown-like behavior, whose clown jumped out. Maybe we could even call it the Funniest Member award, if you want to be nice! Us #Lipsters love leaks, and they deserve to be awarded too. Original songs / very different alternate versions will be the only ones taken into account, so there's not much trouble to the users who have not listened to them. Color Blue (Allegedly "Wild One") Cherry Blossom Roll With Me (On The Radio) Ben Run Motorcycle Dreamgirl Bad Boy Beginning the biggest categories, I think we all know which thread is going to win this but it’s going to be fun to nominate other ones too! There have been many that were absolutely infested with drama. I’m excited to see the nominations for this category! Moving from threads to specific dramas, feel free to nominate anything you’d consider big and eventful that happened on this site. Which might be hard since these things happen so often, but try to narrow it down. In a site full of hormonal teenage pop music stans, drama comes naturally, so let’s appreciate that fact and make a night out of it! This will not be an open category. This award and its nominees will be decided and hand-picked by our very exclusive and elite committee. We want to award those members who are known by everyone, who are on everyone's mouth and whose relevancy makes lots jealous. Not to be confused with Lipster of the Year, this award is for all those relevant users whose popularity doesn't mean they ARE the user of the year, but still pretty successful on their own. Committee members have chosen to remain anonymous. And finally... the most important award of the night... LIPSTER OF THE F*****G YEAR! This award goes to the LB member who shone brighter than everyone else this year! This award doesn’t go to just anyone, you have to establish a name for yourself and work hard at maintaining it. Someone that we feel is perfect enough to represent our website and brandish the cherished title (until 2019 awards at least). Preselection period starts NOW and ends December 28th, 2019 at 23:59 EST. Sending your preselection candidates has become easier than ever. You just have to click THIS LINK and submit your ballot. Here’s some information you may wish to learn about to correctly participate in the Preselection period: 1. Please submit at least 2 or 3 pre-nominees for each category. You just have to hit “enter” for each user so each one has their own line so it doesn’t get submitted as one, big, long, convoluted line that will make the data harder to compile. I know you guys aren’t dumb but I feel like I had to explain that just in case. I believe in you! 2. You have to vote in every category, pretty please. You can skip some if you want, but please - I beg you - try to fill in most categories. You have quite some time to figure out your pre-nominees, don’t be lazy! Also recognize that some categories like Veteran Member or Best New Member have rules of their own. 3. Do not spam vote. Don't vote for the same people in ALL categories, please consider there's a lot of users out there who deserve it just as much as your friends circle! 4. Try to trust in your own charm and preferably do not vote for yourself! This isn't a rule, but I'm just putting it out there. 5. As soon as you submit your ballot, please let me know in this thread or DMs that you have voted. Just in case there’s someone trying to impersonate you. This place has history with people who enjoy impersonating, am I right?. 6. Don’t worry, I turned off the compile emails option. Your privacy is safe! The Voting stage will start with the official nominees announcement on January 3rd, 2020 and ends January 17th. Same method, this time around you will only vote for ONE user of the 4-5 official nominees. I will explain more once we enter this stage. 15 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mkultraviolence 5,833 Posted December 14, 2019 cool 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lad 8,804 Posted December 14, 2019 thats a whole lot of text i had to type 9 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
electra 20,648 Posted December 14, 2019 the noms get announced in my bday so i hope i get one even if it’s a shit category 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SparkleJumpropeNoose 8,750 Posted December 14, 2019 well it's beginning 0 Quote CAUSE BACK IN SCHOOL WE ARE THE LEADERS OF IT ALL Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SlowGinFizzzz 15,359 Posted December 14, 2019 It’s that time of the year to give @@Terrence Loves Me their annual recognition! Sksksksksksksk you've got that one in the bag, sis! Because boomers deserve to be recognized as much as us people that still have more than 5 years left on this world! Okay, this isn’t really what this category is about. The Veteran Member award is for those users who have been here the longest – and for some reason – still haven’t decided to leave this BEAUTIFUL website! LanaBoards has been going strong for 7 years now, and the veteran members are still as loyal as they were the first day! This category goes have a requirement: Do not nominate accounts that were created before December 31st, 2016. Umm this doesn't seem right? Let it be iconic legends like GagaOopsy that left without a reason, or users who are currently active but haven’t made waves yet. Iconic! Y'all know what to do! 5 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheBoss 13,544 Posted December 14, 2019 "Do not nominate accounts that were created before December 31st, 2016." @@Lad For the veteran award shouldn't it say after? 6 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Beautiful Loser 51,119 Posted December 14, 2019 Here in LanaBoards we also celebrate those who are gone, like Lana’s career or Yosemite’s chances of being released.I’m hurt. The descriptions were on point and so fun, as usual - good job! 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Theodore 16,448 Posted December 15, 2019 Would like to kindly remind everyone of my Honeymoon Short Film that I dropped this year 6 Quote "And when you see my face on every billboard and TV screen, you'll regret the day you walked away" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lad 8,804 Posted December 15, 2019 Omg yes you two (LB won’t let me quote your posts on mobile) are right it should say after hehe I will fix that later 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Theodore 16,448 Posted December 15, 2019 Wait a second, we don't have a video and audio editing award??? What the hell!!??!! 0 Quote "And when you see my face on every billboard and TV screen, you'll regret the day you walked away" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
electra 20,648 Posted December 15, 2019 Omg yes you two (LB won’t let me quote your posts on mobile) are right it should say after hehe I will fix that later i have submitted lil g 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheBoss 13,544 Posted December 15, 2019 Wait a second, we don't have a video and audio editing award??? What the hell!!??!! I think they're part of the NFR! Award for Resident Artist, which I'm campaigning for Got to the next link to see my new stuff: 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lad 8,804 Posted December 15, 2019 Wait a second, we don't have a video and audio editing award??? What the hell!!??!! NFR award. It’s in the description. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Theodore 16,448 Posted December 15, 2019 NFR award. It’s in the description. Oof, sorry I glanced over that. I kinda feel like it should be separate like last year, but oh well 0 Quote "And when you see my face on every billboard and TV screen, you'll regret the day you walked away" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Barry 6,098 Posted December 15, 2019 Took me ages and I still left 17 questions unanswered but I couldnt think of anyone for them or some I dont know. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CrazySister 2,239 Posted December 15, 2019 Does anyone here would like to be nominated? Just reply to me with the categorie. I was out the whole year, I have no clue about drama of the year, leaker, etc (I would apreciatte if you guys enlighted me a bit ). 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lad 8,804 Posted December 15, 2019 Took me ages and I still left 17 questions unanswered but I couldnt think of anyone for them or some I dont know. Oh that’s a bummer. If you want to fill those up in a separate vote let me know. There is plenty of time to think about your choices, more than two weeks. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheBoss 13,544 Posted December 15, 2019 Does anyone here would like to be nominated? Just reply to me with the categorie. I was out the whole year, I have no clue about drama of the year, leaker, etc (I would apreciatte if you guys enlighted me a bit ). As for drama I think the biggest was the Israel show it was messy from both Lana and the Fandom. Leaker Idk, I don't remember if it was wildsycamore or honeymouns who leaked Colour Blue, and SYTH leaked Dream girl, I think that these were the best tracks that leaked this year, also Fuck My Way and Sad Girl demo were cute. U can nominate me for the NFR! for resident artist award if u want 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ArtDecoDelRey 15,284 Posted December 15, 2019 i joined lanaboards in january 2019 fyi...and i want a lipster award for validation! do yalls thing 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites